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On the Aug 2010 annotation of the human genome

10 genes relate directly or indirectly to HIST1H3I

Gene Name Aligned
on chrom
Cyto location Supporting
1HIST1H2AIandHIST1H3H6"6p22.1"148histone cluster 1, H2ai and histone cluster 1, H3h.
2HIST1H2AMandHIST1H3J6"6p22.1"54histone cluster 1, H2am and histone cluster 1, H3j.
3HIST1H2BN6"6p22.1"10histone cluster 1, H2bn.
4HIST1H3A6"6p21.3"28histone cluster 1, H3a.
5HIST1H3B6"6p21.3"29histone cluster 1, H3b.
6HIST1H3C6"6p21.3"5histone cluster 1, H3c.
7HIST1H3E6"6p21.3"43histone cluster 1, H3e.
8HIST1H3F6"6p22.2"1histone cluster 1, H3f.
9HIST1H3G6"6p21.3"34histone cluster 1, H3g.
10HIST1H3I6"6p22.1"17histone cluster 1, H3i.
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