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Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliasesMIM
ID: 101749650
chromosome 2 open reading frame 73 [Gallus gallus (chicken)]Chromosome 3, NC_052534.1 (3024837..3025015, complement)C3H2orf73
ID: 100049741
ciliary microtubule inner protein 6 L homeolog [Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog)]Chromosome 5L, NC_054379.1 (3247014..3259383, complement)XELAEV_18026095mg, c2orf73, c2orf73.L, c5h2orf73, c5h2orf73.L
ID: 120884893
ciliary microtubule inner protein 6 [Ictidomys tridecemlineatus (thirteen-lined ground squirrel)]NW_024406292.1 (27734960..27778511, complement)H1C71_034783, C2orf73, CUNH2orf73
ID: 100135362
ciliary microtubule inner protein 6 [Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog)]Chromosome 5, NC_030681.2 (23860269..23876699)c2orf73, c5h2orf73
ID: 129852
ciliary microtubule inner protein 6 [Homo sapiens (human)]Chromosome 2, NC_000002.12 (54330884..54384193)C2orf73
ID: 474596
chromosome 10 C2orf73 homolog [Canis lupus familiaris (dog)]Chromosome 10, NC_051814.1 (56246364..56271353)
ID: 118988380
ciliary microtubule inner protein 6 [Sturnira hondurensis]NW_023512760.1 (5249292..5291620)CUNH2orf73
ID: 101938781
ciliary microtubule inner protein 6 [Chrysemys picta bellii (western painted turtle)]Chromosome 3, NC_088793.1 (177655059..177703837, complement)C3H2orf73, CUNH2orf73
ID: 101131763
ciliary microtubule inner protein 6 [Gorilla gorilla gorilla (western lowland gorilla)]Chromosome 12, NC_073236.2 (85444081..85474950, complement)C12H2orf73, C2AH2orf73
ID: 102929429
ciliary microtubule inner protein 6 [Chelonia mydas (Green sea turtle)]Chromosome 3, NC_057851.1 (172444437..172481306, complement)UY3_19056, C3H2orf73, CUNH2orf73
ID: 126068065
ciliary microtubule inner protein 6 [Elephas maximus indicus]Chromosome 26, NC_064844.1 (7769666..7914023, complement)C26H2orf73
ID: 106977208
ciliary microtubule inner protein 6 [Acinonyx jubatus (cheetah)]Chromosome A3, NC_069388.1 (71553937..71579362)C9H2orf73, CA3H2orf73, CD2H2orf73, CUNH2orf73
ID: 102450084
ciliary microtubule inner protein 6 [Pelodiscus sinensis (Chinese soft-shelled turtle)]NW_005854898.1 (4688007..4718312)CUNH2orf73
ID: 128614222
uncharacterized protein C2orf73 homolog [Ictalurus furcatus (blue catfish)]Chromosome 10, NC_071264.1 (26755487..26762595)
ID: 124391421
uncharacterized protein C2orf73 homolog [Silurus meridionalis]Chromosome 9, NC_060892.1 (14387919..14393911, complement)HF521_022369
ID: 782317
chromosome 11 C2orf73 homolog [Bos taurus (domestic cattle)]Chromosome 11, NC_037338.1 (37035178..37061707)
ID: 741198
chromosome 2A C2orf73 homolog [Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee)]Chromosome 12, NC_072410.2 (68283485..68322670, complement)CK820_G0015070
ID: 100396475
ciliary microtubule inner protein 6 [Callithrix jacchus (white-tufted-ear marmoset)]Chromosome 14, NC_071455.1 (58005300..58038098, complement)C14H2orf73
ID: 129030718
ciliary microtubule inner protein 6 [Pongo pygmaeus (Bornean orangutan)]Chromosome 12, NC_072385.2 (79209457..79240896, complement)C12H2orf73, C2AH2orf73
ID: 120401400
ciliary microtubule inner protein 6 [Mauremys reevesii (Reeves's turtle)]Chromosome 3, NC_052625.1 (33408058..33442832)C3H2orf73
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