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Rheumatoid arthritis(RA)

MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
SNOMED CT: Rheumatoid arthritis (69896004); Atrophic arthritis (69896004); Rheumatic gout (69896004); RA - Rheumatoid arthritis (69896004); Rheumatoid disease (69896004); RhA - Rheumatoid arthritis (69896004)
Genes (locations): CD244 (1q23.3); CIITA (16p13.13); IL10 (1q32.1); NFKBIL1 (6p21.33); PTPN22 (1p13.2); SLC22A4 (5q31.1)
HPO: HP:0001370
Monarch Initiative: MONDO:0008383
OMIM®: 180300
Orphanet: ORPHA284130


Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease, primarily of the joints, with autoimmune features and a complex genetic component. [from OMIM]

Additional description

From MedlinePlus Genetics
Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease that causes chronic abnormal inflammation, primarily affecting the joints. The most common signs and symptoms are pain, swelling, and stiffness of the joints. Small joints in the hands and feet are involved most often, although larger joints (such as the shoulders, hips, and knees) may become involved later in the disease. Joints are typically affected in a symmetrical pattern; for example, if joints in the hand are affected, both hands tend to be involved. People with rheumatoid arthritis often report that their joint pain and stiffness is worse when getting out of bed in the morning or after a long rest.

Rheumatoid arthritis can also cause inflammation of other tissues and organs, including the eyes, lungs, and blood vessels. Additional signs and symptoms of the condition can include a loss of energy, a low fever, weight loss, and a shortage of red blood cells (anemia). Some affected individuals develop rheumatoid nodules, which are firm lumps of noncancerous tissue that can grow under the skin and elsewhere in the body.

The signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis usually appear in mid- to late adulthood. Many affected people have episodes of symptoms (flares) followed by periods with no symptoms (remissions) for the rest of their lives. In severe cases, affected individuals have continuous health problems related to the disease for many years. The abnormal inflammation can lead to severe joint damage, which limits movement and can cause significant disability.  https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/condition/rheumatoid-arthritis

Clinical features

From HPO
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Sign or Symptom
Joint pain.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Sign or Symptom
A subjective feeling of tiredness characterized by a lack of energy and motivation.
Swan neck-like deformities of the fingers
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
A swan neck deformity describes a finger with a hyperextended PIP joint and a flexed DIP joint. The most common cause for a swan neck-like deformity is a disruption of the end of the extensor tendon. Conditions that loosen the PIP joint and allow it to hyperextend, for example conditions that weaken the volar plate, can produce a swan neck deformity of the finger. One example is rheumatoid arthritis. Another cause are conditions that tighten up the small (intrinsic) muscles of the hand and fingers, for example hand trauma or nerve disorders, such as cerebral palsy, Parkinson's disease, or stroke.
Interphalangeal joint erosions
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Inflammation of blood vessel.
Weight loss
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Reduction of total body weight.
Rheumatoid arthritis
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease, primarily of the joints, with autoimmune features and a complex genetic component.
Joint swelling
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
The presence of swelling in a joint.
Digital flexor tenosynovitis
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Inflammation of the flexor digitorum tendon, often associated with the Kanavel signs
Joint stiffness
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Sign or Symptom
Joint stiffness is a perceived sensation of tightness in a joint or joints when attempting to move them after a period of inactivity. Joint stiffness typically subsides over time.
Polyarticular arthritis
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Pain and inflammation in more than five joints.
Rheumatoid factor positive
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Laboratory or Test Result
The presence in the serum of an autoantibody directed against the Fc portion of IgG.
Anti-citrullinated protein antibody positivity
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Laboratory or Test Result
The presence autoantibodies in the serum that react do different citrullinated antigens, including filaggrin, fibrinogen, vimentin and collagen.
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Sign or Symptom
Body temperature elevated above the normal range.
Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
An increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). The ESR is a test that measures the distance that erythrocytes have fallen after one hour in a vertical column of anticoagulated blood under the influence of gravity. The ESR is a nonspecific finding. An elevation may indicate inflammation or may be caused by any condition that elevates fibrinogen.
Elevated circulating C-reactive protein concentration
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
An abnormal elevation of the C-reactive protein level in the blood circulation.

