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Assasi N, Blackhouse G, Campbell K, et al. DNA Mismatch Repair Deficiency Tumour Testing for Patients With Colorectal Cancer: A Health Technology Assessment [Internet]. Ottawa (ON): Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health; 2016 Aug. (CADTH Optimal Use Report, No. 5.3b.)

Cover of DNA Mismatch Repair Deficiency Tumour Testing for Patients With Colorectal Cancer: A Health Technology Assessment

DNA Mismatch Repair Deficiency Tumour Testing for Patients With Colorectal Cancer: A Health Technology Assessment [Internet].

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Appendix 28Characteristics of Included Studies (Question 5)

CountryEligibility CriteriadMMR TestingChemotherapy
inclusionExclusionMSIIHCDefinition of
Klingbiel, 201596Multinational (Europe)

18 to 75 years of age


Histologically proven stage II or stage III colon cancer


Available tumour specimens


Received adjuvant chemotherapy in the PETACC trial


Recruitment period: NR

NR10 markers: BAT25, BAT26, D2S123, D5S346, TGFβRII, BAT40, D17S787, D18S69, D17S250, and D18S58)NR

MSI-H: instability in ≥ 3 markers


MSI-L: instability in 1 to 2 markers


MSS: instability in 0 markers


MSI-L and MSS grouped together as MSI-L/S

Kim SH, 201399Korea

Pathologically proven stage III colon cancer


Available tumour specimens


Received curative surgical resection followed by adjuvant chemotherapy between January 2005 and July 2011


Cancer other than adenocarcinoma


Signet ring cell type without extracellular mucin production


Rectal cancer


Pre-op chemotherapy


Pre-op or post-op radiotherapy


Unavailability of MSI status

5 markers: BAT25, BAT26, MFD15, D2S123 and D5S346NR-

MSI-H: instability in ≥ 2 markers


MSI-L: instability in 1 marker


MSS: instability in 0 markers


MSI-L and MSS grouped together as MSI-L/S

Li, 201398China

Histologically proven stage III colon cancer


Available tumour specimens


Received curative surgical resection followed by adjuvant chemotherapy between January 2000 and December 2008


< 18 years of age or > 85 years


Rectal cancer


Abdominopelvic radiotherapy


Severe complication


Changing drug regimen


Multi-primary cancer


Family history of cancer in 1st- or 2nd- degree relatives


Familial adenomatous polyposis


dMMR: complete lack of expression in MLH1 and MSH2 (< 10% tumour cell staining for each protein)


pMMR: nuclear staining in ≥ 11% tumour cells

OS (disease-specific)
Oh, 201397Korea

Stage III colon cancer


Underwent curative surgical resection between January 2003 and December 2010


Treated by surgery alone


Treated with adjuvant chemotherapy other than FOLFOX

5 markers: D2S123, D17S250, D5S346, BAT25, BAT26NR

MSI-H: instability in ≥ 2 markers


MSI-L: instability in 1 marker


MSS: instability in 0 markers


MSI-L and MSS grouped together as MSI-L/S

Relapse rate
Bertagnolli, 2011100USA

Histologically proven stage III colon cancer


Underwent complete surgical resection


Received adjuvant chemotherapy in CALGB 89803 trial


Recruitment period: NR


Metastatic disease


Rectal cancer


Positive tumour margins


Chemotherapy started too long post-operative


Labs outside limits.

10 markers: BAT25, BAT26, D17S250, D5S346, ACTC, D18S55, BAT40, D10S197, BAT34c4 and MycLMLH1 and MSH2



MSI-H: instability at ≥ 50% of screened loci


MSI-L: instability in at least one but ≤ 50% of the loci


MSS: all loci stable


MSI-L and MSS grouped together as MSI-L/S




dMMR: nuclear staining I < 10% tumour cells related to either MLH1 or MSH2


pMMR: retained expression (staining in ≥ 10% of tumour cells) of both proteins

Sinicrope, 20113USA

Pathologically proven stage II or stage III colon cancer


Available tissue specimens


Received adjuvant chemotherapy regimens in the RCTs performed by NCCTG, FFCD, GIVIO, and NASBP


Recruitment period: variable



NCCTG 91-46-53 study: BAT26 + IHC
Other NCCTG studies: 5–10 NCI panel markers that include BAT26, BAT25, D5S346, D2S123 and D17S250; NASBP studies: 5 Bethesda/NCI panel markers + TGFßRII. FFCD study: BAT25 & BAT26
GIVIO study: BAT25 & BAT26
MLH1, MSH2, and MSH6 (one study; NCCTG 91-46-53)



MSI-H: instability in ≥ 30% of markers (GIVIO study: instability at both BAT25 & BAT26 loci)


MSI-L: instability at < 30% of loci screened


MSSL: all loci stable


MSI-L and MSS grouped together as MSI-L/S




dMMR: loss of MLH1 or MSH2 or MSH6 protein expression


pMMR: intact MMR protein expression

5-FU + FA/Lev or 5-FU + FA + Ɣ-interferon + LevRelapse rate
Yoon, 2011102Korea

< 75 years of age


An ECOG performance status of 0 or1


Histologically confirmed colorectal adenocarcinoma


Underwent curative surgical resection followed by adjuvant chemotherapy between August 2003 and December 2007


