Chapter 6Cost–utility analysis of external beam radiotherapy compared with targeted intraoperative radiotherapy in breast cancer

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There is limited evidence about the cost-effectiveness of TARGIT. Picot et al.72 recently undertook a systematic review of published economic evaluations and found two primary studies.73,74 Both were modelling studies using aggregate data from the TARGIT-A trial supplemented with data from other sources. Alvarado et al.73 found that TARGIT was less costly and produced more quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) than EBRT and concluded that TARGIT was the dominant strategy. Based on the results of a cost-minimisation analysis,72 TARGIT was associated with substantial cost savings compared with whole-breast irradiation delivered using three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy or accelerated PBI delivered with intensity-modulated radiotherapy. Both studies were based in the USA and because of differences in treatment practices and patients the results are unlikely to be applicable to the UK.

Picot et al.72 undertook a UK-based cost–utility analysis of TARGIT using data from the TARGIT-A trial supplemented with data from other sources. They found that TARGIT was less costly than EBRT and also less effective, producing fewer QALYs. This is more relevant than the studies by Alvarado et al.73 and Shah et al.74 because it is a UK-based study, but it is a modelling study using aggregate data from the TARGIT-A trial. Hence, we undertook a cost–utility analysis of TARGIT compared with EBRT using patient-level data from the TARGIT-A trial.



The analysis was based on costs and outcomes for the 817 patients randomised in the ‘earliest cohort’ in the prepathology stratum of the TARGIT-A trial. Several issues were considered when deciding which cohort of patients to include in the cost–utility analysis:

  1. We did not include the postpathology stratum from the earliest cohort because the results in this group were less favourable than those of the prepathology stratum. Hence, it is highly unlikely that TARGIT would be adopted in clinical practice for this group. As patients from this stratum were not included in the analysis, the results cannot be applied to this group.
  2. The number of participants needed to prove non-inferiority was calculated to be 585 and therefore the earliest cohort of 817 patients had enough power to draw reliable conclusions.
  3. The earliest cohort was randomised between 2000 and 2008 and the average follow-up was 5 years, permitting a reasonable follow-up period without a large number of missing data. The complete prepathology stratum from TARGIT-A consisted of 2298 patients, with an average follow-up of 2 years 4 months. Hence, by including the full cohort we would have substantially increased the proportion of missing data in the sample if we wanted to use a 5-year time horizon or we would have had to use a shorter time horizon.

We therefore balanced the number of patients in the whole cohort compared with the number in the earliest cohort against the duration of follow-up in the two cohorts against the fact that the earliest cohort had enough statistical power to draw reliable conclusions and decided to base our analysis on the 817 patients randomised in the earliest cohort of the TARGIT-A trial in the prepathology stratum. In this cohort, as in the mature cohort in the prepathology stratum and all patients in the prepathology stratum, TARGIT was non-inferior to EBRT with respect to local recurrence and the 5-year estimated risks of local recurrence were not statistically different between the treatment groups.

Overview of the cost–utility analysis

We undertook a cost–utility analysis to compare the costs and outcomes associated with TARGIT compared with EBRT in the prepathology stratum of the TARGIT-A trial. The outcome measure was QALYs, which combine length of life and quality of life, consistent with NICE guidelines.75 Cost-effectiveness was expressed as incremental net monetary benefits.75 The analysis took a UK NHS and personal social services (PSS) perspective.75 Resource use data were included from all participating centres and UK unit costs were applied. Costs are presented in 2013/14 UK pounds. The time horizon was 5 years, reflecting the average follow-up in the earliest cohort in the prepathology stratum of the TARGIT-A trial. Extrapolation beyond the end of the trial using decision-analytical modelling was not undertaken because the within-trial analysis found no evidence of significant differences in QALYs between the groups. This probably reflects the main finding from the TARGIT-A trial that TARGIT was non-inferior to EBRT with regard to local recurrence. Although there was some evidence of differences in costs, these differences were accrued during the first year, with no evidence of significant differences in costs beyond the first year. Hence, the 5-year time horizon was long enough to reflect all important differences in costs or outcomes between the two treatments. An annual discount rate of 3.5% was applied to costs and outcomes.75

Resource use and costs

Cost components

We calculated the costs incurred by every patient during the 5-year time horizon using resource use and event data collected prospectively in the trial. The following costs were included: TARGIT, EBRT, index procedure, additional procedures, chemotherapy, mastectomy, complications, recurrence-free survival, local recurrence, distant recurrence, breast cancer deaths and non-breast-cancer deaths. Unit costs were obtained from published sources72,7680 (Table 12), inflated when appropriate82 and multiplied by resource use. Annual costs were calculated for every patient for each year of the 5-year time horizon. These were discounted and summed across all 5 years to calculate total costs per patient over the whole period.



