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Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliasesMIM
ID: 7327
ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 G2 [Homo sapiens (human)]Chromosome 21, NC_000021.9 (44768580..44801820, complement)UBC7603124
ID: 22213
ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2G 2 [Mus musculus (house mouse)]Chromosome 10, NC_000076.7 (77458155..77481824)1110003O05Rik, D10Xrf369, UBC7, Ubc7p
ID: 294331
ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2G 2 [Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)]Chromosome 20, NC_086038.1 (10983322..11005060, complement)
ID: 550464
ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2G 2 (UBC7 homolog, yeast) [Danio rerio (zebrafish)]Chromosome 6, NC_007117.7 (8598485..8609391)wu:fu51c05, wu:fu56g11, zgc:112077
ID: 549952
ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 G2 [Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog)]Chromosome 9, NC_030685.2 (55058501..55079493, complement)ubc7
ID: 100624139
ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 G2 [Sus scrofa (pig)]Chromosome 13, NC_010455.5 (207444529..207471826, complement)
ID: 100056215
ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 G2 [Equus caballus (horse)]Chromosome 26, NC_091709.1 (46877928..46914049, complement)
ID: 614471
ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 G2 [Bos taurus (domestic cattle)]Chromosome 1, NC_037328.1 (144658019..144684348, complement)
ID: 424837
ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 G2 [Gallus gallus (chicken)]Chromosome 9, NC_052540.1 (4824593..4841801)
ID: 611581
ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 G2 [Canis lupus familiaris (dog)]Chromosome 31, NC_051835.1 (38034401..38071735, complement)
ID: 474042
ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 G2 [Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee)]Chromosome 22, NC_072420.2 (45413697..45446893, complement)CK820_G0022983
ID: 139340762
ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2G 2 (UBC7 homolog, yeast) [Chaetodon trifascialis (chevron butterflyfish)]Chromosome 12, NC_092067.1 (27325756..27335838, complement)
ID: 139317921
ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 G2 [Pituophis catenifer annectens]NW_027256886.1 (38407693..38423752, complement)
ID: 139292161
ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2G 2 (UBC7 homolog, yeast) [Enoplosus armatus]Chromosome 11, NC_092190.1 (24835699..24844821, complement)
ID: 139260038
ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2G 2 (UBC7 homolog, yeast) [Pristiophorus japonicus]Chromosome 3, NC_091979.1 (189034965..189101506, complement)
ID: 100528465
ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2G 2 (UBC7 homolog, yeast) [Ictalurus punctatus (channel catfish)]Chromosome 12, NC_030427.2 (17017716..17020149, complement)ub2g2
ID: 103176923
ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2G 2 (UBC7 homolog, yeast) [Callorhinchus milii (elephant shark)]NW_024704747.1 (15728882..15749958, complement)
ID: 108895269
ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2G 2 (UBC7 homolog, yeast) [Lates calcarifer (barramundi perch)]Chromosome LG1, NC_066833.1 (279199..289877)
ID: 128615651
ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2G 2 (UBC7 homolog, yeast) [Ictalurus furcatus (blue catfish)]Chromosome 12, NC_071266.1 (13377591..13380158, complement)UB2G2
ID: 120372163
ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 G2 [Mauremys reevesii (Reeves's turtle)]Chromosome 9, NC_052631.1 (50397088..50438992)
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