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NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.
August 2019: Some glossary terms were updated by NICE, and the recommended alcohol units for men and women were updated in line with advice from the UK Chief Medical Officer.
Alcohol is the most widely used psychotropic drug in the industrialised world; it has been used for thousands of years as a social lubricant and anxiolytic. In the UK, it is estimated that 24% of adult men and 13% of adult women drink in a hazardous or harmful way. Levels of hazardous and harmful drinking are lowest in the central and eastern regions of England (21–24% of men and 10–14% of women). They are highest in the north (26–28% of men, 16–18% of women). Hazardous and harmful drinking are commonly encountered amongst hospital attendees; 12% of emergency department attendances are directly related to alcohol whilst 20% of patients admitted to hospital for illnesses unrelated to alcohol are drinking at potentially hazardous levels. Continued hazardous and harmful drinking can result in dependence and tolerance with the consequence that an abrupt reduction in intake might result in development of a withdrawal syndrome. In addition, persistent drinking at hazardous and harmful levels can also result in damage to almost every organ or system of the body. Alcohol-attributable conditions include liver damage, pancreatitis and the Wernicke’s encephalopathy. Key areas in the investigation and management of these conditions are covered in this guideline.
- Guideline Development Group
- Declarations of Interest
- 1.1 Glossary Of Terms
- 1.2. Background
- 1.3. Methodology
- 2. Acute Alcohol Withdrawal
- 3. Alcohol-related liver disease
- 4. Alcohol-related Pancreatitis
- 4.1. Diagnosis of Chronic alcohol-related pancreatitis
- 4.2. Diagnosis of acute alcohol-related pancreatitis
- 4.3. Pancreatic surgery versus endoscopic therapy for chronic alcohol-related pancreatitis
- 4.4. Prophylactic antibiotic treatment for acute alcohol-related pancreatitis
- 4.5. Nutritional support for acute alcohol-related pancreatitis
- 4.6. Enzyme supplementation for chronic alcohol-related pancreatitis
- A.1. Corticosteroids versus placebo forest plots
- A.2. Clinical questions and literature searches
- A.3. Health economic analysis – dosing regimens for acute alcohol withdrawal
- A.4. Health economic analysis – surgery vs endoscopy for chronic pancreatitis
- A.5. Scope
- A.6. Referral from the Department of Health
- A.7. Reference list
- Evidence Tables
- Addendum to NICE guideline 100, Alcohol-use disorders: diagnosis and management of physical complications
- Alcohol-use disorders: physical complications: Evidence Update March 2012: A summary of selected new evidence relevant to NICE clinical guideline 100 'Diagnosis and management of alcohol-related physical complications' (2010)
- Surveillance report 2016 - Alcohol-use disorders: diagnosis and management of physical complications (2010) NICE guideline CG100
- 2019 surveillance of alcohol-use disorders: diagnosis and management of physical complications (NICE guideline CG100)
- Patterns of drinking in Thai men.[Alcohol Alcohol. 2000]Patterns of drinking in Thai men.Assanangkornchai S, Saunders JB, Conigrave KM. Alcohol Alcohol. 2000 May-Jun; 35(3):263-9.
- The alcohol-related problems survey: identifying hazardous and harmful drinking in older primary care patients.[J Am Geriatr Soc. 2002]The alcohol-related problems survey: identifying hazardous and harmful drinking in older primary care patients.Fink A, Morton SC, Beck JC, Hays RD, Spritzer K, Oishi S, Moore AA. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2002 Oct; 50(10):1717-22.
- Review Hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption in primary care.[Arch Intern Med. 1999]Review Hazardous and harmful alcohol consumption in primary care.Reid MC, Fiellin DA, O'Connor PG. Arch Intern Med. 1999 Aug 9-23; 159(15):1681-9.
- Screening for hazardous or harmful drinking using one or two quantity-frequency questions.[Alcohol Alcohol. 2005]Screening for hazardous or harmful drinking using one or two quantity-frequency questions.Canagasaby A, Vinson DC. Alcohol Alcohol. 2005 May-Jun; 40(3):208-13. Epub 2005 Mar 29.
- Review Hazardous alcohol use: its delineation as a subthreshold disorder, and approaches to its diagnosis and management.[Compr Psychiatry. 2000]Review Hazardous alcohol use: its delineation as a subthreshold disorder, and approaches to its diagnosis and management.Saunders JB, Lee NK. Compr Psychiatry. 2000 Mar-Apr; 41(2 Suppl 1):95-103.
- Alcohol Use DisordersAlcohol Use Disorders
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