Caenorhabditis elegans predicted gene alh-11, encoding aldehyde dehydrogenase ALDH9B1.
SUMMARY back to top
Map on chromosome III, links to other databases and other names
Map: This gene alh-11 maps on chomosome III at position -26.12 (interpolated).
Links to: WormBase, RNAiDB.
Other names: The gene is also known in Wormgenes/AceView by its positional name 3B392, in Wormbase by its cosmid.number name F42G9.5.
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This diagram shows in true scale the gene on the genome, the mRNAs and the cDNA clones.
Compact gene diagram back to top
Gene alh-11 5' 3' encoded on minus strand of chromosome III from 778,865 to 774,316 0bp 0 Alternative mRNAs are shown aligned from 5' to 3' on a virtual genome where introns have been shrunk to a minimal length. Exon size is proportional to length, intron height reflects the number of cDNAs supporting each intron, the small numbers show the support of the introns in deep sequencing (with details in mouse-over) . Introns of the same color are identical, of different colors are different. 'Good proteins' are pink, partial or not-good proteins are yellow, uORFs are green. 5' cap or3' poly A flags show completeness of the transcript.
Sequences: click on the numbers to get the DNA back to top
Summaries of AceView transcripts and proteins back to top
Predicted protein properties back to top
Gene neighbors and Navigator on chromosome III back to top
3B379 C ptl-1 C I R P tpst-2 C cyn-6 C I P 3B403 D C I P rps-29 D C R P P D C I P 3B374 C I R P C R alh-11 D C I R P snt-2 5kb 0 3B379, 48 accessions, 3 variants ptl-1, 59 accessions, 8 variants tpst-2, 0 accession cyn-6, 335 accessions 2 variants 3B403, 85 accessions, 3 variants rps-29, 856 accessions 3 variants 3B409, 1 accession 3B425, 50 accessions, 9 variants 3B411sno, 0 accession gei-16, 123 accessions 27 variants 3B374, 103 accessions 16 variants 3B396, 0 accession alh-11, 0 accession snt-2, 19 accessions, 5 variants ZOOM OUT                 D:disease, C:conserved, I:interactions, R:regulation, P:publications         Read more...
? Gene Summary Gene on genome mRNA Expression Tissue Function, regulation, related genes C

To mine knowledge about the gene, please click the 'Gene Summary' or the 'Function, regulation, related genes ' tab at the top of the page. The 'Gene Summary' page includes all we learnt about the gene, functional annotations of neighboring genes, maps, links to other sites and the bibliography. The 'Function, regulation, related genes ' page includes Diseases (D), Pathways, GO annotations, conserved domains (C), interactions (I) reference into function, and pointers to all genes with the same functional annotation.
To see the mRNA diagram, sequence and annotation, click the 'mRNA' tab. To examine expression data from all cDNAs clustered in this gene by AceView, click the 'Expression tissue'.

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