Conditions with this feature

Rheumatoid arthritis
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease, primarily of the joints, with autoimmune features and a complex genetic component.
Felty syndrome
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Felty syndrome (FS), also known as ''super rheumatoid'' disease, is a severe form of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), characterized by a triad of RA, splenomegaly and neutropenia, resulting in susceptibility to bacterial infections.
Sjogren syndrome
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Sjogren syndrome is an autoimmune disease that mainly affects the exocrine glands. It is clinically characterized by keratoconjunctivitis sicca and xerostomia (Goransson et al., 2006). See 200400 for association of Sjogren syndrome with achalasia in sisters.
Spondyloenchondrodysplasia with immune dysregulation
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Spondyloenchondrodysplasia with immune dysregulation (SPENCDI) is an immunoosseous dysplasia combining the typical metaphyseal and vertebral bone lesions of spondyloenchondrodysplasia (SPENCD) with immune dysfunction and neurologic involvement. The skeletal dysplasia is characterized by radiolucent and irregular spondylar and metaphyseal lesions that represent islands of chondroid tissue within bone. The vertebral bodies show dorsally accentuated platyspondyly with disturbance of ossification. Clinical abnormalities such as short stature, rhizomelic micromelia, increased lumbar lordosis, barrel chest, facial anomalies, and clumsy movements may be present (Menger et al., 1989). Central nervous system involvement includes spasticity, mental retardation, and cerebral calcifications, and immune dysregulation ranges from autoimmunity to immunodeficiency. Neurologic and autoimmune manifestations have been observed in different combinations within a single family, suggesting that this disorder may be defined by specific radiographic features but has remarkably pleiotropic manifestations (Renella et al., 2006). Briggs et al. (2016) also noted variability in skeletal, neurologic, and immune phenotypes, which was sometimes marked between members of the same family. Classification of the Enchondromatoses In their classification of the enchondromatoses, Spranger et al. (1978) called Ollier disease and Maffucci syndrome types I and II enchondromatosis, respectively; metachondromatosis (156250), type III; and spondyloenchondrodysplasia (SPENCD), also called spondyloenchondromatosis, type IV; enchondromatosis with irregular vertebral lesions, type V; and generalized enchondromatosis, type VI. Halal and Azouz (1991) added 3 tentative categories to the 6 in the classification of Spranger et al. (1978). Pansuriya et al. (2010) suggested a new classification of enchondromatosis (multiple enchondromas).
Achalasia, familial esophageal
MedGen UID:
Concept ID:
Disease or Syndrome
Achalasia is a primary motor disorder of the esophagus. It is characterized by aperistalsis and a failure of the lower esophageal sphincter to relax due to a loss of inhibitory nitrinergic neurons in the esophageal myenteric plexus. Patients typically present with dysphagia, regurgitation, retrosternal pain, and substantial weight loss (summary by Farrokhi and Vaezi, 2007 and Gockel et al., 2010).

Professional guidelines


Cush JJ
Rheum Dis Clin North Am 2022 May;48(2):537-547. doi: 10.1016/j.rdc.2022.02.010. PMID: 35400377
Cush JJ
Med Clin North Am 2021 Mar;105(2):355-365. doi: 10.1016/j.mcna.2020.10.006. PMID: 33589108
Grundy SM, Stone NJ, Bailey AL, Beam C, Birtcher KK, Blumenthal RS, Braun LT, de Ferranti S, Faiella-Tommasino J, Forman DE, Goldberg R, Heidenreich PA, Hlatky MA, Jones DW, Lloyd-Jones D, Lopez-Pajares N, Ndumele CE, Orringer CE, Peralta CA, Saseen JJ, Smith SC Jr, Sperling L, Virani SS, Yeboah J
Circulation 2019 Jun 18;139(25):e1082-e1143. Epub 2018 Nov 10 doi: 10.1161/CIR.0000000000000625. PMID: 30586774Free PMC Article


UK NICE Guideline NG193, Chronic pain (primary and secondary) in over 16s: assessment of all chronic pain and management of chronic primary pain, 2021

UK NICE Guideline NG100, Rheumatoid arthritis in adults: management, 2020

Thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) genotyping to predict myelosuppression risk

Recent clinical studies


Díaz-González F, Hernández-Hernández MV
Med Clin (Barc) 2023 Dec 22;161(12):533-542. Epub 2023 Aug 9 doi: 10.1016/j.medcli.2023.07.014. PMID: 37567824
Liu B, Wang J, Li YY, Li KP, Zhang Q
Arthritis Res Ther 2023 Mar 4;25(1):34. doi: 10.1186/s13075-023-03018-6. PMID: 36871051Free PMC Article
Xu L, Chang C, Jiang P, Wei K, Zhang R, Jin Y, Zhao J, Xu L, Shi Y, Guo S, He D
Front Immunol 2022;13:961708. Epub 2022 Aug 11 doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.961708. PMID: 36032122Free PMC Article
England BR, Thiele GM, Anderson DR, Mikuls TR
BMJ 2018 Apr 23;361:k1036. doi: 10.1136/bmj.k1036. PMID: 29685876Free PMC Article
Wasserman AM
Am Fam Physician 2011 Dec 1;84(11):1245-52. PMID: 22150658


Di Matteo A, Bathon JM, Emery P
Lancet 2023 Nov 25;402(10416):2019-2033. Epub 2023 Oct 27 doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)01525-8. PMID: 38240831
Cush JJ
Rheum Dis Clin North Am 2022 May;48(2):537-547. doi: 10.1016/j.rdc.2022.02.010. PMID: 35400377
Cush JJ
Med Clin North Am 2021 Mar;105(2):355-365. doi: 10.1016/j.mcna.2020.10.006. PMID: 33589108
Littlejohn EA, Monrad SU
Prim Care 2018 Jun;45(2):237-255. doi: 10.1016/j.pop.2018.02.010. PMID: 29759122
Wasserman AM
Am Fam Physician 2011 Dec 1;84(11):1245-52. PMID: 22150658


