From HPO
Aminoaciduria- MedGen UID:
- 116067
- •Concept ID:
- C0238621
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
An increased concentration of an amino acid in the urine.
Increased urinary O-linked sialopeptides- MedGen UID:
- 373111
- •Concept ID:
- C1836533
- •
- Finding
Excretion of peptides conjugated to sialic acid in the urine.
Sensorineural hearing loss disorder- MedGen UID:
- 9164
- •Concept ID:
- C0018784
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
A type of hearing impairment in one or both ears related to an abnormal functionality of the cochlear nerve.
Vertigo- MedGen UID:
- 53006
- •Concept ID:
- C0042571
- •
- Sign or Symptom
An abnormal sensation of spinning while the body is actually stationary.
Intellectual disability, mild- MedGen UID:
- 10044
- •Concept ID:
- C0026106
- •
- Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction
Mild intellectual disability is defined as an intelligence quotient (IQ) in the range of 50-69.
Cerebral atrophy- MedGen UID:
- 116012
- •Concept ID:
- C0235946
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Atrophy (wasting, decrease in size of cells or tissue) affecting the cerebrum.
Cognitive impairment- MedGen UID:
- 90932
- •Concept ID:
- C0338656
- •
- Mental or Behavioral Dysfunction
Abnormal cognition is characterized by deficits in thinking, reasoning, or remembering.
Peripheral axonal neuropathy- MedGen UID:
- 266071
- •Concept ID:
- C1263857
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
An abnormality characterized by disruption of the normal functioning of peripheral axons.
White mater abnormalities in the posterior periventricular region- MedGen UID:
- 373109
- •Concept ID:
- C1836525
- •
- Finding
Distal sensory impairment of all modalities- MedGen UID:
- 322937
- •Concept ID:
- C1836527
- •
- Finding
Reduced ability to sense pain, temperature, touch, vibration stimuli in the distal regions of the extremities.
Axonal degeneration- MedGen UID:
- 332464
- •Concept ID:
- C1837496
- •
- Finding
Distal sensory impairment- MedGen UID:
- 335722
- •Concept ID:
- C1847584
- •
- Finding
An abnormal reduction in sensation in the distal portions of the extremities.
Lacunar stroke- MedGen UID:
- 465269
- •Concept ID:
- C3178801
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
A stroke related to a small infarct (2-20 mm in diameter) in the deep cerebral white matter, basal ganglia, or pons, that is presumed to result from the occlusion of a single small perforating artery supplying the subcortical areas of the brain.
Distal muscle weakness- MedGen UID:
- 140883
- •Concept ID:
- C0427065
- •
- Finding
Reduced strength of the musculature of the distal extremities.
Lymphedema- MedGen UID:
- 6155
- •Concept ID:
- C0024236
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Localized fluid retention and tissue swelling caused by a compromised lymphatic system.
Depressed nasal bridge- MedGen UID:
- 373112
- •Concept ID:
- C1836542
- •
- Finding
Posterior positioning of the nasal root in relation to the overall facial profile for age.
Thick lower lip vermilion- MedGen UID:
- 326567
- •Concept ID:
- C1839739
- •
- Finding
Increased thickness of the lower lip, leading to a prominent appearance of the lower lip. The height of the vermilion of the lower lip in the midline is more than 2 SD above the mean. Alternatively, an apparently increased height of the vermilion of the lower lip in the frontal view (subjective).
Coarse facial features- MedGen UID:
- 335284
- •Concept ID:
- C1845847
- •
- Finding
Absence of fine and sharp appearance of brows, nose, lips, mouth, and chin, usually because of rounded and heavy features or thickened skin with or without thickening of subcutaneous and bony tissues.
Fabry disease- MedGen UID:
- 8083
- •Concept ID:
- C0002986
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Fabry disease is the most common of the lysosomal storage disorders and results from deficient activity of the enzyme alpha-galactosidase A (a-Gal A), leading to progressive lysosomal deposition of globotriaosylceramide and its derivatives in cells throughout the body. The classic form, occurring in males with less than 1% a-Gal A enzyme activity, usually has its onset in childhood or adolescence with periodic crises of severe pain in the extremities (acroparesthesia), the appearance of vascular cutaneous lesions (angiokeratomas), sweating abnormalities (anhidrosis, hypohidrosis, and rarely hyperhidrosis), characteristic corneal and lenticular opacities, and proteinuria. Gradual deterioration of renal function to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) usually occurs in men in the third to fifth decade. In middle age, most males successfully treated for ESRD develop cardiac and/or cerebrovascular disease, a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Heterozygous females typically have milder symptoms at a later age of onset than males. Rarely, females may be relatively asymptomatic throughout a normal life span or may have symptoms as severe as those observed in males with the classic phenotype. In contrast, late-onset forms occur in males with greater than 1% a-Gal A activity. Clinical manifestations include cardiac disease, which usually presents in the sixth to eighth decade with left ventricular hypertrophy, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmia, and proteinuria; renal failure, associated with ESRD but without the skin lesions or pain; or cerebrovascular disease presenting as stroke or transient ischemic attack.
Petechiae- MedGen UID:
- 10680
- •Concept ID:
- C0031256
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Petechiae are pinpoint-sized reddish/purple spots, resembling a rash, that appear just under the skin or a mucous membrane when capillaries have ruptured and some superficial bleeding into the skin has happened. This term refers to an abnormally increased susceptibility to developing petechiae.
Dry skin- MedGen UID:
- 56250
- •Concept ID:
- C0151908
- •
- Sign or Symptom
Skin characterized by the lack of natural or normal moisture.
Hyperkeratosis- MedGen UID:
- 209030
- •Concept ID:
- C0870082
- •
- Disease or Syndrome
Hyperkeratosis is thickening of the epidermis involving the outer layer of the skin, the stratum corneum, which is composed of large, polyhedral, plate-like envelopes filled with keratin which are the dead cells that have migrated up from the stratum granulosum.
Lip telangiectasia- MedGen UID:
- 347522
- •Concept ID:
- C1857697
- •
- Finding
Telangiectasia (that is, the presence of small dilated superficial blood vessels) of the lips.
Telangiectasia of the oral mucosa- MedGen UID:
- 870436
- •Concept ID:
- C4024882
- •
- Anatomical Abnormality
Telangiectasia (that is, the presence of small dilated superficial blood vessels) of the oral mucosa.
Tortuosity of conjunctival vessels- MedGen UID:
- 344487
- •Concept ID:
- C1855391
- •
- Finding
The presence of an increased number of twists and turns of the conjunctival blood vessels.
- Abnormality of head or neck
- Abnormality of metabolism/homeostasis
- Abnormality of the eye
- Abnormality of the genitourinary system
- Abnormality of the integument
- Abnormality of the musculoskeletal system
- Abnormality of the nervous system
- Ear malformation