Unit costs

Targeted intraoperative radiotherapy

A fixed cost per patient was assumed for TARGIT, based on recently published calculations by Picot et al.72 This cost includes one-off capital costs and annual maintenance costs associated with the INTRABEAM device; one-off, annual and per-treatment costs requiring additional staff resources; the cost of consumables required for each use of the device; and the cost of additional operating theatre time for each use of the device. The capital and one-off costs were annualised using a device lifetime of 10 years. These costs and the annual costs were assigned to individual treatments assuming that each device was used to undertake 126 procedures per year. On this basis Picot et al.72 calculate the unit cost per patient to be £1882 (2013/14 prices), which is the value that we used in our analysis for the base case. This was varied in sensitivity analysis.

External beam radiotherapy

Patient-level data were collected in the TARGIT-A trial on the number of fractions of EBRT received by each patient. A proportion of patients randomised to TARGIT also received EBRT and these were also included in the analysis. The mean [standard deviation (SD)] number of fractions given to patients in the trial who received EBRT was 23 (5). This is higher than current recommendations stating that 15 fractions are required to complete a course of treatment for patients with early invasive breast cancer after breast-conserving surgery or mastectomy.78 In our base case we therefore assumed that all patients in the TARGIT-A trial who received EBRT received a fixed number of 15 fractions. We applied a unit cost per fraction plus a one-off cost for a planning meeting (see Table 12). In sensitivity analyses we estimated cost-effectiveness based on the actual number of fractions of EBRT received in the trial.

Standard treatment of breast cancer includes an EBRT boost as part of the course of whole-breast radiotherapy; however, it is sometimes omitted in patients at a lower risk of local recurrence.8385 In the TARGIT-A trial, patient-level data were also recorded on whether or not patients received an EBRT boost and if so the number of fractions received. These were included in our base case. We applied a unit cost per fraction plus a one-off cost for an additional planning meeting (see Table 12). In sensitivity analysis we estimated cost-effectiveness assuming no EBRT boost.

External beam radiotherapy requires several trips to hospital for treatment, incurring time and travel costs for patients and their families. Our analysis was undertaken from a NHS and PSS perspective and so we did not include these costs. However, some patients use NHS patient transport to travel to hospital for EBRT, which is a cost incurred by the NHS. We were unable to find any pre-existing evidence on the proportion of EBRT patients who use NHS patient transport and so we undertook a short survey at two sites. The first site was Great Western Hospital in Swindon, where patients receiving EBRT typically travel to radiotherapy centres at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, the Royal United Hospital, Bath, or Cheltenham General Hospital for treatment. The second was Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow, where patients typically travel to North Middlesex Hospital, Enfield, for treatment. Patients were asked to indicate their method of transport to the radiotherapy centre, with possible responses being by car, by hospital transport or by public transport. We received 37 responses (17 from patients at Great Western Hospital and 20 from patients at Princess Alexandra Hospital), with five (13.5%) patients reporting using hospital transport. In our base case we therefore assumed that 13.5% of patients receiving EBRT use NHS patient transport over the course of their treatment and applied a unit cost per return journey (see Table 12). We varied the proportion of patients using NHS patient transport to travel to hospital for EBRT in sensitivity analysis.

Other cost components

The cost of the index procedure included the cost of the lumpectomy procedure itself plus the cost of any associated hospital stay, which was recorded in the trial. Any additional procedures related to excision of margins or axillary dissection and/or clearance were recorded, as well as whether or not the patient received chemotherapy and had a mastectomy. For the index procedure, additional procedures and mastectomies, unit costs based on NHS reference costs76 were applied. Costs for a course of chemotherapy were based on current treatment recommendations.78

Data were recorded in the trial on the number of the following complications: haematoma requiring surgical evacuation; seroma requiring three or more aspirations; infection requiring oral or intravenous antibiotics or surgical intervention; skin breakdown or delayed wound healing; and RTOG toxicity of grade 3 or 4. Details were recorded on how each individual complication was treated and these were costed separately and included in the analysis (see Table 12).

