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Series GSE80833 Query DataSets for GSE80833
Status Public on May 06, 2016
Title Human U937 cell transcriptome response to Zaire Ebola virus wild-type in the ΔVP30 background and Δmucin virus [miRNA]
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Non-coding RNA profiling by array
Summary The purpose is to obtain samples for microRNA analysis in human U937 cells infected with Zaire Ebola virus wild-type in the ΔVP30 background and Δmucin virus.
Overall design Human U937 cells (monocyte-like) expressing the Ebola VP30 protein were infected with Zaire Ebola virus wild-type (wild) in the ΔVP30 background and Δmucin virus (encodes a GP lacking the mucin domain) (mucin) in the Ebola ΔVP30 background. Infected samples were collected in quintuplet; time-matched mocks were collected in quintuplet in parallel with infected samples. Time points: 8, 18, and 30 h post-infection.
Contributor(s) Halfmann P, Thompson A, Waters KM, Eisfeld AJ, Kawaoka Y
Citation(s) 38565538
Submission date Apr 29, 2016
Last update date Jun 19, 2024
Contact name Natalie Heller
Organization name PNNL
Street address 902 Battelle Blvd.
City Richland
ZIP/Postal code 99354
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL19730 Agilent-046064 Unrestricted_Human_miRNA_V19.0_Microarray (Probe Name version)
Samples (38)
GSM2138624 EU937001_mock_8h_1_microRNA
GSM2138625 EU937001_mock_8h_2_microRNA
GSM2138626 EU937001_mock_8h_3_microRNA
This SubSeries is part of SuperSeries:
GSE65575 Modeling Host Responses to Understand Severe Human Virus Infections
BioProject PRJNA320102

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GSE80833_RAW.tar 133.3 Mb (http)(custom) TAR (of TXT)
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