GEO help: Mouse over screen elements for information. |
GEO accession display tool
Type in the a valid GEO accession number in the text box above, select
your desired display options, and press the "Go" button.
Three types of display options are currently available:
- Scope allows you to display the GEO accession(s) which you wish to
target for display. You may display the GEO accession which is
typed into the text box itself ("Self"), or any ("Platform", "Samples", or "Series")
or all ("Family") of the accessions related to the accession number
typed into the text box.
Example: the family of GPL5 in brief HTML
- Format allows you to display the GEO accession in human readable,
linked "HTML" form, or in machine readable, "SOFT" form. SOFT stands for
"simple omnibus format in text".
Example: GPL5 in brief SOFT
More about SOFT...
- Amount allows you to control the amount of data that you will see
displayed. "Brief" displays the accession's attributes only. "Quick"
displays the accession's attributes and the first twenty rows of its data
table. "Full" displays the accessions's attributes and the full data table.
"Data" omits the accession's attributes, showing only the links to other
accessions as well as the full data table.
Example: GPL5 in full HTML
If you are new to GEO and need a place to start, try browsing lists of GEO data and experiments using either the
GDS browser or the current
GEO repository contents.
An excellent way to perform sophisticated queries of GEO data and to
traverse links to other Entrez databases is
to query Entrez GEO Profiles
and Entrez GEO DataSets databases.
Entrez GEO Profiles queries precomputed gene expression / molecular abundance profiles,
while Entrez GEO DataSets queries all experimental annotation. As with any other NCBI Entrez
database, a simple Boolean phrase may be entered
and restricted to any number of supported attribute fields,
enabling effective query and mining.
Need more microarray data?
If you are interested in machine-readable dumps of the GEO repository,
SOFT is the best option. Both curated GEO DataSets and original GEO data are available for bulk download in SOFT format via