We included the costs of remaining recurrence free, local recurrence, distant recurrence, breast cancer death and non-breast-cancer death. Unit costs were taken from a published source81 and applied to patient-level data from the trial. Treatments for local recurrence were recorded in the trial and were costed on an individual patient basis. Treatments for local recurrence included mastectomy, TARGIT, EBRT, hormone therapy and chemotherapy. The mean (SD) cost per patient of local recurrence was £4956 (£3953; see Table 12).

Utilities and quality-adjusted life-years

The outcome measure in our cost–utility analysis was QALYs, which combine length of life and quality of life, the latter being measured by utility scores. A utility score of 1 represents full health and a score of 0 denotes death; negative values represent states worse than death.

Utility data were not collected in the TARGIT-A trial. Patient-level data on the timing of events were collected and for every patient we created a data set describing the health state that they were in during every day of the 5-year time horizon. Utility values from published sources were then applied to each health state. These were used to construct five 1-year utility profiles for every patient covering the 5-year time horizon. QALYs for every patient for each year were calculated as the area under the utility profile for that year. These were discounted and summed across all 5 years to calculate QALYs per patient over the whole period.

The health states included in the cost–utility analysis were recurrence free, local recurrence, distant recurrence, breast cancer death and non-breast-cancer death. A review of the Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Registry86 was undertaken using the search term ‘breast cancer’ to identify studies reporting relevant utility scores and 1291 results (utility scores) were identified. Picot et al.72 recently undertook an extensive literature search of studies providing utility values for such patients and identified nine suitable studies. The criteria for the values that they selected in their analysis were that they would ideally be based on EQ-5D scores, would ideally have been derived from UK patients and these patients would ideally reflect the younger age range of patients in the TARGIT-A trial. The values that they selected, from studies by Turnbull et al.87 and Lidgren et al.,88 were as follows:

  • recurrence free in first year: 0.7728
  • recurrence free after first year: 0.8112
  • local recurrence: 0.8112
  • recurrence free after local recurrence: 0.8112
  • distant recurrence: 0.658.

We used these values in our base case. The values imply that the utility associated with local recurrence is the same as the utility associated with being recurrence free after the first year and the utility associated with being recurrence free after local recurrence. We undertook a sensitivity analysis using values from an alternative study by Hayman et al.,89,90 which have been used in previous studies, as follows:

  • recurrence free: 0.92
  • local recurrence: 0.87
  • recurrence free after local recurrence: 0.92
  • distant recurrence: 0.70.

Patients who died in the TARGIT-A trial (either from breast cancer or from other causes) were assigned a utility value of 0 at their date of death until the end of the 5-year time horizon.

In the cost–utility analysis we did not incorporate utility losses associated with additional procedures, chemotherapy, mastectomy or complications. Given the low incidence of these events, that they were evenly distributed between treatment groups and that the time period affected is likely to be short, this is unlikely to affect the QALYs associated with each treatment group. We also did not include any utility losses associated with EBRT. Therefore, this would make our estimates more conservative because such an omission would work against TARGIT.

Missing data

There were some missing data on patient follow-up, meaning that for some patients we did not know whether or not they had experienced events. This affected both the total costs incurred by each patient and the total QALYs. Multiple imputation was used to impute missing data separately for costs in years 1–5, total costs, QALYs in years 1–5 and total QALYs. The following variables were included in the imputation models as additional explanatory variables: cost of EBRT, cost of the index procedure, cost of additional procedures, cost of chemotherapy, cost of mastectomy, whether or not the patient had each type of complication, age at randomisation, tumour size in millimetres at randomisation, ER status at randomisation, PgR status at randomisation, contralateral cancer or not, whether the cancer was screen detected or not, study centre, year of randomisation and treatment allocation. We used multivariate normal regression to impute missing values and generated 20 imputed data sets. We repeated the multiple imputation several times using different random number seeds to investigate whether or not the conclusions of the analysis changed.

