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DLX1 distal-less homeobox 1 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]

Gene ID: 1745, updated on 4-Jan-2025


Official Symbol
DLX1provided by HGNC
Official Full Name
distal-less homeobox 1provided by HGNC
Primary source
See related
Ensembl:ENSG00000144355 MIM:600029; AllianceGenome:HGNC:2914
Gene type
protein coding
RefSeq status
Homo sapiens
Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Mammalia; Eutheria; Euarchontoglires; Primates; Haplorrhini; Catarrhini; Hominidae; Homo
This gene encodes a member of a homeobox transcription factor gene family similiar to the Drosophila distal-less gene. The encoded protein is localized to the nucleus where it may function as a transcriptional regulator of signals from multiple TGF-{beta} superfamily members. The encoded protein may play a role in the control of craniofacial patterning and the differentiation and survival of inhibitory neurons in the forebrain. This gene is located in a tail-to-tail configuration with another member of the family on the long arm of chromosome 2. Alternatively spliced transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been described. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]
Biased expression in brain (RPKM 2.1), adrenal (RPKM 1.3) and 5 other tissues See more
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Genomic context

See DLX1 in Genome Data Viewer
Exon count:
Annotation release Status Assembly Chr Location
RS_2024_08 current GRCh38.p14 (GCF_000001405.40) 2 NC_000002.12 (172085507..172089674)
RS_2024_08 current T2T-CHM13v2.0 (GCF_009914755.1) 2 NC_060926.1 (172570383..172575917)
RS_2024_09 previous assembly GRCh37.p13 (GCF_000001405.25) 2 NC_000002.11 (172950235..172954402)

Chromosome 2 - NC_000002.12Genomic Context describing neighboring genes Neighboring gene histone acetyltransferase 1 Neighboring gene uncharacterized LOC124905590 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid silent region 12106 Neighboring gene methionyl aminopeptidase type 1D, mitochondrial Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid active region 16761 Neighboring gene VISTA enhancer hs553 Neighboring gene H3K4me1 hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr2:172945060-172945588 Neighboring gene H3K4me1 hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr2:172945589-172946118 Neighboring gene H3K27ac-H3K4me1 hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr2:172948655-172949268 Neighboring gene H3K27ac-H3K4me1 hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr2:172949269-172949880 Neighboring gene H3K27ac-H3K4me1 hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr2:172949881-172950494 Neighboring gene H3K4me1 hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr2:172950495-172951106 Neighboring gene H3K4me1 hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr2:172951721-172952332 Neighboring gene H3K4me1 hESC enhancer GRCh37_chr2:172952946-172953557 Neighboring gene VISTA enhancer hs422 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid silent region 12108 Neighboring gene ATAC-STARR-seq lymphoblastoid silent region 12109 Neighboring gene DLX2 divergent transcript Neighboring gene distal-less homeobox 2

Genomic regions, transcripts, and products


  • Project title: Tissue-specific circular RNA induction during human fetal development
  • Description: 35 human fetal samples from 6 tissues (3 - 7 replicates per tissue) collected between 10 and 20 weeks gestational time were sequenced using Illumina TruSeq Stranded Total RNA
  • BioProject: PRJNA270632
  • Publication: PMID 26076956
  • Analysis date: Mon Apr 2 22:54:59 2018


GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions

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Copy number response

Copy number response

No evidence available (Last evaluated 2012-03-30)

ClinGen Genome Curation Page

No evidence available (Last evaluated 2012-03-30)

ClinGen Genome Curation Page

EBI GWAS Catalog

Large-scale genotyping identifies 41 new loci associated with breast cancer risk.
EBI GWAS Catalog

