ClinVar Genomic variation as it relates to human health
NM_001348323.3(TRIP12):c.3088_3089del (p.Gly1030fs)
The aggregate germline classification for this variant, typically for a monogenic or Mendelian disorder as in the ACMG/AMP guidelines, or for response to a drug. This value is calculated by NCBI based on data from submitters. Read our rules for calculating the aggregate classification.
Stars represent the aggregate review status, or the level of review supporting the aggregate germline classification for this VCV record. This value is calculated by NCBI based on data from submitters. Read our rules for calculating the review status. The number of submissions which contribute to this review status is shown in parentheses.
No data submitted for somatic clinical impact
No data submitted for oncogenicity
Variant Details
- Identifiers
NM_001348323.3(TRIP12):c.3088_3089del (p.Gly1030fs)
Variation ID: 3062144 Accession: VCV003062144.1
- Type and length
Deletion, 2 bp
- Location
Cytogenetic: 2q36.3 2: 229802369-229802370 (GRCh38) [ NCBI UCSC ] 2: 230667085-230667086 (GRCh37) [ NCBI UCSC ]
- Timeline in ClinVar
First in ClinVar Help The date this variant first appeared in ClinVar with each type of classification.
Last submission Help The date of the most recent submission for each type of classification for this variant.
Last evaluated Help The most recent date that a submitter evaluated this variant for each type of classification.
Germline Mar 23, 2024 Mar 23, 2024 - HGVS
Nucleotide Protein Molecular
consequenceNM_001348323.3:c.3088_3089del MANE Select Help Transcripts from the Matched Annotation from the NCBI and EMBL-EBI (MANE) collaboration.
NP_001335252.1:p.Gly1030fs frameshift NM_001284214.2:c.3007_3008del NP_001271143.1:p.Gly1003fs frameshift NM_001284215.2:c.2962_2963del NP_001271144.1:p.Gly988fs frameshift NM_001284216.2:c.2053_2054del NP_001271145.1:p.Gly685fs frameshift NM_001348315.2:c.3007_3008del NP_001335244.1:p.Gly1003fs frameshift NM_001348316.2:c.2962_2963del NP_001335245.1:p.Gly988fs frameshift NM_001348317.1:c.2962_2963del NP_001335246.1:p.Gly988fs frameshift NM_001348318.2:c.2962_2963del NP_001335247.1:p.Gly988fs frameshift NM_001348319.1:c.3088_3089del NP_001335248.1:p.Gly1030fs frameshift NM_001348320.2:c.3088_3089del NP_001335249.1:p.Gly1030fs frameshift NM_001348321.1:c.3091_3092del NP_001335250.1:p.Gly1031fs frameshift NM_001348322.1:c.3088_3089del NP_001335251.1:p.Gly1030fs frameshift NM_001348324.2:c.3088_3089del NP_001335253.1:p.Gly1030fs frameshift NM_001348325.2:c.3088_3089del NP_001335254.1:p.Gly1030fs frameshift NM_001348326.2:c.3088_3089del NP_001335255.1:p.Gly1030fs frameshift NM_001348327.2:c.3088_3089del NP_001335256.1:p.Gly1030fs frameshift NM_001348328.1:c.3091_3092del NP_001335257.1:p.Gly1031fs frameshift NM_001348329.2:c.3091_3092del NP_001335258.1:p.Gly1031fs frameshift NM_001348330.2:c.3091_3092del NP_001335259.1:p.Gly1031fs frameshift NM_001348331.1:c.2881_2882del NP_001335260.1:p.Gly961fs frameshift NM_001348332.1:c.3001_3002del NP_001335261.1:p.Gly1001fs frameshift NM_001348333.1:c.3010_3011del NP_001335262.1:p.Gly1004fs frameshift NM_004238.3:c.2863_2864del NP_004229.1:p.Gly955fs frameshift NC_000002.12:g.229802370_229802371del NC_000002.11:g.230667086_230667087del NG_053017.1:g.125865_125866del - Protein change
- G1001fs, G1003fs, G1004fs, G1030fs, G1031fs, G685fs, G955fs, G961fs, G988fs
- Other names
- -
- Canonical SPDI
- NC_000002.12:229802368:CCC:C
consequence HelpThe effect of the variant on RNA or protein function, based on experimental evidence from submitters.
- -
Global minor allele
frequency (GMAF) HelpThe global minor allele frequency calculated by the 1000 Genomes Project. The minor allele at this location is indicated in parentheses and may be different from the allele represented by this VCV record.
- -
Allele frequency
The frequency of the allele represented by this VCV record.