Statistical methods

Mean costs, outcomes and net monetary benefits were compared between all patients randomly assigned to EBRT and TARGIT, irrespective of which treatment was administered and whether or not patients received additional therapies of either type. We calculated differences in mean costs and QALYs and incremental net monetary benefits between groups. Net monetary benefits for EBRT and TARGiT were calculated as the mean QALYs per patient multiplied by the maximum willingness to pay for a QALY minus the mean cost per patient. Incremental net monetary benefits were calculated as the difference in mean QALYs per patient with TARGIT compared with EBRT multiplied by the maximum willingness to pay for a QALY minus the difference in mean costs per patient. We used the cost-effectiveness threshold range recommended by NICE of £20,000–30,00075 as the lower and upper limits of the maximum willingness to pay for a QALY. If the incremental net monetary benefit is positive (negative) then TARGIT (EBRT) is preferred on cost-effectiveness grounds. The QALYs gained and incremental costs were adjusted for age at randomisation, tumour size in millimetres at randomisation, ER status at randomisation, PgR status at randomisation, contralateral cancer or not, whether the cancer was screen detected or not, study centre and year of randomisation. For each of the 20 imputed data sets we ran 1000 bootstrap replications and combined the results using equations described by Briggs et al.91 to calculate standard errors (SEs) around mean values accounting for uncertainty in the imputed values, the skewed nature of the cost data and utility values and sampling variation. SEs were used to calculate 95% CIs around point estimates. A similar analytical approach has been used previously.92

Sensitivity analyses

We undertook deterministic sensitivity analyses to evaluate the impact of uncertainty in the following components. In each case the changes made were applied one at a time to the base case.

  • No adjustment for age at randomisation, tumour size in millimetres at randomisation, ER status at randomisation, PgR status at randomisation, contralateral cancer or not, whether the cancer was screen detected or not, study centre and year of randomisation.
  • Complete case analysis without imputing missing values.
  • Complete case analysis without imputing missing values plus with no adjustment for age at randomisation, tumour size in millimetres at randomisation, ER status at randomisation, PgR status at randomisation, contralateral cancer or not, whether the cancer was screen detected or not, study centre and year of randomisation.
  • EBRT costs based on number of fractions received in the trial [mean (SD) number of fractions administered per patient who received EBRT in the trial was 23 (5)].
  • No EBRT boost.
  • Costs of EBRT per fraction of £101 and £154, based on the lower and upper values of the IQR of the NHS reference costs.76
  • Costs of TARGIT of £1300, £1500, £1700, £1900, £2100, £2300, £2500 and £2700. The value of £1300 corresponds to the minimum value in Picot et al.,72 in which the capital and one-off costs were annualised using a device lifetime of 10 years and these costs and the annual costs were assigned to individual treatments assuming that each device was used to undertake 631 procedures per year. The value of £2500 corresponds to the maximum value in Picot et al.,72 with a device lifetime of 5 years and 100 procedures per year.
  • Percentage of patients using NHS transport for EBRT of 0% (no patients use NHS transport) and 30%.
  • Health states valued using utilities from Hayman et al.89,90

A cost-effectiveness acceptability curve93 showing the probability that TARGIT was cost-effective compared with EBRT at a range of values for the maximum willingness to pay for a QALY was generated based on the proportion of the bootstrap replications across all 20 imputed data sets with positive incremental net monetary benefits.94 The probability that TARGIT was cost-effective at a maximum willingness to pay for a QALY of £20,000 and £30,000 was reported, based on the proportion of bootstrap replications with positive incremental net monetary benefits at these values.


Resource use and costs

In total, 15.2% of patients randomised to TARGIT also received EBRT (Table 13). We assumed that every patient receiving EBRT received 15 fractions. In total, 38% of patients randomised to EBRT also received an EBRT boost [mean (SD) 5 (2) fractions]. We assumed that 13.5% of all EBRT patients used NHS transport to travel to hospital for their radiotherapy treatment. The mean (median) number of nights in hospital for the initial procedure was 4 (3) for both TARGIT and EBRT patients. A total of 19% of EBRT patients received additional procedures, compared with 12% of TARGIT patients. In total, 20% of EBRT patients received chemotherapy and 4% had a mastectomy; for TARGIT the figures were 23% and 3%, respectively. The incidence of complications was low in both treatment groups. The number of events for TARGIT and EBRT were local recurrences (6 vs. 3), distant recurrences (21 vs. 18), breast cancer deaths (13 vs. 11) and non-breast-cancer deaths (7 vs. 18).



Summary of data used in the cost–utility analysis

Accounting for missing data using multiple imputation, mean total costs per patient (95% CI) were £11,840 (£11,422 to £12,259) in the EBRT group (n = 416) and £11,404 (£10,800 to £12,008) in the TARGIT group (n = 401; Table 14). The mean radiotherapy cost per patient (summing the cost of TARGIT plus EBRT plus EBRT boost plus NHS transport for EBRT) was £3373 in the EBRT group and £2307 in the TARGIT group. Other costs were similar for EBRT and TARGIT. Values were similar for complete cases (Table 15).



