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How to submit clinical microbe test information in the Interpretation section of the submission form

This page is organized according to the sections you see on the Interpretation tab. You may click on the name of the section below to navigate to that section of this document.

Please note that most sections in the form provide tool tips, accessible by this icon (help icon), that provide hints specific to that area.

Upload Sample Reports

Sample negative and Sample positive reports will display in the Interpretation tab of the test record. GTR staff will review your report for actual or potential identifiers before it becomes public so there may be a delay from the time you upload your report and when you can see it in the public site.

Do not include date of birth, family numbers, sample numbers, medical record numbers, patient name, etc. Format for birth date such as XX/XX/2005 is acceptable but 9/9/1999 will not be accepted as this potentially a real birth date. Most fabricated names are potentially real as well, so please do not include these in your sample reports.

Sample negative report (recommended). Upload a sample report with negative results. Please make sure that all identifiable information (both actual and potential) is absent from the report.

Sample positive report (recommended). Upload a sample report with positive results. Please make sure that all identifiable information (both actual and potential) is absent from the report.

Result Interpretation and Details

How long can the microbe be present after therapy (rendering consequent tests meaningless)? (optional) Describe the usual or average timeframe the microbe may be present after therapy in which case testing is not recommended.

Comments about the test interpretation (optional) Describe information the ordering clinician should be aware of about the interpretation of the test result (e.g. clinical implication of a positive, negative or inconclusive test result).

Research performed after clinical testing is complete (recommended) After clinical testing is complete, does the laboratory perform any research testing using the submitted specimen? (Quality control is not considered as research for this question.)

Save your work

Don't forget to save your work by clicking the Save & Continue button at the bottom of the page! If you need to interrupt or delay data entry, you can return at a later time and you will be taken to the last tab you saved.

If any required fields or data inconsistencies are detected on this page, an error message will display after you click Save & Continue indicating what the issue is. The field(s) that need attention will be outlined in red. Please correct your data and click "Save & Continue" again.

Last updated: 2023-02-27T16:12:34Z