Oryza sativa L. cv Nipponbare, Tissue: root, Age: two weeks after germination
Treatment protocol
Third leaves, which were cut at the lamina joint with a razor blade in water, were excised from the two-week-old seedlings and immediately dipped in distilled water containing 0.1% dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). The excised organ was incubated at 30°C for 120 min, harvested and stored at -80°C until the RNA was extracted.
Growth protocol
Rice (Oryza sativa L. cv Nipponbare) seeds were sterilized with 70 % ethanol for 1 min and then with 2 % (w/v) sodium hypochlorite for 15 min, soaked in distilled water at 30°C for 1 d and 30 germinated seeds were transferred to a nylon net floating on tap water that had been adjusted to pH 5.5. Seedlings were grown for 2-weeks in an environment-controlled greenhouse with a photoperiod of 12 h light (30°C)/12 h dark (25°C).
Extracted molecule
total RNA
Extraction protocol
Total RNA was prepared with the RNeasy plant Mini Kit (Qiagen).
Label protocol
Approximately 10 µg of total RNA was processed to produce biotinylated cRNA targets.
Hybridization protocol
standard Affymetrix procedures
Scan protocol
standard Affymetrix procedures
Publication: Naoya Hirose, Nobue Makita, Mikiko Kojima, Tomoe Kamada-Nobusada and Hitoshi Sakakibara (2007) Over-expression of a Type-A Response Regulator Alters Rice Morphology and Cytokinin Metabolism. Plant Cell Physiology, 48: in press.