Pathways from PubChem


Products Interactant Other Gene Complex Source Pubs Description

General gene information


Gene Ontology Provided by GOA

Process Evidence Code Pubs
involved_in Notch signaling pathway IEA
Inferred from Electronic Annotation
more info
involved_in cell differentiation IBA
Inferred from Biological aspect of Ancestor
more info
involved_in cellular response to BMP stimulus IMP
Inferred from Mutant Phenotype
more info
involved_in cellular response to transforming growth factor beta stimulus IMP
Inferred from Mutant Phenotype
more info
involved_in cerebral cortex GABAergic interneuron fate commitment IEA
Inferred from Electronic Annotation
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involved_in embryonic skeletal system development IBA
Inferred from Biological aspect of Ancestor
more info
involved_in forebrain neuron differentiation IEA
Inferred from Electronic Annotation
more info
involved_in hippocampus development IEA
Inferred from Electronic Annotation
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involved_in negative regulation of BMP signaling pathway IMP
Inferred from Mutant Phenotype
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involved_in negative regulation of Notch signaling pathway IEA
Inferred from Electronic Annotation
more info
involved_in negative regulation of cellular response to transforming growth factor beta stimulus IMP
Inferred from Mutant Phenotype
more info
involved_in negative regulation of neuron apoptotic process IEA
Inferred from Electronic Annotation
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involved_in negative regulation of oligodendrocyte differentiation IEA
Inferred from Electronic Annotation
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involved_in negative regulation of photoreceptor cell differentiation ISS
Inferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity
more info
involved_in negative regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II IMP
Inferred from Mutant Phenotype
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involved_in neuroblast differentiation IEA
Inferred from Electronic Annotation
more info
involved_in neuron apoptotic process IEA
Inferred from Electronic Annotation
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involved_in odontogenesis of dentin-containing tooth IEA
Inferred from Electronic Annotation
more info
involved_in oligodendrocyte differentiation IEA
Inferred from Electronic Annotation
more info
involved_in positive regulation of amacrine cell differentiation ISS
Inferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity
more info
involved_in positive regulation of cell differentiation ISS
Inferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity
more info
involved_in positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II IMP
Inferred from Mutant Phenotype
more info
involved_in positive regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II ISS
Inferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity
more info
involved_in proximal/distal pattern formation IEA
Inferred from Electronic Annotation
more info
involved_in regulation of transcription by RNA polymerase II IBA
Inferred from Biological aspect of Ancestor
more info
involved_in subpallium development IEA
Inferred from Electronic Annotation
more info
Component Evidence Code Pubs
located_in chromatin ISA
Inferred from Sequence Alignment
more info
located_in cytosol IDA
Inferred from Direct Assay
more info
located_in intracellular membrane-bounded organelle IDA
Inferred from Direct Assay
more info
located_in nucleoplasm IDA
Inferred from Direct Assay
more info
located_in nucleus IDA
Inferred from Direct Assay
more info

General protein information

Preferred Names
homeobox protein DLX-1
distal-less homeo box 1

NCBI Reference Sequences (RefSeq)

NEW Try the new Transcript table

RefSeqs maintained independently of Annotated Genomes

These reference sequences exist independently of genome builds. Explain

These reference sequences are curated independently of the genome annotation cycle, so their versions may not match the RefSeq versions in the current genome build. Identify version mismatches by comparing the version of the RefSeq in this section to the one reported in Genomic regions, transcripts, and products above.


  1. NG_009218.1 RefSeqGene

    GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)

mRNA and Protein(s)

  1. NM_001038493.2NP_001033582.1  homeobox protein DLX-1 isoform 2

    See identical proteins and their annotated locations for NP_001033582.1

    Status: REVIEWED

    Transcript Variant: This variant (2) lacks an internal exon in the coding region that results in a frameshift and premature stop codon, compared to variant 1. It encodes isoform 2, which has a shorter, distinct C-terminus, compared to isoform 1.
    Source sequence(s)
    AY257976, BC053351
    Consensus CDS
    ENSP00000341786.6, ENST00000341900.6
  2. NM_178120.5NP_835221.2  homeobox protein DLX-1 isoform 1

    See identical proteins and their annotated locations for NP_835221.2

    Status: REVIEWED

    Transcript Variant: This variant (1) represents the longer transcript and encodes the longer isoform (1).
    Source sequence(s)
    AY257976, BC036189, BC053351
    Consensus CDS
    D3DPD7, P56177, Q53ZU4, Q7Z724, Q8IYB2
    Q53SU3, X5D2F9
    ENSP00000354478.4, ENST00000361725.5
    Conserved Domains (1) summary
    Homeobox; Homeobox domain

RefSeqs of Annotated Genomes: GCF_000001405.40-RS_2024_08

The following sections contain reference sequences that belong to a specific genome build. Explain

Reference GRCh38.p14 Primary Assembly


  1. NC_000002.12 Reference GRCh38.p14 Primary Assembly

    GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)

Reference GRCh38.p14 PATCHES


  1. NW_025791761.1 Reference GRCh38.p14 PATCHES

    GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)

Alternate T2T-CHM13v2.0


  1. NC_060926.1 Alternate T2T-CHM13v2.0

    GenBank, FASTA, Sequence Viewer (Graphics)

mRNA and Protein(s)

  1. XM_054340886.1XP_054196861.1  homeobox protein DLX-1 isoform X1

    D3DPD7, P56177, Q53ZU4, Q7Z724, Q8IYB2
    Q53SU3, X5D2F9