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Items: 1 to 20 of 1647

Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliasesMIM
ID: 23077
MYC binding protein 2 [Homo sapiens (human)]Chromosome 13, NC_000013.11 (77044657..77327094, complement)Myc-bp2, PAM, PHR1, Phr610392
ID: 105689
MYC binding protein 2, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase [Mus musculus (house mouse)]Chromosome 14, NC_000080.7 (103350847..103584276, complement)C130061D10Rik, Pam, Phr1
ID: 290447
MYC binding protein 2 [Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)]Chromosome 15, NC_086033.1 (86352061..86590126, complement)Pam, Phr1
ID: 368439
MYC binding protein 2 [Danio rerio (zebrafish)]Chromosome 9, NC_007120.7 (17045878..17286340, complement)Myc, PAM, esr, esrom, fa97c06, ns:zft368, si:busm1-12g7.1, si:dz12g7.1, si:dz256p4.1, til, tilsit, wu:fa97c06, xx:zft368, zft368
ID: 476952
MYC binding protein 2 [Canis lupus familiaris (dog)]Chromosome 22, NC_051826.1 (30926811..31185923, complement)
ID: 418808
MYC binding protein 2, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase [Gallus gallus (chicken)]Chromosome 1, NC_052532.1 (154176427..154380299)
ID: 103176899
MYC binding protein 2 [Callorhinchus milii (elephant shark)]NW_024704745.1 (33800585..33921918, complement)
ID: 101692610
MYC binding protein 2 [Mustela putorius furo (domestic ferret)]NW_025422117.1 (16208317..16481311)
ID: 110501235
MYC binding protein 2 [Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout)]Chromosome 22, NC_048586.1 (273113..567428)
ID: 102510373
MYC binding protein 2 [Camelus ferus (Wild Bactrian camel)]Chromosome 14, NC_045709.1 (49938283..50164344)CB1_000626005
ID: 122992248
MYC binding protein 2 [Thunnus albacares (yellowfin tuna)]Chromosome 11, NC_058116.1 (10171313..10237192, complement)
ID: 118339414
MYC binding protein 2 [Morone saxatilis (striped sea-bass)]NW_023340095.1 (18400369..18458026)
ID: 118320546
MYC binding protein 2 [Scophthalmus maximus (turbot)]Chromosome 14, NC_061528.1 (6352817..6406719, complement)
ID: 112155131
MYC binding protein 2 [Oryzias melastigma (Indian medaka)]Chromosome LG21, NC_050532.1 (4808962..4883893)
ID: 109870670
MYC binding protein 2 [Oncorhynchus kisutch (coho salmon)]Chromosome LG26, NC_034199.2 (90666..356130)
ID: 107389738
MYC binding protein 2 [Nothobranchius furzeri (turquoise killifish)]Chromosome 14, NC_091754.1 (27889508..27954943)
ID: 100763589
MYC binding protein 2 [Cricetulus griseus (Chinese hamster)]NW_003613975.1 (767684..948551)
ID: 100413363
MYC binding protein 2 [Callithrix jacchus (white-tufted-ear marmoset)]Chromosome 1, NC_071442.1 (37214591..37501423)
ID: 121536600
MYC binding protein 2 [Coregonus clupeaformis (lake whitefish)]Chromosome 23, NC_059214.1 (8721248..9039631, complement)
ID: 115532818
MYC binding protein 2 [Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod)]Chromosome 20, NC_044067.1 (15703675..15777713)
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