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Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliases
ID: 821412
pre-mRNA-splicing factor ISY1-like protein [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 3, NC_003074.8 (6477661..6479582)AT3G18790
ID: 817055
chromatin remodeling factor CHD3 (PICKLE) [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 2, NC_003071.7 (10713807..10724106)AT2G25170, AT2G25170.1, CHD3, CHD3 PROTEIN, CHR6, CKH2, CYTOKININ-HYPERSENSITIVE 2, ENHANCED PHOTOMORPHOGENIC 1, EPP1, GYM, GYMNOS, PICKLE, SSL2, SUPPRESSOR OF SLR 2
ID: 835935
Transducin/WD40 repeat-like superfamily protein [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 5, NC_003076.8 (23556012..23558245)AT5G58230, ARABIDOPSIS MULTICOPY SUPRESSOR OF IRA1, ATMSI1, MATERNAL EFFECT EMBRYO ARREST 70, MCK7.10, MCK7_10, MEE70, MULTICOPY SUPRESSOR OF IRA1
ID: 817927
switch subunit 3 [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 2, NC_003071.7 (14228972..14231408)AT2G33610, ATSWI3B, CHB2, CHROMATIN REMODELING COMPLEX SUBUNIT B, F4P9.38, F4P9_38, switch subunit 3
ID: 828668
fibrillarin 2 [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 4, NC_003075.7 (13074090..13076432)AT4G25630, ATFIB2, L73G19.10, L73G19_10, fibrillarin 2
ID: 837506
cell division cycle 5 [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 1, NC_003070.9 (3161832..3165616)AT1G09770, ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA CELL DIVISION CYCLE 5, ARABIDOPSIS THALIANA MYB DOMAIN CELL DIVISION CYCLE 5, ATCDC5, ATMYBCDC5, F21M12.15, F21M12_15, cell division cycle 5
ID: 821960
nuclear RNA polymerase D2A [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 3, NC_003074.8 (8567572..8574209, complement)AT3G23780, DEFECTIVE IN MERISTEM SILENCING 2, DMS2, DRD2, NRPD2, NRPE2, OCP1, OVEREXPRESSOR OF CATIONIC PEROXIDASE 1, nuclear RNA polymerase D2A
ID: 844347
Pre-mRNA-processing-splicing factor [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 1, NC_003070.9 (30117847..30127811)AT1G80070, ABNORMAL SUSPENSOR 2, EMB14, EMB177, EMB33, EMBRYO DEFECTIVE 14, EMBRYO DEFECTIVE 177, EMBRYO DEFECTIVE 33, F18B13.15, F18B13_15, PRP8
ID: 819814
chromatin-remodeling protein 11 [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 3, NC_003074.8 (1940907..1946980)AT3G06400, F24P17.13, F24P17_13, chromatin-remodeling protein 11
ID: 838425
actin-related protein 4 [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 1, NC_003070.9 (6348048..6352010)AT1G18450, ATARP4, F15H18.8, F15H18_8, actin-related protein 4
ID: 827328
guanyl-nucleotide exchange factors;GTPase binding;GTP binding protein [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 4, NC_003075.7 (9228185..9241629, complement)AT4G16340, DL4200C, FCAALL.346, SPIKE1
ID: 828259
DNA-directed RNA polymerase family protein [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 4, NC_003075.7 (11535404..11542405, complement)AT4G21710, EMB1989, EMBRYO DEFECTIVE 1989, F17L22.170, F17L22_170, RPB2
ID: 822505
high mobility group [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 3, NC_003074.8 (10784888..10788729)AT3G28730, ATHMG, NFD, NUCLEOSOME/CHROMATIN ASSEMBLY FACTOR D, SSRP1, high mobility group
ID: 837131
Ribosomal protein S5/Elongation factor G/III/V family protein [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 1, NC_003070.9 (1899951..1904897)AT1G06220, CLO, CLOTHO, F9P14.8, F9P14_8, GAMETOPHYTE FACTOR 1, GFA1, MATERNAL EFFECT EMBRYO ARREST 5
ID: 839503
MOS4-associated complex 3A [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 1, NC_003070.9 (1226483..1230947)AT1G04510, F19P19.2, F19P19_2, MOS4-associated complex 3A, MOS4-associated complex 3A
ID: 831267
SWIB/MDM2 domain superfamily protein [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 5, NC_003076.8 (4568480..4570994, complement)AT5G14170, BAF60, MUA22.17, MUA22_17
ID: 838774
SWITCH/sucrose nonfermenting 3C [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 1, NC_003070.9 (7620001..7624166, complement)AT1G21700, ATSWI3C, CHB4, CHROMATIN REMODELING COMPLEX SUBUNIT B, F8K7.13, F8K7_13, SWITCH/sucrose nonfermenting 3C
ID: 832293
P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases superfamily protein [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 5, NC_003076.8 (7390796..7394280, complement)AT5G22330, ATTIP49A, MWD9.12, MWD9_12, RESISTANCE TO PSEUDOMONAS SYRINGAE PV MACULICOLA INTERACTOR 1
ID: 816035
DNA-directed RNA polymerase family protein [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 2, NC_003071.7 (6733534..6735819)AT2G15430, F26H6.5, F26H6_5, NRPD3, NRPE3A, RBP36A, RPB35.5A
ID: 831980
chromatin remodeling factor17 [Arabidopsis thaliana (thale cress)]Chromosome 5, NC_003076.8 (6195689..6202168, complement)AT5G18620, T1A4.2, chromatin remodeling factor17
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