Mean QALYs, costs and net monetary benefits: multiple imputation



Mean QALYs, costs and net monetary benefits: complete cases

Quality-adjusted life-years

Accounting for missing data using multiple imputation, mean QALYs per year were similar for the two groups and there was a decline over time. Mean QALYs per patient (95% CI) fell from 0.810 (0.808 to 0.812) in the EBRT group in year 1 to 0.657 (0.640 to 0.674) in year 5. In the TARGIT group the values were 0.811 (0.810 to 0.811) and 0.674 (0.660 to 0.689), respectively. Mean total QALYs per patient over the 5-year period were 3.663 (3.614 to 3.713) in the EBRT group and 3.704 (3.664 to 3.744) in the TARGIT group (see Table 14). QALYs were similar for complete cases (see Table 15).

Cost–utility analysis

Accounting for missing data using multiple imputation, the mean net monetary benefits for EBRT and TARGIT were £61,426 (95% CI £60,299 to £62,544) and £62,678 (95% CI £61,542 to £63,762) at a maximum willingness to pay for a QALY of £20,000 and £98,059 (95% CI £96,470 to £99,644) and £99,720 (95% CI £98,228 to £101,147) at a maximum willingness to pay for a QALY of £30,000 (see Table 14).

In the base-case analysis TARGIT was less costly than EBRT (mean incremental cost –£685) and produced slightly more QALYs than EBRT (mean QALYs gained 0.034; Table 16). The difference in costs between the two groups was statistically significant (mean incremental cost for TARGIT vs. EBRT –£685, 95% CI –£1131 to –£63) but the difference in QALYs was not (mean QALYs gained 0.034, 95% CI –0.026 to 0.095). The incremental net monetary benefit for TARGIT compared with EBRT was positive indicating that TARGIT was cost-effective: at a maximum willingness to pay for a QALY of £20,000 or £30,000 the mean incremental net monetary benefit was £1363 and £1730 (see Table 16). The incremental net monetary benefit was not significantly different from zero at a maximum willingness to pay for a QALY of £20,000 (mean £1363, 95% CI –£66 to £2838) or £30,000 (mean £1730, 95% CI –£284 to £3740). However, the incremental net monetary benefit for TARGIT compared with EBRT was borderline significantly different from zero: at a maximum willingness to pay for a QALY of £20,000 the 90% CI was £175 to £2818 and at £30,000 it was £38 to £3746. In a hypothesis test, this would indicate that against a null hypothesis the incremental net monetary benefit equals zero; the p-value for rejecting the null hypothesis would be between 0.05 and 0.1.



Incremental cost-effectiveness of TARGIT compared with EBRT: base case

We repeated the analysis several times using alternative versions of the multiple imputation process using different random number seeds to investigate whether or not the conclusions of the analysis changed; in every case the results were qualitatively the same.

Sensitivity analyses

In all but one of the scenarios tested in the deterministic sensitivity analysis TARGIT was less costly than EBRT (Table 17). The exception was when the cost of TARGIT was £2700 per patient, which is higher than the maximum value in Picot et al.72 (£2500). The costs were statistically significantly lower for TARGIT compared with EBRT (the 95% CI did not cross zero) when EBRT costs were based on the number of fractions received in the trial, the unit cost per fraction of EBRT was £154 (the upper quartile unit cost in the NHS reference costs76), the cost of TARGIT was ≤ £1900 per patient and the alternative utility values were used.



Incremental cost-effectiveness of TARGIT compared with EBRT: deterministic sensitivity analysis

In every case the QALYs gained were small, positive and non-significant. Note that these were unlikely to change given that the parameters varied in the deterministic sensitivity analysis were mainly cost parameters.

In all cases tested the incremental net monetary benefits for TARGIT compared with EBRT were positive at a maximum willingness to pay for a QALY of £20,000 and £30,000. The incremental net monetary benefits were significantly greater than zero (the 95% CI did not cross zero) when EBRT costs were based on the number of fractions received in the trial, the unit cost per fraction of EBRT was £154 and the cost of TARGIT was ≤ £1700 per patient at a maximum willingness to pay for a QALY of £20,000 or ≤ £1300 per patient at a maximum willingness to pay for a QALY of £30,000.

