NOTES: Data include professionally active dentists only. Professionally active dentists in this table are those who are listed in the American Dental Association (ADA) masterfile as licensed, not retired, living in the 50 states or District of Columbia, and having a primary occupation of: private practice (full- or part-time); dental school or faculty staff member; armed forces; other federal service (e.g., Veterans Affairs or Public Health Service); state or local government employee; hospital staff dentist; graduate student, intern, or resident; or other health or dental organization staff member. Data exclude dentists in U.S territories or U.S. armed forces overseas. U.S. totals include dentists with unknown state of practice not shown separately and may include missing data. Starting with Health, United States, 2016, data on the number of dentists per 100,000 resident population for 2011 and beyond are calculated using 2010-based postcensal estimates, and data for 2001–2009 are calculated using intercensal estimates based on the 2000 and 2010 censuses.