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Series GSE201257 Query DataSets for GSE201257
Status Public on Apr 28, 2022
Title Schwann cell precursors represent a neural crest-like hub state with biased multipotency
Organism Mus musculus
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Schwann cell precursors (SCPs) are nerve-associated progenitors that not only can generate myelinating and non-myelinating Schwann cells but also are multipotent like the neural crest cells from which they originate. SCPs are omnipresent along outgrowing peripheral nerves throughout the body of vertebrate embryos. By using single-cell transcriptomics to generate the atlas of the entire neural crest lineage, we show that early SCPs and late migratory crest have similar transcriptional profiles characterized by a multipotent “hub” state containing cells biased towards traditional neural crest fates. SCPs keep diverging from the neural crest after being primed towards terminal Schwann cell and other fates, with different subtypes residing in distinct anatomical locations. Functional experiments using CRISPR-Cas9 loss-of-function further show that knock-out of the hub gene Sox8 causes defects in neural crest-derived cells along peripheral nerves by facilitating differentiation of SCPs towards sympathoadrenal fates. Finally, specific tumour populations found in melanoma, neurofibroma and neuroblastoma map to different stages of SCP/Schwann cell development. Overall, SCPs resemble migrating neural crest cells that maintain multipotency and become transcriptionally primed toward distinct lineages.
Overall design Smart-Seq2 protocol was performed on single isolated cells by Eukaryotic Single Cell Genomics Facility at SciLifeLab, Stockholm. Single TOMATO+ cells were sorted into 384-well plates prefilled with lysis buffer according to the previously published SmartSeq2 protocol (Picelli, Faridani et al. 2014) using a BD FACSAria Fusion Cell Sorter B5/R3/V3 system with a three-laser configuration (488nm, 633nm, and 405nm) and 16 fluorescence detectors. Single-cell transcriptomic sequencing was performed as previously described (Picelli, Faridani et al. 2014).
Contributor(s) Eleni KM, Faure L, von Ahsen D, Bouderlique TG, Boström J, Solovieva T, Jackson C, Bronner M, Meijer D, Hadjab S, Lallemend F, Erickson A, Kaucka M, Dyachuk V, Perlmann T, Lahti L, Krivanek J, Brunet F, Fried K, Adameyko I
Citation(s) 35815410
Submission date Apr 21, 2022
Last update date Jul 11, 2023
Contact name Louis Faure
Phone 06766018048
Organization name Medical University of Vienna
Street address Spitalgasse 4 Uni-Campus, 1090 Wien
City Wien
State/province Österreich
ZIP/Postal code 1090
Country Austria
Platforms (1)
GPL13112 Illumina HiSeq 2000 (Mus musculus)
Samples (50)
GSM6056790 Cranial E12.5 Plp1-CreERT2 SS2_15_0073
GSM6056791 Trunk E9.5 Wnt1-Cre SS2_15_0085
GSM6056792 Trunk E9.5 Wnt1-Cre SS2_15_0086
BioProject PRJNA830512

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GSE201257_adata_QC_filtered.h5ad.gz 286.9 Mb (ftp)(http) H5AD
GSE201257_adata_assigned.h5ad.gz 2.3 Gb (ftp)(http) H5AD
GSE201257_adata_glia_focus.h5ad.gz 446.4 Mb (ftp)(http) H5AD
GSE201257_adata_processed.h5ad.gz 2.3 Gb (ftp)(http) H5AD
GSE201257_adata_raw.h5ad.gz 301.5 Mb (ftp)(http) H5AD
GSE201257_adata_scenic.h5ad.gz 27.1 Mb (ftp)(http) H5AD
GSE201257_adata_tree.h5ad.gz 2.4 Gb (ftp)(http) H5AD
GSE201257_adata_velo_raw.h5ad.gz 1.3 Gb (ftp)(http) H5AD 420.9 Mb (ftp)(http) DATA 420.9 Mb (ftp)(http) DATA
GSE201257_raw_counts.csv.gz 182.0 Mb (ftp)(http) CSV
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