The probability that EBRT is cost-effective is equal to 1 minus the probability that TARGIT is cost-effective at each value of the maximum willingness to pay for a QALY. The cost-effectiveness acceptability curve shows that, at a maximum willingness to pay for a QALY of £20,000 (£30,000), the probability that TARGIT was cost-effective was 0.965 (0.950) in the base case (Figure 30 and see Table 17). In the deterministic sensitivity analyses the probability that TARGIT was cost-effective at a maximum willingness to pay for a QALY of £20,000 was > 0.75 in every case. At a maximum willingness to pay for a QALY of £30,000 the probability that TARGIT was cost-effective was > 0.80 in every case.

FIGURE 30. Cost-effectiveness acceptability curve showing the probability that TARGIT is cost-effective compared with EBRT at different values of the maximum willingness to pay for a QALY.


Cost-effectiveness acceptability curve showing the probability that TARGIT is cost-effective compared with EBRT at different values of the maximum willingness to pay for a QALY.

Potential budget impact

The cost savings per patient found in our base case could translate into cost savings per year for the NHS if TARGIT was carried our routinely instead of EBRT in eligible patients. The latest available evidence suggests that in 2011 there were 49,936 new cases of breast cancer in the UK.95 Figures from Germany96 based on 1108 new cases of breast cancer treated at a single centre between 2003 and 2009 suggest that 258 patients (23.3% cases) would have met the eligibility criteria for participation in the TARGIT-C trial ( NCT02290782),97 which has similar but more restrictive inclusion and exclusion criteria than the TARGIT-A trial (e.g. age ≥ 50 years rather than ≥ 45 years, tumour size ≤ 2 cm rather than ≤ 3.5 cm). This conservatively suggests that around 49,936 × 23.3% = 11,600 patients may be eligible for TARGIT in the UK each year. Applying the cost saving per patient in our base case to this estimate suggests that the NHS might save around 11,600 × –£685 = £8 million a year.

Figures from France98 based on two cohorts of patients between 1980 and 2008 indicate that, across a combined total of 12,025 patients receiving breast-conserving surgery, 5545 patients (46%) would have been eligible for TARGIT according to the eligibility criteria of the TARGIT-A trial. Approximately 58% of newly diagnosed patients with breast cancer in the UK undergo lumpectomy.99 Therefore, according to these figures, around 49,936 × 58% × 46% = 13,300 patients may be eligible for TARGIT in the UK each year. Applying the cost saving per patient in our base case to this estimate suggests that the NHS might save around 13,300 × £685 = £9.1 million a year.

Combined, these calculations suggest that if TARGIT was carried our routinely instead of EBRT in eligible patients the potential cost savings to the NHS would be around £8–9.1 million each year.



We undertook a cost–utility analysis comparing TARGIT versus EBRT in the prepathology stratum of the earliest cohort of the TARGIT-A trial. In our base case TARGIT was statistically significantly less costly than EBRT, produced similar QALYs, had a positive incremental net monetary benefit that was borderline statistically significantly different from zero and had a probability of > 90% of being cost-effective. Although there appears to be some uncertainty about the statistical significance of the differences in costs and whether or not the incremental net monetary benefit is different from zero, the appears to be little uncertainty in the point estimates, based on deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses.

Comparison with other studies

Alvarado et al.73 found that TARGIT dominated EBRT (was less costly and more effective) in that it resulted in a QALY gain of 0.00026 compared with EBRT and cost US$5191 less. Based on their analysis using TARGIT-A trial data, Shah et al.74 reported that use of TARGIT was associated with cost savings of US$3.6–4.3 million per 1000 patients compared with EBRT. Neither study reported CIs around the point estimates and so it is unclear if the QALYs gained or cost savings were significantly different from zero. Our results are qualitatively similar to those of Alvarado et al.73 in that based on the point estimates in our base case we also found a cost saving for TARGIT and a small QALY gain compared with EBRT. Our findings are also qualitatively similar to those of Shah et al.74 in that we also found a cost saving with TARGIT compared with EBRT. However, given that both studies were US based it is difficult to draw close comparisons.

