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Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliasesMIM
ID: 10813
UTP14A small subunit processome component [Homo sapiens (human)]Chromosome X, NC_000023.11 (129906164..129929752)NYCO16, SDCCAG16, Utp14, dJ537K23.3300508
ID: 72554
UTP14A small subunit processome component [Mus musculus (house mouse)]Chromosome X, NC_000086.8 (47345811..47371326)2700066J21Rik, JsdX, NY-CO-16, SDCCAG16, mKIAA0266
ID: 317579
UTP14A small subunit processome component [Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)]Chromosome X, NC_086039.1 (132317163..132342524)
ID: 492128
UTP14A small subunit processome component [Canis lupus familiaris (dog)]Chromosome X, NC_051843.1 (102950950..102969225)
ID: 493567
UTP14A, small subunit processome component [Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog)]Chromosome 8, NC_030684.2 (59946067..59964170)ny-co-16, sdccag16
ID: 703510
UTP14A small subunit processome component [Macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkey)]Chromosome X, NC_041774.1 (126159873..126184433)
ID: 473776
UTP14A small subunit processome component [Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee)]Chromosome X, NC_072421.2 (127355566..127379191)CK820_G0029937, UTP14C
ID: 422140
UTP14A small subunit processome component [Gallus gallus (chicken)]Chromosome 4, NC_052535.1 (1573308..1577891, complement)
ID: 138110638
UTP14A small subunit processome component [Aphelocoma coerulescens (scrub jay)]Chromosome 4A, NC_091018.1 (21351101..21356900, complement)
ID: 132513414
UTP14A small subunit processome component [Lagenorhynchus albirostris (white-beaked dolphin)]Chromosome X, NC_083116.1 (20274609..20293503, complement)
ID: 131821486
UTP14A small subunit processome component [Mustela lutreola (European mink)]Chromosome X, NC_081308.1 (112377120..112396506)
ID: 131502191
UTP14A small subunit processome component [Neofelis nebulosa (Clouded leopard)]Chromosome X, NC_080800.1 (107159350..107178625)
ID: 126050398
UTP14A small subunit processome component [Accipiter gentilis (Northern goshawk)]Chromosome 24, NC_064903.1 (813014..818785)
ID: 125157806
UTP14A small subunit processome component [Prionailurus viverrinus (fishing cat)]Chromosome X, NC_062579.1 (100422059..100441080)
ID: 125091961
UTP14A small subunit processome component [Lutra lutra (Eurasian river otter)]Chromosome X, NC_062296.1 (20921635..20941418, complement)
ID: 123935442
UTP14A small subunit processome component [Meles meles (Eurasian badger)]Chromosome X, NC_060087.1 (111523452..111543257)
ID: 123827814
UTP14A small subunit processome component [Phyllostomus hastatus (greater spear-nosed bat)]NW_025333984.1 (4712984..4733866, complement)
ID: 121483549
UTP14A small subunit processome component [Vulpes lagopus (Arctic fox)]Chromosome X, NC_054848.1 (101039339..101058164)
ID: 118925265
UTP14A small subunit processome component [Manis pentadactyla (Chinese pangolin)]Chromosome X, NC_080038.1 (117132056..117152460, complement)
ID: 115333741
UTP14A small subunit processome component [Aquila chrysaetos chrysaetos]Chromosome 21, NC_044024.1 (24092837..24098584, complement)
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