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Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliasesMIM
ID: 92285
zinc finger protein 585B [Homo sapiens (human)]Chromosome 19, NC_000019.10 (37181579..37210536, complement)SZFP41, Zfp27
ID: 733912
zinc finger protein 585B [Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog)]Chromosome 6, NC_030682.2 (3557067..3563368)xfdl156-a, znf585b-b, znf585b
ID: 713689
zinc finger protein 585B [Macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkey)]Chromosome 19, NC_041772.1 (36508761..36523479, complement)ZNF585A
ID: 455978
zinc finger protein 585B [Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee)]Chromosome 20, NC_072418.2 (39462163..39491029)ZNF585A
ID: 100385684
zinc finger protein 585B [Callithrix jacchus (white-tufted-ear marmoset)]Chromosome 22, NC_071463.1 (31874883..31898787)
ID: 105706211
zinc finger protein 585B [Aotus nancymaae (Ma's night monkey)]NW_026988441.1 (16051818..16067460, complement)
ID: 119521663
zinc finger protein 585B [Choloepus didactylus (southern two-toed sloth)]Chromosome 27, NC_051333.1 (17629187..17720046)
ID: 116480777
zinc finger protein 585B [Hylobates moloch (silvery gibbon)]NW_026652288.1 (39817538..39892520)
ID: 112612995
zinc finger protein 585B [Theropithecus gelada (gelada)]Chromosome 19, NC_037687.1 (42799500..42819800)
ID: 111554007
zinc finger protein 585B [Piliocolobus tephrosceles (Ugandan red Colobus)]Chromosome 21, NC_045454.1 (20315514..20331803)
ID: 108287822
zinc finger protein 585B [Cebus imitator (Panamanian white-faced capuchin)]NW_016107671.1 (1412274..1428412, complement)
ID: 105594960
zinc finger protein 585B [Cercocebus atys (sooty mangabey)]NW_011999145.1 (2463555..2476510)
ID: 105517892
zinc finger protein 585B [Colobus angolensis palliatus]NW_012116377.1 (1001959..1034680, complement)
ID: 104679925
zinc finger protein 585B [Rhinopithecus roxellana (golden snub-nosed monkey)]Chromosome 12, NC_044560.1 (31996957..32010794, complement)
ID: 103234593
zinc finger protein 585B [Chlorocebus sabaeus (green monkey)]NW_023666073.1 (9879529..9892431, complement)
ID: 101153365
zinc finger protein 585B [Gorilla gorilla gorilla (western lowland gorilla)]Chromosome 20, NC_073244.2 (48349855..48418456, complement)
ID: 101043802
zinc finger protein 585B [Saimiri boliviensis (Bolivian squirrel monkey)]NW_024100963.1 (37425183..37441150)
ID: 101005942
zinc finger protein 585B [Papio anubis (olive baboon)]Chromosome 20, NC_044995.1 (19305516..19319018)
ID: 100986822
zinc finger protein 585B [Pan paniscus (pygmy chimpanzee)]Chromosome 20, NC_073269.2 (43326711..43393502, complement)
ID: 100604582
zinc finger protein 585B [Nomascus leucogenys (northern white-cheeked gibbon)]Chromosome 11, NC_044391.1 (46169787..46197796)
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