Picot et al.72 found that TARGIT produced a small cost saving compared with EBRT and a small QALY loss; the authors’ conclusion was that EBRT was associated with more QALYs than TARGIT at a broadly similar overall cost. The point estimates of the costs saved per QALY lost were < £20,000, indicating that TARGIT was not cost-effective (in cases in which an intervention is less costly and less effective than the comparator then for it to be cost-effective the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio must lie above the threshold value). CIs around the cost and outcome differences and the incremental cost-effectiveness measures were not reported and so it is difficult to make a full comparison of the findings. Other than the use of patient-level data, the main differences between the study by Picot et al.72 and the present study were the time horizon and the range of costs included. Picot et al.72 modelled costs and outcomes using a time horizon of 40 years, whereas the time horizon in the present study was 5 years based on the average length of follow-up in the trial. We did not extrapolate beyond the end of the trial because the within-trial analysis found no evidence of significant differences in QALYs between the groups and, although there was some evidence of differences in costs, these differences were all accrued during the first year. In terms of costs included, there were several differences between the present study and that by Picot et al.72 During the radiotherapy treatment period the present study included the cost of EBRT boost and NHS transport costs for EBRT, which were not included in the study by Picot et al.72 More generally, the total cost per patient in the study by Picot et al.72 over the 40-year period, based on the costs included in the analysis, was around £2300 in both groups. In our study the total cost per patient over the 5-year period, based on the costs included in the analysis, was around £11,600 in both groups, suggesting large differences in the range of cost components included.

Strengths and limitations

The main strength of our analysis is that it is based on a large international multicentre randomised trial with detailed information on resource use and events for a median follow-up period of 5 years.

There are several limitations. First, the time horizon was 5 years. Extrapolation beyond the end of the trial using decision-analytical modelling was not undertaken because the within-trial analysis found no evidence of significant differences in QALYs between groups during the 5-year period. This probably reflects the main finding from the TARGIT-A trial that TARGIT was non-inferior to EBRT with regard to local recurrence. Although there was some evidence of differences in costs these differences were all accrued during the first year; there was no evidence of significant differences in costs beyond the first year. Hence, the 5-year time horizon was long enough to reflect all important differences in costs or outcomes between the two treatments. Although local recurrence (and other events) are likely to continue to occur over a patient’s lifetime, the evidence from the TARGIT-A trial is that TARGIT is non-inferior to EBRT. Hence, taking a longer time horizon is unlikely to have affected the results of the incremental analyses.

Second, utility data were not collected in the TARGIT-A trial. We therefore applied utility values from published sources to the health states experienced by patients in the trial. The utility values that we applied may not reflect the values of patients in the study. Given the relatively small number of events, and that the numbers of events were largely not different between the two groups, the QALY differences between the two groups may not be expected to change much with alternative utility values. This is borne out by our sensitivity analysis, which showed that the results did not change appreciably when we used alternative values. We did not incorporate utility losses associated with additional procedures, chemotherapy, mastectomy or complications in our analysis. Given the low incidence of these events, that they were evenly distributed between treatment groups and that the time period affected is likely to be short this is unlikely to affect the QALYs associated with each treatment group. We also did not include any utility losses associated with EBRT. Therefore, this would make our estimates more conservative because such an omission would work against TARGIT.

Third, the dose of EBRT administered to patients in the TARGIT-A trial does not reflect current UK treatment guidelines. This reflects the multinational nature of the trial, plus that it began recruiting patients in 2000 when treatment recommendations were different. We accounted for this in our base case by assuming that all patients in the TARGIT-A trial who received EBRT received a fixed number of 15 fractions.

Fourth, the analysis took a NHS/PSS perspective on costs. A wider perspective (e.g. societal) could have been taken to measure costs, including impacts on the rest of society, patients, families and businesses. If a wider perspective was taken this should include the additional costs borne by patients and families in terms of time and travel costs associated with additional radiotherapy visits for EBRT compared with TARGIT. If these costs were included it is likely that the cost savings attributable to TARGIT would be greater than demonstrated. Taking the example of the transport costs, we used the figure of 13.5% for the proportion of patients for whom the NHS paid for transport for radiotherapy visits for EBRT. Assuming that the same cost is paid out of pocket by the remaining patients, the difference in costs between TARGIT and EBRT would be increased by £877 to £1562 per patient, taking the total saving to the UK national economy to between 11,600 × £1562 = £18.1 million and 13,400 × £1562 = £20.9 million each year. These are crude estimates and further research to evaluate the wider impacts of TARGIT, including on other costs to the rest of society, would be useful.