Quantum Dots
Nanometer sized fragments of semiconductor crystalline material which emit PHOTONS. The wavelength is based on the quantum confinement size of the dot. They can be embedded in MICROBEADS for high throughput ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY TECHNIQUES.
Year introduced: 2004
PubMed search builder options
Tree Number(s): E07.705, J01.637.512.600.650
MeSH Unique ID: D045663
Entry Terms:
- Dot, Quantum
- Dots, Quantum
- Quantum Dot
- Semiconductor Nanoparticles
- Nanoparticle, Semiconductor
- Nanoparticles, Semiconductor
- Semiconductor Nanoparticle
- Semiconductor Nanocrystals
- Nanocrystal, Semiconductor
- Semiconductor Nanocrystal
- Nanocrystals, Semiconductor
See Also: