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Atherton H, Brant H, Ziebland S, et al. The potential of alternatives to face-to-face consultation in general practice, and the impact on different patient groups: a mixed-methods case study. Southampton (UK): NIHR Journals Library; 2018 Jun. (Health Services and Delivery Research, No. 6.20.)

Cover of The potential of alternatives to face-to-face consultation in general practice, and the impact on different patient groups: a mixed-methods case study

The potential of alternatives to face-to-face consultation in general practice, and the impact on different patient groups: a mixed-methods case study.

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Appendix 5Topic guides for semistructured interviews

  • Interviews will last up to 1 hour.
  • Begin by collecting demographic information using the facesheet.
  • Where practices are no longer using alternatives, please apply the prompts in the past tense.
  • Please substitute ‘alternatives to the face-to-face consultation’ for the relevant technology.

Topic guide for reception and administrative staff

1. What is it like to work in this practice?

  • What is your role?
  • Collaborative working, i.e. involvement in decision-making?
  • Pros and cons.

2. Your role in alternatives to the face-to-face consultation

  • Clarify scope of involvement and role.
  • Role in administering alternatives to the face-to-face consultation (how role may have changed over time).

3. Introduction of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation

  • What is your understanding of why was it introduced?
  • How long did it take you to get used to?
  • How has it had an impact on how you do your job, e.g. appointment systems?
  • Did you have to have training? What form did this take? If not why not?
  • How are security and confidentiality addressed? Are you happy with the systems in use?

4. Delivery of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation

  • Type of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation they can offer to patients?
  • Types of patients allowed/encouraged to use alternatives?
  • Which patients take it up?
  • Benefits to the patient?

5. Impact of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation on role

  • Has it had any impact on your job role, satisfaction, stress?
  • Have you encountered any difficulties? How have these been addressed?
  • Has it changed your perspective of the practice as a place to work?

6. View of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation used in the practice

  • What has the impact been in the practice?
  • Where use has ceased, what has changed?
  • Benefits to the practice?

7. Personal views of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation

  • What are your thoughts on the future of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation in general practice?
  • Where do you think it will go? Does it excite/worry you?

Topic guide for nurses

1. What is it like to work in this practice? (just before I start this interview)

  • What is your role?
  • Collaborative working, i.e. involvement in decision-making?
  • Pros and cons.

2. Your role in alternatives to the face-to-face consultation

  • Clarify scope of involvement and role (GP involvement? Individual vs team use?)
  • Role in administering alternatives to the face-to-face consultation (how role may have changed over time).

3. Introduction of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation

  • How did use come about? Were you involved?
  • If not, how did you end up using alternatives to the face-to-face consultation?
  • Did you have to have training? What form did this take? If not why not?
  • How are security and confidentiality addressed? Are you happy with the systems in use?

4. Delivery of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation

  • Type of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation you engage in? Why this type?
  • How long did it take you to get used to?
  • Who uses it, why and what happens as a result? E.g. type of patients encouraged to use it, others discouraged?
  • What are the benefits to your patients?
  • Impact on dynamic/relationship with patient.
  • Experienced any critical incidents/significant events?

5. Impact of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation on role

  • Has it had any impact on your job role, satisfaction, stress?
  • Have you encountered any difficulties? How have these been addressed?
  • What are your feelings about level of responsibility in your role when using alternatives to the face-to-face consultation?
  • Has it changed your perspective of the practice as a place to work?

6. View of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation use in the practice

  • Have views about technology in the practice changed since introducing alternatives to the face-to-face consultation?
  • Where use has ceased, what has changed?
  • Benefits to the practice?

7. Personal views of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation

  • What are your thoughts on the future of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation in general practice?
  • Where do you think it will go? Does it excite/worry you?

Topic guide for GPs

1. What is it like to work in this practice? (Just before I start this interview)

  • What is your role?
  • Collaborative working, i.e. involvement in decision-making?
  • Pros and cons.

2. Your role in alternatives to the face-to-face consultation

  • Clarify scope of involvement and role (GP involvement? Individual vs team use?)
  • Role in administering alternatives to the face-to-face consultation (how role may have changed over time).

3. Introduction of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation

  • How did use come about? Were you involved?
  • If not how did you end up using alternatives to the face-to-face consultation?
  • Did you have to have training? What form did this take? If not why not?
  • How are security and confidentiality addressed? Are you happy with the systems in use?
  • Any steps taken to ensure medicolegal protection?

