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Name/Gene IDDescriptionLocationAliasesMIM
ID: 535
ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a1 [Homo sapiens (human)]Chromosome 17, NC_000017.11 (42458878..42522579)ATP6N1, ATP6N1A, DEE104, NEDEBA, Stv1, VPP1, Vph1, a1192130
ID: 11975
ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V0 subunit A1 [Mus musculus (house mouse)]Chromosome 11, NC_000077.7 (100899262..100954545)ATP6a1, Atp6n1, Atp6n1a, Atpv0a1, Vpp-1, Vpp1
ID: 29757
ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a1 [Rattus norvegicus (Norway rat)]Chromosome 10, NC_086028.1 (86436089..86490185)Atp6n1, Atp6n1a
ID: 100036694
ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V0 subunit a1 [Xenopus tropicalis (tropical clawed frog)]Chromosome 10, NC_030686.2 (6264002..6315630, complement)
ID: 454685
ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a1 [Pan troglodytes (chimpanzee)]Chromosome 19, NC_072417.2 (25621507..25685489, complement)CK820_G0038983
ID: 286768
ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a1 [Bos taurus (domestic cattle)]Chromosome 19, NC_037346.1 (42560862..42610504)
ID: 395474
ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a1 [Gallus gallus (chicken)]Chromosome 27, NC_052558.1 (4928490..4956600)A1
ID: 677865
ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a1 [Macaca mulatta (Rhesus monkey)]Chromosome 16, NC_041769.1 (53599213..53663143)EGK_08735
ID: 607705
ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a1 [Canis lupus familiaris (dog)]Chromosome 9, NC_051813.1 (21141094..21205623, complement)
ID: 100052802
ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a1 [Equus caballus (horse)]Chromosome 11, NC_091694.1 (20508572..20562271, complement)
ID: 101096367
ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a1 [Felis catus (domestic cat)]Chromosome E1, NC_058381.1 (41068743..41128374)
ID: 100523018
ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a1 [Sus scrofa (pig)]Chromosome 12, NC_010454.4 (20288409..20344142, complement)
ID: 100125982
ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a1 [Oryctolagus cuniculus (rabbit)]Chromosome 17, NC_091448.1 (20340304..20395568, complement)
ID: 109687326
ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a1 [Castor canadensis (American beaver)]NW_017870580.1 (165285..216762)
ID: 102493162
ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a1 [Tupaia chinensis (Chinese tree shrew)]NW_006159986.1 (3944996..4014879)TREES_T100004502
ID: 101718747
ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a1 [Heterocephalus glaber (naked mole-rat)]NW_004624795.1 (1561104..1607693, complement)GW7_06851
ID: 101689588
ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a1 [Mustela putorius furo (domestic ferret)]NW_025421399.1 (1298984..1364756)
ID: 100470696
ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a1 [Ailuropoda melanoleuca (giant panda)]Chromosome 13, NC_048230.1 (26193357..26254527)PANDA_011159
ID: 122787809
ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a1 [Protopterus annectens (West African lungfish)]Chromosome 13.part0, NC_056747.1 (948790096..949865402, complement)
ID: 117869391
ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit a1 [Trachemys scripta elegans]Chromosome 23, NC_048320.1 (14782491..14829232)
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