Ishizaki J, Hasegawa H
Methods Mol Biol 2024;2766:317-324. doi: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3682-4_32. PMID: 38270891
Yang V, Kragstrup TW, McMaster C, Reid P, Singh N, Haysen SR, Robinson PC, Liew DFL
Drug Saf 2023 Nov;46(11):1049-1071. Epub 2023 Jul 25 doi: 10.1007/s40264-023-01333-0. PMID: 37490213Free PMC Article
Wan R, Fan Y, Zhao A, Xing Y, Huang X, Zhou L, Wang Y
Front Immunol 2022;13:829409. Epub 2022 Mar 7 doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.829409. PMID: 35320944Free PMC Article
van de Sande MGH, van Vollenhoven RF
Curr Opin Rheumatol 2018 Jul;30(4):340-346. doi: 10.1097/BOR.0000000000000516. PMID: 29697434
Santos I, Cantista P, Vasconcelos C
Int J Biometeorol 2016 Aug;60(8):1287-301. Epub 2015 Nov 25 doi: 10.1007/s00484-015-1108-5. PMID: 26607275


Shah Gupta R, Koteci A, Morgan A, George PM, Quint JK
BMJ Open Respir Res 2023 Jun;10(1) doi: 10.1136/bmjresp-2022-001291. PMID: 37308252Free PMC Article
Wu D, Luo Y, Li T, Zhao X, Lv T, Fang G, Ou P, Li H, Luo X, Huang A, Pang Y
Front Immunol 2022;13:1051082. Epub 2022 Dec 22 doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.1051082. PMID: 36618407Free PMC Article
Venetsanopoulou AI, Alamanos Y, Voulgari PV, Drosos AA
Expert Rev Clin Immunol 2022 Sep;18(9):923-931. Epub 2022 Jul 29 doi: 10.1080/1744666X.2022.2106970. PMID: 35904251
Hahn J, Cook NR, Alexander EK, Friedman S, Walter J, Bubes V, Kotler G, Lee IM, Manson JE, Costenbader KH
BMJ 2022 Jan 26;376:e066452. doi: 10.1136/bmj-2021-066452. PMID: 35082139Free PMC Article
Emery P, Suarez-Almazor ME
Am Fam Physician 2003 Nov 1;68(9):1821-3. PMID: 14620602

Clinical prediction guides

Ikonomidis I, Makavos G, Katsimbri P, Boumpas DT, Parissis J, Iliodromitis E
JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2019 Dec;12(12):2517-2537. Epub 2019 Mar 13 doi: 10.1016/j.jcmg.2018.06.033. PMID: 30878436
Zhao J, Li ZG
Int J Rheum Dis 2018 Dec;21(12):2059-2062. doi: 10.1111/1756-185X.13459. PMID: 30681275
do Prado AD, Staub HL, Bisi MC, da Silveira IG, Mendonça JA, Polido-Pereira J, Fonseca JE
Adv Rheumatol 2018 Aug 2;58(1):19. doi: 10.1186/s42358-018-0023-y. PMID: 30657086
Berthelot JM
Clin Exp Rheumatol 2014 Sep-Oct;32(5 Suppl 85):S-80-4. Epub 2014 Oct 30 PMID: 25365094
Krenn V, Morawietz L, Häupl T, Neidel J, Petersen I, König A
Pathol Res Pract 2002;198(5):317-25. doi: 10.1078/0344-0338-5710261. PMID: 12092767

Recent systematic reviews

Conley B, Bunzli S, Bullen J, O'Brien P, Persaud J, Gunatillake T, Nikpour M, Grainger R, Barnabe C, Lin I
Clin Rheumatol 2023 Sep;42(9):2267-2278. Epub 2023 Jun 9 doi: 10.1007/s10067-023-06654-0. PMID: 37291382Free PMC Article
Frazzei G, Musters A, de Vries N, Tas SW, van Vollenhoven RF
Autoimmun Rev 2023 Jan;22(1):103217. Epub 2022 Oct 22 doi: 10.1016/j.autrev.2022.103217. PMID: 36280095
Abdelhafiz D, Baker T, Glascow DA, Abdelhafiz A
Postgrad Med 2023 Apr;135(3):214-223. Epub 2022 Mar 16 doi: 10.1080/00325481.2022.2052626. PMID: 35275765
Hu H, Xu A, Gao C, Wang Z, Wu X
J Adv Nurs 2021 Feb;77(2):506-522. Epub 2020 Nov 11 doi: 10.1111/jan.14574. PMID: 33176012
Wang W, Zhou H, Liu L
Eur J Med Chem 2018 Oct 5;158:502-516. Epub 2018 Sep 13 doi: 10.1016/j.ejmech.2018.09.027. PMID: 30243154

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    • NICE, 2021
      UK NICE Guideline NG193, Chronic pain (primary and secondary) in over 16s: assessment of all chronic pain and management of chronic primary pain, 2021
    • NICE, 2020
      UK NICE Guideline NG100, Rheumatoid arthritis in adults: management, 2020
    • Nguyen et al., 2011
      Thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) genotyping to predict myelosuppression risk

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