HNPCC, corresponding to Amsterdam criterion I or II


FAP or attenuated FAP


Synchronous or metachronous CRC


History of pre-operative radio-chemotherapy

5 markers: BAT25, BAT26, D5S346, D2S123 and D17S250MLH1 and MSH2



MSI-H: instability in ≥ 2 markers


MSI-L: instability in 1 marker


MSS: instability in 0 markers


MSI-L and MSS grouped together as MSI-L/S




dMMR: nuclear staining > 10% of tumour cells for both MLH1 and MSH2

5-FU+FA / caDFS
Zaanan, 2011101France

Histologically proven stage III colon cancer


Available tumour specimens


Received curative surgical resection followed by adjuvant chemotherapy between June 2003 and December 2007


Age < 18 years


Rectal cancer


Abdominopelvic radiotherapy


Dead within 30 days after surgery


Treated by surgery alone


Treated with chemotherapy other than FOLFOX


Chemotherapy and/or surveillance after surgery in another centre


Delay between surgery and chemotherapy > 8 weeks


Tissue samples unavailable


IHC test uninterpretable or clinical data were missing.

5 mononucleotide markers: NR21, NR24, NR27, BAT25 and BAT26MLH1, MSH2 and MSH6



MSI-H: instability in ≥ 3 markers


MSS: instability in < 3 markers




dMMR: loss of tumour MLH1, MSH2 or MSH6 protein expression (complete absence of tumour cell staining)


pMMR: normal tumour MLH1, MSH2 and MSH6 protein expression

Relapse rate
Zaanan, 2010103France

Histologically proven stage III colon cancer


Underwent curative surgical resection followed by adjuvant chemotherapy between December 1997 and March 2006


dMMR: the complete lack of expression (complete absence of nuclear staining of tumour cells) for MLH1, MSH2 or MSH6

Dietmaier, 200692Germany

Primary lymph node positive stage III colon cancer reported to a clinical tumour registry centre between 1993 and 2001


Received standard 5-FU–based adjuvant chemotherapy

NR# markers: NR
Using international microsatellite standard panel (HNPCC MSI Test kit; Roche, Mannheim, Germany)

MSI-H: instability in > 40% of markers


MSI-L: instability in < 40% of markers


MSS: instability in 0 markers

Westra, 2005104Netherlands

Primary stage III colon cancer from CKVO 90-11 trial


Available tumour specimens


Received adjuvant chemotherapy


Recruitment period: NR

NR9 markers (BAT25, BAT26, BAT40, MONO27, D3S2432, D7S1808, D7S3046, D7S3070, D10S1426) or 5 markers (BAT25, BAT26, D5S346, D2S123, D17S250)NR

MSI-H: instability in ≥ 3 of 9 markers or ≥ 2 of 5 markers


MSS: all other cases

5-FU + Lev ± FADFS (recurrence or disease-specific death)
Watanabe, 2001105USA

Stage III or high-risk stage II colon cancer


Received adjuvant chemotherapy in the INT0032 and INT0089 trials, between August 1988 and July 1992

NR10 markers (8 dinucleotides and 2 mononucleotides) (D18S69, D18S64, D18S55, D18S61, D18S58, D17S520, TGFβRII, TP53, p53VNTR, BAT26)NR

MSI-H: instability in ≥ 2 markers or ≥ 30% of loci

5-FU + Lev ± FA (high/low doses)DFS

5-FU = 5 fluorouracil; ca = capecitabine; CALGB = Cancer and Leukemia Group B; CKVO = the Dutch Commissie Klinisch Vergelijkend Onderzoek group; CRC = colorectal cancer; DFS = disease-, recurrence-, and/or relapse-free survival; dMMR = deficient mismatch repair; ECOG = Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; FA = folinic acid (leucovorin); FAP = familial adenomatous polyposis; FFCD = Federation Francophone de la Cancérologie Digestive; FOLFOX = 5-FU + leucovorin + oxaliplatin; FOLFIRI = 5-FU + leucovorin + irinotecan; GIVIO = Gruppo Italiano Valutazione Interventi in Oncologia; HNPCC = Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer; IHC = immunohistochemistry-based dMMR testing; INT = National Cancer Institute Gastrointestinal Intergroup; Lev = levamisole; MSI = PCR-based microsatellite stability (dMMR) testing; MSI-H = high microsatellite instability; MSI-L = low microsatellite instability; MSS = microsatellite stable; NASBP = the National Cancer Institute of Canada; NCCTG = North Central Cancer treatment Group; NR = not reported; OS = overall survival (all cause or disease-specific); PETACC = Pan-European Trial in Adjuvant Colon Cancer; pMMR = proficient mismatch repair; RCT = randomized controlled trial; XELOX = 5-FU (capecitabine) + oxaliplatin.

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