Blepharophimosis, Ptosis, and Epicanthus Inversus Syndrome
Synonyms: Blepharophimosis Syndrome, BPES
Hannah Verdin, MSc, PhD, Charlotte Matton, MSc, and Elfride De Baere, MD, PhD.
Author Information and AffiliationsInitial Posting: July 8, 2004; Last Update: March 10, 2022.
Estimated reading time: 17 minutes
Clinical characteristics.
Blepharophimosis, ptosis, and epicanthus inversus syndrome (BPES) is defined by a complex eyelid malformation characterized by four major features, all present at birth: blepharophimosis, ptosis, epicanthus inversus, and telecanthus. BPES type I includes the four major features and primary ovarian insufficiency; BPES type II includes only the four major features. Other ophthalmic manifestations that can be associated with BPES include dysplastic eyelids, lacrimal duct anomalies, strabismus, refractive errors, and amblyopia. Other craniofacial features may include a broad nasal bridge and low-set ears.
Treatment of manifestations: Management requires the input of a multidisciplinary team of specialists. Eyelid surgery traditionally involves a medial canthoplasty for correction of the blepharophimosis, epicanthus inversus, and telecanthus at age three to five years, typically followed a year later by ptosis correction. Primary ovarian insufficiency is managed by hormone replacement therapy; fertility is addressed with reproductive technologies such as embryo donation, egg donation, and cryopreservation strategies.
Surveillance: Ophthalmic follow up depends on age, procedures performed in the past, and results of visual acuity testing. Endocrinologic and gynecologic follow up are advised for affected females. Psychological follow up is recommended.
Genetic counseling.
BPES is almost always inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. More than half of individuals diagnosed with BPES have the disorder as the result of a pathogenic variant inherited from an affected parent. Each child of an individual with BPES has a 50% chance of inheriting the pathogenic variant. Once the BPES-causing pathogenic variant has been identified in an affected family member, prenatal testing for a pregnancy at increased risk and preimplantation genetic testing for BPES are possible.
No consensus clinical diagnostic criteria for blepharophimosis, ptosis, and epicanthus inversus syndrome (BPES) have been published.
Suggestive Findings
BPES should be suspected in individuals with the following clinical findings and family history.
Major clinical findings, all present at birth:
Blepharophimosis. Narrowing of the horizontal aperture of the eyelids
Ptosis. Drooping of the upper eyelid causing a narrowing of the vertical palpebral fissure
Epicanthus inversus. A skin fold arising from the lower eyelid and running inward and upward
Telecanthus. Lateral displacement of the inner canthi and the inferior punctum with normal interpupillary distance
Additionally, primary ovarian insufficiency is present in individuals with BEPS type 1.
Family history is consistent with autosomal dominant inheritance (e.g., affected males and females in multiple generations). Absence of a known family history does not preclude the diagnosis.
Establishing the Diagnosis
The diagnosis of BPES is established in a proband with suggestive clinical findings and a heterozygous pathogenic variant in FOXL2 or its regulatory domain identified by molecular genetic testing (see Table 1).
Note: Identification of a heterozygous variant of FOXL2 (or its regulatory domain) of uncertain significance does not establish or rule out the diagnosis of this disorder.
Molecular genetic testing approaches can include a combination of gene-targeted testing (single-gene testing) and comprehensive
genomic testing (exome sequencing, genome sequencing, chromosomal microarray analysis) depending on the phenotype.
Gene-targeted testing requires that the clinician determine which gene(s) are likely involved, whereas genomic testing does not. Individuals with the distinctive findings described in Suggestive Findings are likely to be diagnosed using gene-targeted testing (see Option 1), whereas those in whom the clinical diagnosis of BPES has not been considered or is less certain are more likely to be diagnosed using genomic testing (see Option 2).
Option 1
Single-gene testing. Sequence analysis of FOXL2 is performed first to detect small intragenic deletions/insertions and missense, nonsense, and splice site variants. Note: Depending on the sequencing method used, partial or whole-gene deletions/duplications may not be detected. If no variant is detected by the sequencing method used, the next step is to perform gene-targeted deletion/duplication analysis of the FOXL2 region and its regulatory domain to detect a partial or whole-gene deletion or a noncoding regulatory domain copy number variant (deletion).
Option 2
genomic testing does not require the clinician to determine which gene is likely involved. Exome sequencing is most commonly used; genome sequencing is also possible.
If no variant is detected using exome or genome sequencing, the next step is to perform gene-targeted deletion/duplication analysis of the FOXL2 region and its regulatory domain to detect a partial or whole-gene deletion or a noncoding regulatory domain copy number variant (deletion).
For an introduction to comprehensive genomic testing click here. More detailed information for clinicians ordering genomic testing can be found here.
If molecular genetic testing is normal, cytogenetic testing can be considered to identify a balanced translocation associated with an interruption of FOXL2 or its regulatory domain. This can be evaluated further via newly developed testing techniques such as low-pass whole-genome sequencing of FOXL2 and its regulatory domain [Yang et al 2014].
Table 1.
