Conserved Protein Domain Family

cl38912: SPOUT_MTase Superfamily 
SPOUT superfamily of SAM-dependent RNA methyltransferases
The SPOUT (SpoU-TrmD) methyltransferase (MTase) superfamily, also known as class IV methyltransferase family, is a large class of S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet or SAM)-dependent RNA MTases which are structurally characterized by a deep trefoil knot. Members of the SPOUT superfamily that have been characterized functionally are involved in post-transcriptional RNA modification by catalyzing methylation of the 2-OH group of ribose, the N-1 atom of guanosine 37 in tRNA, or the N-3 atom of uridine 1498 in 16S rRNA.
Accession: cl38912
PSSM Id: 476814
Name: SPOUT_MTase
Created: 19-Sep-2018
Updated: 4-Oct-2023
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