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Series GSE181674 Query DataSets for GSE181674
Status Public on Aug 09, 2021
Title Islet Sympathetic Innervation and Islet Neuropathology in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes
Organism Homo sapiens
Experiment type Expression profiling by high throughput sequencing
Summary Dysregulation of glucagon secretion in type 1 diabetes (T1D) involves hypersecretion during postprandial states, but insufficient secretion during hypoglycemia. The sympathetic nervous system regulates glucagon secretion. To investigate islet sympathetic innervation in T1D, sympathetic tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) axons were analyzed in control non-diabetic organ donors, non-diabetic islet autoantibody-positive individuals (AAb), and age-matched persons with T1D. Islet TH axon numbers and density were significantly decreased in AAb compared to T1D with no significant differences observed in exocrine TH axon volume or lengths between groups. TH axons were in close approximation to islet α-cells in T1D individuals with long-standing diabetes. Islet RNA-sequencing and qRT-PCR analyses identified significant alterations in noradrenalin degradation, α-adrenergic signaling, cardiac b-adrenergic signaling, catecholamine biosynthesis, and additional neuropathology pathways. The close approximation of TH axons at islet α-cells supports a model for sympathetic efferent neurons directly regulating glucagon secretion. Sympathetic islet innervation and intrinsic adrenergic signaling pathways could be novel targets for improving glucagon secretion in T1D.
Overall design Laser microdissected islets from pancreas organ donors were analyzed by RNA-sequencing and bioinformatics to determine differentially regulated genes.
Contributor(s) Campbell-Thomson M, Butterworth EA, Boatwright JL, Nair MA, Nasif LH, Nasif K, Revell AY, Riva A, Mathews CE, Gerling IC, Schatz DA, Atkinson MA
Citation(s) 33753784
Submission date Aug 09, 2021
Last update date Aug 10, 2021
Contact name Alberto Riva
Organization name University of Florida
Department ICBR
Lab Bioinformatics Core
Street address 2033 Mowry Rd
City Gainesville
State/province FL
ZIP/Postal code 32605
Country USA
Platforms (1)
GPL21290 Illumina HiSeq 3000 (Homo sapiens)
Samples (18)
GSM5509128 AAb_6267
GSM5509129 AAb_6424
GSM5509130 AAb_6429
BioProject PRJNA752997
SRA SRP331606

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GSE181674_AAb-ND_core_analysis.xls.gz 14.8 Kb (ftp)(http) XLS
GSE181674_AAb-T1D_core_analysis.xls.gz 16.3 Kb (ftp)(http) XLS
GSE181674_RNAseq-counts.xlsx 4.2 Mb (ftp)(http) XLSX
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