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It can take years for a fraction of effective health care practices to reach patients who need them the most, potentially wasting millions of research dollar investments. This research-to-practice gap is attributed to lack of involvement of frontline health care clinicians and limited user-friendly tools to enable them to overcome barriers to uptake of effective practices in real-world settings, especially when faced with organizational constraints. The VA Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (QUERI) Roadmap for Implementation and Quality Improvement is a practical guide for clinicians and researchers to plan and deploy methods to support uptake of effective practices in routine care settings. The three phases of the QUERI Roadmap are Pre-implementation, Implementation, and Sustainment. Pre-implementation identifies high-priority needs, selects effective practices to address the needs, engages stakeholders to build implementation capacity, specifies practice adaptations and evaluation goals, and activates leadership support. Implementation focuses on involving clinical and research leaders to use implementation or quality improvement strategies that support, motivate, and inspire frontline clinicians to adopt and “own” the uptake of effective practices. Sustainment includes business case analyses and knowledge translation methods for practitioners to support ongoing implementation maintenance and improvement of effective practices over time. Integrating key literature and terminology, the QUERI Roadmap de-mystifies the application of implementation strategies and rigorous evaluation of these efforts to support practitioners and inform policy and population health improvements. Combining real-world experience with state-of-the art implementation and quality improvement science, the QUERI Roadmap ultimately makes implementation science usable and practical for investigators and practitioners alike.
Implementation Science, Quality Improvement, Learning Health Systems, Veterans, Knowledge TranslationContents
- The QUERI Roadmap
- Foreword
- Introduction
- Pre-Implementation
- Pre-Implementation Check List
- Implementation
- Implementation Check List
- Sustainment
- Sustainment Check List
- Case Studies
- VA Resources for Implementation & Quality Improvement
- General Resources for Implementation and Quality Improvement
- Implementation Science Versus Quality Improvement?
- Adaptation Guidance Tool
- Iterative Decision-making for Evaluation of Adaptations (IDEA) Decision Tree
- Conducting Adaptation Interviews
- Framework for Reporting Adaptations and Modifications-Enhanced (FRAME)
- What’s a Barrier and Facilitator Framework?
- Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC)
- Evaluation and Study Designs for Implementation and Quality Improvement
- Glossary of Terms
- References
- NLM CatalogRelated NLM Catalog Entries
- Quality Enhancement Research Initiative Implementation Roadmap: Toward Sustainability of Evidence-based Practices in a Learning Health System.[Med Care. 2019]Quality Enhancement Research Initiative Implementation Roadmap: Toward Sustainability of Evidence-based Practices in a Learning Health System.Kilbourne AM, Goodrich DE, Miake-Lye I, Braganza MZ, Bowersox NW. Med Care. 2019 Oct; 57 Suppl 10 Suppl 3(10 Suppl 3):S286-S293.
- Aligning quality improvement efforts and policy goals in a national integrated health system.[Health Serv Res. 2022]Aligning quality improvement efforts and policy goals in a national integrated health system.Braganza MZ, Pearson E, Avila CJ, Zlowe D, Øvretveit J, Kilbourne AM. Health Serv Res. 2022 Jun; 57 Suppl 1(Suppl 1):9-19. Epub 2022 Mar 4.
- Developing a national dissemination plan for collaborative care for depression: QUERI Series.[Implement Sci. 2008]Developing a national dissemination plan for collaborative care for depression: QUERI Series.Smith JL, Williams JW Jr, Owen RR, Rubenstein LV, Chaney E. Implement Sci. 2008 Dec 31; 3:59. Epub 2008 Dec 31.
- Review Database and informatics support for QUERI: current systems and future needs. Quality Enhancement Research Initiative.[Med Care. 2000]Review Database and informatics support for QUERI: current systems and future needs. Quality Enhancement Research Initiative.Hynes DM, Cowper D, Kerr M, Kubal J, Murphy PA. Med Care. 2000 Jun; 38(6 Suppl 1):I114-28.
- Review From understanding health care provider behavior to improving health care: the QUERI framework for quality improvement. Quality Enhancement Research Initiative.[Med Care. 2000]Review From understanding health care provider behavior to improving health care: the QUERI framework for quality improvement. Quality Enhancement Research Initiative.Rubenstein LV, Mittman BS, Yano EM, Mulrow CD. Med Care. 2000 Jun; 38(6 Suppl 1):I129-41.
- The QUERI Roadmap for Implementation and Quality ImprovementThe QUERI Roadmap for Implementation and Quality Improvement
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