- -
- Links
Gene | OMIM | ClinGen Gene Dosage Sensitivity Curation |
Variation Viewer
Links to Variation Viewer, a genome browser to view variation data from NCBI databases. |
Related variants | ||
HI score
The haploinsufficiency score for the gene, curated by ClinGen’s Dosage Sensitivity Curation task team. |
TS score
The triplosensitivity score for the gene, curated by ClinGen’s Dosage Sensitivity Curation task team. |
Within gene
The number of variants in ClinVar that are contained within this gene, with a link to view the list of variants. |
The number of variants in ClinVar for this gene, including smaller variants within the gene and larger CNVs that overlap or fully contain the gene. |
TRIP12 | Sufficient evidence for dosage pathogenicity | No evidence available |
GRCh38 GRCh37 |
434 | 488 |
Conditions - Germline
The condition for this variant-condition (RCV) record in ClinVar. |
The aggregate germline classification for this variant-condition (RCV) record in ClinVar. The number of submissions that contribute to this aggregate classification is shown in parentheses. (# of submissions) |
Review status
The aggregate review status for this variant-condition (RCV) record in ClinVar. This value is calculated by NCBI based on data from submitters. Read our rules for calculating the review status. |
Last evaluated
The most recent date that a submitter evaluated this variant for the condition. |
Variation/condition record
The RCV accession number, with most recent version number, for the variant-condition record, with a link to the RCV web page. |
not provided (1) |
no classification provided
- | RCV003985679.2 |
Submissions - Germline
The submitted germline classification for each SCV record. (Last evaluated) |
Review status
Stars represent the review status, or the level of review supporting the submitted (SCV) record. This value is calculated by NCBI based on data from the submitter. Read our rules for calculating the review status. This column also includes a link to the submitter’s assertion criteria if provided, and the collection method. (Assertion criteria) |
The condition for the classification, provided by the submitter for this submitted (SCV) record. This column also includes the affected status and allele origin of individuals observed with this variant. |
The submitting organization for this submitted (SCV) record. This column also includes the SCV accession and version number, the date this SCV first appeared in ClinVar, and the date that this SCV was last updated in ClinVar. |
More information
This column includes more information supporting the classification, including citations, the comment on classification, and detailed evidence provided as observations of the variant by the submitter. |
not provided
no classification provided
Method: phenotyping only
Clark-Baraitser syndrome
Affected status: yes
Allele origin:
GenomeConnect - Brain Gene Registry
Accession: SCV004801637.1
First in ClinVar: Mar 23, 2024 Last updated: Mar 23, 2024 |
Variant classified as Likely pathogenic and reported on 12-04-2021 by Prevention Genetics. Assertions are reported exactly as they appear on the patient provided laboratory report. … (more)
Variant classified as Likely pathogenic and reported on 12-04-2021 by Prevention Genetics. Assertions are reported exactly as they appear on the patient provided laboratory report. GenomeConnect does not attempt to reinterpret the variant. The IDDRC-CTSA National Brain Gene Registry (BGR) is a study funded by the U.S. National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) and includes 13 Intellectual and Developmental Disability Research Center (IDDRC) institutions. The study is led by Principal Investigator Dr. Philip Payne from Washington University. The BGR is a data commons of gene variants paired with subject clinical information. This database helps scientists learn more about genetic changes and their impact on the brain and behavior. Participation in the Brain Gene Registry requires participation in GenomeConnect. More information about the Brain Gene Registry can be found on the study website - (less)
Clinical Features:
Abnormality of the parathyroid physiology (present) , Depression (present) , Abnormality of the musculature of the limbs (present) , Abnormal stomach morphology (present) , Abnormality … (more)
Abnormality of the parathyroid physiology (present) , Depression (present) , Abnormality of the musculature of the limbs (present) , Abnormal stomach morphology (present) , Abnormality of the female genitalia (present) (less)
Indication for testing: Diagnostic
Age: 0-9 years
Sex: male
Method: Gene Panel Sequencing
Testing laboratory: PreventionGenetics, part of Exact Sciences
Date variant was reported to submitter: 2021-12-04
Testing laboratory interpretation: Likely pathogenic
Germline Functional Evidence
There is no functional evidence in ClinVar for this variation. If you have generated functional data for this variation, please consider submitting that data to ClinVar. |
Citations for germline classification of this variant
HelpThere are no citations for germline classification of this variant in ClinVar. If you know of citations for this variation, please consider submitting that information to ClinVar. |
Text-mined citations for this variant ...
HelpRecord last updated Jun 23, 2024
This date represents the last time this VCV record was updated. The update may be due to an update to one of the included submitted records (SCVs), or due to an update that ClinVar made to the variant such as adding HGVS expressions or a rs number. So this date may be different from the date of the “most recent submission” reported at the top of this page.