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An element with the atomic symbol N, atomic number 7, and atomic weight [14.00643; 14.00728]. Nitrogen exists as a diatomic gas and makes up about 78% of the earth's atmosphere by volume. It is a constituent of proteins and nucleic acids and found in all living cells.


Nitrogen Cycle

The circulation of nitrogen in nature, consisting of a cycle of biochemical reactions in which atmospheric nitrogen is compounded, dissolved in rain, and deposited in the soil, where it is assimilated and metabolized by animals, plants, bacteria, and fungi, eventually returning to the atmosphere by bacterial decomposition of organic matter.

Year introduced: 2011


PII Nitrogen Regulatory Proteins

A family of signal transducing adaptor proteins that control the METABOLISM of NITROGEN. They are primarily found in prokaryotes.

Year introduced: 2006(1988)


Reactive Nitrogen Species

Nitrogenous products of NITRIC OXIDE synthases, ranging from NITRIC OXIDE to NITRATES. These reactive nitrogen intermediates also include the inorganic PEROXYNITROUS ACID and the organic S-NITROSOTHIOLS.

Year introduced: 2002


Carbon-Nitrogen Lyases

Enzymes that catalyze the cleavage of a carbon-nitrogen bond by means other than hydrolysis or oxidation. Subclasses are the AMMONIA-LYASES, the AMIDINE-LYASES, the amine-lyases, and other carbon-nitrogen lyases. EC 4.3.

Year introduced: 1998


Carbon-Nitrogen Ligases with Glutamine as Amide-N-Donor

Enzymes that catalyze the joining of glutamine-derived ammonia and another molecule. The linkage is in the form of a carbon-nitrogen bond. EC 6.3.5.

Year introduced: 1998


Carbon-Nitrogen Ligases

Enzymes that catalyze the joining of two molecules by the formation of a carbon-nitrogen bond. EC 6.3.

Year introduced: 1998


Nitrogen Compounds

Inorganic compounds that contain nitrogen as an integral part of the molecule.

Year introduced: 1994


Nitrogen Radioisotopes

Unstable isotopes of nitrogen that decay or disintegrate emitting radiation. N atoms with atomic weights 12, 13, 16, 17, and 18 are radioactive nitrogen isotopes.

Year introduced: 1975


Nitrogen Oxides

Inorganic oxides that contain nitrogen.

Year introduced: 1973(1971)


Nitrogen Mustard Compounds

A group of alkylating agents derived from mustard gas, with the sulfur replaced by nitrogen. They were formerly used as toxicants and vesicants, but now function as antineoplastic agents. These compounds are also powerful mutagens, teratogens, immunosuppressants, and carcinogens.


Nitrogen Isotopes

Stable nitrogen atoms that have the same atomic number as the element nitrogen but differ in atomic weight. N-15 is a stable nitrogen isotope.

Year introduced: 1973(1971)


Nitrogen Fixation

The process in certain BACTERIA; FUNGI; and CYANOBACTERIA converting free atmospheric NITROGEN to biologically usable forms of nitrogen, such as AMMONIA; NITRATES; and amino compounds.


Nitrogen Dioxide

Nitrogen oxide (NO2). A highly poisonous gas. Exposure produces inflammation of lungs that may only cause slight pain or pass unnoticed, but resulting edema several days later may cause death. (From Merck, 11th ed) It is a major atmospheric pollutant that is able to absorb UV light that does not reach the earth's surface.

Year introduced: 1965(1963)


Blood Urea Nitrogen

The urea concentration of the blood stated in terms of nitrogen content. Serum (plasma) urea nitrogen is approximately 12% higher than blood urea nitrogen concentration because of the greater protein content of red blood cells. Increases in blood or serum urea nitrogen are referred to as azotemia and may have prerenal, renal, or postrenal causes. (From Saunders Dictionary and Encyclopedia of Laboratory Medicine and Technology, 1984)

Year introduced: 1967(1964)


Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria

Bacteria that are capable of NITROGEN FIXATION.

Year introduced: 2017


N-Glycosyl Hydrolases

A class of enzymes involved in the hydrolysis of the N-glycosidic bond of nitrogen-linked sugars.

Year introduced: 2003(1966)


Lasers, Gas

Lasers in which a gas lasing medium is stimulated to emit light by an electric current or high-frequency oscillator.

Year introduced: 2008



A biologic alkylating agent that exerts its cytotoxic effects by forming DNA ADDUCTS and DNA interstrand crosslinks, thereby inhibiting rapidly proliferating cells. The hydrochloride is an antineoplastic agent used to treat HODGKIN DISEASE and LYMPHOMA.

Year introduced: MECHLORETHAMINE OXIDE was heading 1963-1979


Inert Gas Narcosis

Progressive mental disturbances and unconsciousness due to breathing mixtures of oxygen and inert gases (argon, helium, xenon, krypton, and atmospheric nitrogen) at high pressure.

Year introduced: 1970(1968)

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