Result Filters
The Review of scientific instruments
- Author(s):
- American Institute of Physics
- Optical Society of America
- NLM Title Abbreviation:
- Rev Sci Instrum
- Title(s):
- The Review of scientific instruments.
- Other Title(s):
- Review of scientific instruments, with physics news and views
REV SCI INSTRUM - Continues In Part:
- Journal of the Optical Society of America and review of scientific instruments ISSN 0093-4119
- Publication Start Year:
- 1930
- Frequency:
- Monthly
- Country of Publication:
- United States
- Publisher:
- 1930-1932 : Menasha, WI : Optical Society of America
- Latest Publisher:
- 1933- : Woodbury, N.Y. : American Institute Of Physics
- Description:
- v. illus., ports.
- English
- 0034-6748 (Print)
1089-7623 (Electronic)
0034-6748 (Linking)
- Coden:
- 32017560
- Electronic Links:
- In:
- PubMed: v36n11, Nov. 1965-v55n3, 1984; v78n1, Jan. 2007-
- Selectively In:
- MEDLINE v36n11, Nov. 1965-v55n3, 1984; v78n1, Jan. 2007-
Index medicus
- Current Indexing Status:
- Currently indexed for MEDLINE.
- Current Subset:
- Index Medicus
- MeSH:
- Equipment and Supplies*
- Broad Subject Term(s):
- Biomedical Engineering
Physics - Publication Type(s):
- Periodical
- Notes:
- Issues for Jan. 1933-Dec. 1937 have title: Review of scientific instruments, with physics news and views.
Called also new ser., Jan. 1930-Dec. 1932.
Sept. 1996 issue supplemented by CD-ROM containing full-text of 9th National Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation.
Also issued online.
Issued by the Optical Society of America, Jan. 1930-Dec. 1932; by the American Institute of Physics, 1938-
- Other ID:
- (DNLM)R28960000(s)
- 0405571 [Serial]