Dot plot showing the distribution of G F R is higher in men with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes than men without diabetes

FIGURE 22.4Mean Glomerular Filtration Rate in Men With Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes and No Diabetes

Subjects were 31 nondiabetic men and 11 men with newly diagnosed and untreated type 1 diabetes; horizontal lines are mean±standard deviation. The mean GFR was 41% higher in the diabetic subjects than in the nondiabetic subjects. GFR, glomerular filtration rate.

SOURCE: Reference 49, copyright © 1971 Informa Healthcare, reprinted with permission

From: CHAPTER 22, Kidney Disease in Diabetes

Cover of Diabetes in America
Diabetes in America. 3rd edition.
Cowie CC, Casagrande SS, Menke A, et al., editors.
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Diabetes in America is in the public domain of the United States. You may use the work without restriction in the United States.

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.