4. Delivery of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation

  • Type of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation you engage in? Why this type?
  • How long did it take you to get used to?
  • Who uses it, why and what happens as a result? E.g. type of patients encouraged to use it, others discouraged?
  • What are the benefits to your patients?
  • Impact on dynamic/relationship with patient.
  • Experienced any critical incidents/significant events?
  • How do you record these consultations?

5. Impact of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation on role

  • Has it had any impact on your job role, satisfaction, stress?
  • Have you encountered any difficulties? How have these been addressed?
  • What are your feelings about level of responsibility in your role when using alternatives to the face-to-face consultation?
  • Has it changed your perspective of the practice as a place to work?

6. View of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation use in the practice

  • Have views about technology in the practice changed since introducing alternatives to the face-to-face consultation?
  • Where use has ceased, what has changed?
  • Benefits to the practice?

7. Personal views of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation

  • What are your thoughts on the future of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation in general practice?
  • Where do you think it will go? Does it excite/worry you?

Topic guide for wider members of the team (health-care professionals)

1. What is it like to work in this practice (just before I start this interview)

  • What is your role?
  • Collaborative working, i.e. involvement in decision-making?
  • Pros and cons.

2. Your role in alternatives to the face-to-face consultation

  • Clarify scope of involvement and role (Individual vs team use?)
  • Role in administering alternatives to the face-to-face consultation (how role may have changed over time).

3. Introduction of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation

  • How did use come about? Were you involved?
  • If not how did you end up using alternatives to the face-to-face consultation?
  • Did you have to have training? What form did this take? If not why not?
  • How are security and confidentiality addressed? Are you happy with the systems in use?

4. Delivery of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation

  • Type of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation you engage in? Why this type?
  • How long did it take you to get used to?
  • Who uses it, why and what happens as a result? E.g. type of patients encouraged to use it, others discouraged?
  • What are the benefits to your patients?
  • Impact on dynamic/relationship with patient.
  • Experienced any critical incidents/significant events?
  • How do you record these consultations?

5. Impact of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation on role

  • Has it had any impact on your job role, satisfaction, stress?
  • Have you encountered any difficulties? How have these been addressed?
  • What are your feelings about level of responsibility in your role when using alternatives to the face-to-face consultation?
  • Has it changed your perspective of the practice as a place to work?

6. View of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation use in the practice

  • Have views about technology in the practice changed since introducing alternatives to the face-to-face consultation?
  • Where use has ceased, what has changed?
  • Benefits to the practice?

7. Personal views of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation

  • What are your thoughts on the future of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation in general practice?
  • Where do you think it will go? Does it excite/worry you?

Topic guide for practice manager

1. What is it like to work in this practice (just before I start this interview)

  • What is your role?
  • Collaborative working, i.e. involvement in decision-making?
  • Pros and cons.

2. Your role in alternatives to the face-to-face consultation

  • Clarify scope of involvement and role.
  • Role in development and introduction of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation in the practice.

3. Introduction of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation

  • Reasons for introduction, perceived benefits? Who was involved in establishing alternatives to the face-to-face consultation?
  • Alternatives to the face-to-face consultation occurring throughout or just by certain staff?
  • Investment by the practice in alternatives to the face-to-face consultation.
  • Are there protocols in place for use? How did these come about?
  • How were systems for information handling developed?
  • How are security and confidentiality addressed?
  • How long did it take to embed into the practice?

4. Delivery of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation

  • Types of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation on offer in practice?
  • Which members of practice staff involved and why?
  • Which patients use it and why?
  • Parameters around who can use alternatives to the face-to-face consultation and what for?

5. Alternatives to the face-to-face consultation and information handling

  • Experienced any data breaches?
  • How have medicolegal concerns been addressed?
  • Have any issues arisen with the computer systems, appointment systems or telephone systems?
  • Have there been any critical incidents/significant events?
  • Training of staff in using alternatives to the face-to-face consultation
  • How have patients been informed about alternatives to the face-to-face consultation?
  • Impact on workload, workforce planning, utilisation of resources.
  • Difficulties encountered and how these have been addressed?

6. Impact of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation on role

  • Has it had any impact on your job role, satisfaction, stress?
  • Has it had any impact on the roles of the staff you manage?

7. View of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation use in the practice

  • Have views about technology in the practice changed since introducing alternatives to the face-to-face consultation?
  • What have been the benefits of the different types of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation to the practice?
  • What barriers have been encountered in using alternatives to the face-to-face consultation?
  • Where use has ceased, what has changed?

8. Personal views of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation

  • What are your thoughts on the future of alternatives to the face-to-face consultation in general practice?
  • Where do you think it will go? Does it excite/worry you?
Copyright © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2018. This work was produced by Atherton et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK.
Bookshelf ID: NBK507069


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