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Items: 1 to 20 of 757

Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliasesMIM
ID: 64412
GDNF inducible zinc finger protein 1 [Homo sapiens (human)]Chromosome 20, NC_000020.11 (23361127..23373062)JLSM, ZBTB23, ZNF336613842
ID: 74533
GDNF-inducible zinc finger protein 1 [Mus musculus (house mouse)]Chromosome 2, NC_000068.8 (148521305..148534869)8430437G08Rik, Zfp336, mGZF1
ID: 733920
GDNF inducible zinc finger protein 1 [Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog)]Chromosome 5, NC_030681.2 (24893874..24903372)zbtb23, znf336
ID: 485737
GDNF inducible zinc finger protein 1 [Canis lupus familiaris (dog)]Chromosome 24, NC_051828.1 (652534..662594, complement)
ID: 421233
GDNF inducible zinc finger protein 1 [Gallus gallus (chicken)]Chromosome 3, NC_052534.1 (3460595..3470531, complement)ZNF568, ZNF605
ID: 102121728
GDNF inducible zinc finger protein 1 [Macaca fascicularis (crab-eating macaque)]Chromosome 10, NC_088384.1 (63935067..63950548, complement)
ID: 100431028
GDNF inducible zinc finger protein 1 [Macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkey)]Chromosome 10, NC_041763.1 (43133903..43145664, complement)
ID: 100405467
GDNF inducible zinc finger protein 1 [Callithrix jacchus (white-tufted-ear marmoset)]Chromosome 5, NC_071446.1 (28282121..28307752)
ID: 122916320
GDNF inducible zinc finger protein 1 [Neogale vison (American mink)]Chromosome 8, NC_058098.1 (48566218..48604077)
ID: 122681214
GDNF inducible zinc finger protein 1 [Cervus elaphus (red deer)]Chromosome 23, NC_057837.1 (41993940..42002403)
ID: 122447993
GDNF inducible zinc finger protein 1 [Cervus canadensis]Chromosome 10, NC_057395.1 (43535864..43544327)
ID: 121067095
GDNF inducible zinc finger protein 1 [Cygnus olor (mute swan)]Chromosome 3, NC_049171.1 (119888133..119913755, complement)
ID: 120400770
GDNF inducible zinc finger protein 1 [Mauremys reevesii (Reeves's turtle)]Chromosome 3, NC_052625.1 (7508830..7524414)
ID: 120301796
GDNF inducible zinc finger protein 1 [Crotalus tigris (Tiger rattlesnake)]NW_024100565.1 (202806..218581, complement)
ID: 119515418
GDNF inducible zinc finger protein 1 [Choloepus didactylus (southern two-toed sloth)]Chromosome 19, NC_051325.1 (10792561..10802875, complement)
ID: 118915810
GDNF inducible zinc finger protein 1 [Manis pentadactyla (Chinese pangolin)]Chromosome 5, NC_080023.1 (128637121..128649533, complement)
ID: 118257448
GDNF inducible zinc finger protein 1 [Cygnus atratus (black swan)]Chromosome 3, NC_066364.1 (119321033..119345331, complement)
ID: 116868692
GDNF inducible zinc finger protein 1 [Lontra canadensis (Northern American river otter)]NW_022631010.1 (24996427..25033292)
ID: 116834036
GDNF inducible zinc finger protein 1 [Chelonoidis abingdonii (Abingdon island giant tortoise)]NW_022643877.1 (62703..95225, complement)
ID: 116653246
GDNF inducible zinc finger protein 1 [Coturnix japonica (Japanese quail)]Chromosome 3, NC_029518.1 (4474680..4482490)
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