Result Filters
Journal of pharmaceutical research international
- NLM Title Abbreviation:
- J Pharm Res Int
- Title(s):
- Journal of pharmaceutical research international.
- Other Title(s):
- Continues:
- British journal of pharmaceutical research ISSN 2231-2919
- Publication Start Year:
- 2017
- Country of Publication:
- India
- Publisher:
- West Bengal, India : ScienceDomain International
- English
- 2456-9119 (Electronic)
- Electronic Links:
- Access not provided by NLM
- In:
- PubMed: Selected citations only
- Current Indexing Status:
- Not currently indexed for MEDLINE. Citations are for articles where the manuscript was deposited in PubMed Central (PMC) in compliance with public access policies. For further information, see Author Manuscripts in PMC.
- Collection Status:
- Not in the NLM Collection
- 101716968 [Serial]