Figure 8-29. (A) Expression pattern of deltaC in the early zebrafish embryo.

Figure 8-29

(A) Expression pattern of deltaC in the early zebrafish embryo. This gene codes for a ligand in the Notch signaling pathway (discussed in Chapter 15), and the pattern shown here reflects its role in the development of somites—the future segments of the vertebrate trunk and tail. (B) High-resolution RNA in situ localization reveals the sites within the nucleolus of a pea cell where ribosomal RNA is synthesized. The sausage-like structures, 0.5–1 μm in diameter, correspond to the loops of chromosomal DNA that contain the genes encoding rRNA. Each small, white spot represents transcription of a single rRNA gene. (A, courtesy of Yun-Jin Jiang; B, courtesy of Peter Shaw.)

From: Isolating, Cloning, and Sequencing DNA

Cover of Molecular Biology of the Cell
Molecular Biology of the Cell. 4th edition.
Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, et al.
New York: Garland Science; 2002.
Copyright © 2002, Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, and Peter Walter; Copyright © 1983, 1989, 1994, Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, and James D. Watson .

NCBI Bookshelf. A service of the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health.