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Results: 1 to 20 of 387 books (1234 items)

GeneReviews® [Internet].

GeneReviews® [Internet].

Adam MP, Feldman J, Mirzaa GM, et al., editors.

Seattle (WA): University of Washington, Seattle; 1993-2025.

StatPearls [Internet].

StatPearls [Internet].

Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2025 Jan-.

Assessing Genetic Risks: Implications for Health and Social Policy.

Assessing Genetic Risks: Implications for Health and Social Policy.

Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Assessing Genetic Risks; Andrews LB, Fullarton JE, Holtzman NA, et al., editors.

Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1994.

Endotext [Internet].

Endotext [Internet].

Feingold KR, Anawalt B, Blackman MR, et al., editors.

South Dartmouth (MA): MDText.com, Inc.; 2000-.

Prevention of Thalassaemias and Other Haemoglobin Disorders: Volume 1: Principles [Internet]. 2nd edition.

Prevention of Thalassaemias and Other Haemoglobin Disorders: Volume 1: Principles [Internet]. 2nd edition.

Angastiniotis M, Eleftheriou A, Galanello Ret al., authors; Old J, editor.

Nicosia (Cyprus): Thalassaemia International Federation; 2013.

Risk Assessment, Genetic Counseling, and Genetic Testing for BRCA1/2-Related Cancer in Women: A Systematic Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force [Internet].

Risk Assessment, Genetic Counseling, and Genetic Testing for BRCA1/2-Related Cancer in Women: A Systematic Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force [Internet].

Nelson HD, Pappas M, Cantor A, et al.

Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (US); 2019 Aug. (Evidence Synthesis, No. 182.)

Addressing Sickle Cell Disease: A Strategic Plan and Blueprint for Action.

Addressing Sickle Cell Disease: A Strategic Plan and Blueprint for Action.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Health and Medicine Division; Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice; Committee on Addressing Sickle Cell Disease: A Strategic Plan and Blueprint for Action; Martinez RM, Osei-Anto HA, McCormick M, editors.

Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2020 Sep 10.

Benefits and harms of antenatal and newborn screening programmes in health economic assessments: the VALENTIA systematic review and qualitative investigation.

Benefits and harms of antenatal and newborn screening programmes in health economic assessments: the VALENTIA systematic review and qualitative investigation.

Rivero-Arias O, Png ME, White A, et al.

Southampton (UK): National Institute for Health and Care Research; 2024 Jun. (Health Technology Assessment, No. 28.25.)

Genetics for Surgeons.

Genetics for Surgeons.

Morrison PJ, Spence RAJ.

London: Remedica; 2005.

Guidelines for the Management of α-Thalassaemia [Internet].

Guidelines for the Management of α-Thalassaemia [Internet].

Amid A, Lal A, Coates TD, et al., editors.

Nicosia (Cyprus): Thalassaemia International Federation; 2023.

Addendum to Clinical Guideline 164, Familial breast cancer.

Addendum to Clinical Guideline 164, Familial breast cancer.

London: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE); 2017 Mar. (Clinical Guideline Addendum, No. 164.1.)

Prevention of Thalassaemias and Other Haemoglobin Disorders: Volume 2: Laboratory Protocols [Internet]. 2nd edition.

Prevention of Thalassaemias and Other Haemoglobin Disorders: Volume 2: Laboratory Protocols [Internet]. 2nd edition.

Old J, Harteveld CL, Traeger-Synodinos J, et al.

Nicosia (Cyprus): Thalassaemia International Federation; 2012.

Realizing the Potential of Genomics across the Continuum of Precision Health Care: Proceedings of a Workshop.

Realizing the Potential of Genomics across the Continuum of Precision Health Care: Proceedings of a Workshop.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; Health and Medicine Division; Board on Health Care Services; National Cancer Policy Forum; Board on Health Sciences Policy; Roundtable on Genomics and Precision Health; Beachy S, Hackmann M, Asalone K, et al., editors.

Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2023 Mar 30.

Improvement in risk prediction, early detection and prevention of breast cancer in the NHS Breast Screening Programme and family history clinics: a dual cohort study.

Improvement in risk prediction, early detection and prevention of breast cancer in the NHS Breast Screening Programme and family history clinics: a dual cohort study.

Evans DG, Astley S, Stavrinos P, et al.

Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2016 Aug. (Programme Grants for Applied Research, No. 4.11.)

Medical Genetics Summaries [Internet].

Medical Genetics Summaries [Internet].

Pratt VM, Scott SA, Pirmohamed M, et al., editors.

Bethesda (MD): National Center for Biotechnology Information (US); 2012-.

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