Molecular Genetic Testing Used in BPES
View in own window
Gene 1 | Method | Proportion of Probands with a Pathogenic Variant 2, 3 Detectable by Method |
| Sequence analysis 4 | 72% 5 |
Gene-targeted deletion/duplication analysis 6, 7 | 10%-15% 5 |
Regulatory regions extragenic to FOXL2 | Deletion/duplication analysis of the regions upstream or downstream of FOXL2 6, 7, 8 | 5% 5, 9 |
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
- 4.
- 5.
Data derived from the subscription-based professional view of Human Gene Mutation Database [Stenson et al 2020]
- 6.
Gene-targeted deletion/duplication analysis detects intragenic deletions or duplications. Methods used may include a range of techniques such as quantitative PCR, long-range PCR, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA), and a gene-targeted microarray designed to detect single-exon deletions or duplications.
- 7.
- 8.
- 9.
Clinical Characteristics
Clinical Description
Blepharophimosis, ptosis, and epicanthus inversus syndrome (BPES) is defined by complex eyelid malformation characterized by four major features, all present at birth: blepharophimosis, ptosis, epicanthus inversus, and telecanthus.
Two types of BPES have been described [Zlotogora et al 1983]:
Complex eyelid malformation
Blepharophimosis. Narrowing of the horizontal aperture of the eyelids. In normal adults, the horizontal palpebral fissure measures 25-30 mm; in individuals with BPES, it generally measures 20-22 mm.
Ptosis. Drooping of the upper eyelid causing a narrowing of the vertical palpebral fissure. In individuals with BPES, ptosis is secondary to dysplasia of the musculus levator palpebrae superioris. To compensate for the ptosis, affected individuals:
Use the musculus frontalis, wrinkling the forehead to draw the eyebrows upward, which results in a characteristic facial appearance;
Tilt their head backward into a chin-up position.
Epicanthus inversus. A skin fold arising from the lower eyelid and running inward and upward
Telecanthus. Lateral displacement of the inner canthi with normal interpupillary distance
Associated ophthalmic manifestations
Dysplastic eyelids (lack of eyelid folds and thin skin)
S-shaped border of the upper eyelid and abnormal downward concavity of the lower eyelid with lateral ectropion
Nasolacrimal drainage problems caused by lateral displacement, duplication, or stenosis of the lacrimal puncta
Note: A study of ten individuals with molecularly confirmed BPES showed that all had lateral displacement of the inferior punctum (i.e., in the lower eyelid) resulting from a temporal displacement of the entire lower eyelid. This proved to be an important anatomic hallmark in the diagnosis of BPES [
Decock et al 2011].
Strabismus, refractive errors (anisometropic hypermetropia and myopia), and amblyopia are more common in individuals with BPES than in the general population [
Beckingsale et al 2003,
Dawson et al 2003,
Choi et al 2006]. A retrospective study in 204 individuals with BPES showed manifest strabismus in 20%, a significant refractive error in 34%, and bilateral or unilateral amblyopia in 21% and 20%, respectively [
Dawson et al 2003].
Other craniofacial features frequently observed in BPES are a broad nasal bridge and low-set ears.
Primary ovarian insufficiency (POI)
Secondary sexual characteristics are usually normal in both BPES type I and BPES type II.
In BPES type I, menarche is usually normal, followed by oligomenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea.
Cognitive development is expected to be normal in individuals with BPES unless the disorder occurs as part of a contiguous gene deletion with associated developmental delay / intellectual disability (see Genetically Related Disorders).
Pituitary hormone deficiency. A recent study showed that some individuals with BPES have hypopituitarism with no molecular explanation other than a FOXL2 pathogenic variant, suggesting a role for FOXL2 in human pituitary development [Castets et al 2020].
Genotype-Phenotype Correlations
Pathogenic variants predicted to result in proteins truncated before the polyalanine tract preferentially lead to POI (BPES type I). Note: The need for careful interpretation of genotype-phenotype correlations is illustrated by the co-occurrence of BPES type I and isolated POI in a three-generation family [Beysen et al 2008] and the occurrence of both BPES type I and BPES type II within a single family [Yang et al 2017].
Polyalanine expansions preferentially lead to BPES type II.
The prevalence of BPES is estimated at 1:50,000 births in the general population.
No differences in prevalence based on sex, race, or ethnicity have been reported.
Differential Diagnosis
Because of its characteristic phenotype and the absence of extraocular manifestations other than primary ovarian insufficiency, BPES can be distinguished relatively easily from other conditions in which ptosis or blepharophimosis is a major feature (e.g., NR2F2-associated 46,XX sex reversal 5 [OMIM 618901] and Say-Barber-Biesecker variant of Ohdo syndrome [see KAT6B Disorders]).
No clinical practice guidelines for blepharophimosis, ptosis, and epicanthus inversus syndrome (BPES) have been published.
Evaluations Following Initial Diagnosis
To establish the extent of disease and needs in an individual diagnosed with BPES, the evaluations summarized in Table 2 (if not performed as part of the evaluation that led to the diagnosis) are recommended.
Table 2.
Recommended Evaluations Following Initial Diagnosis in Individuals with BPES
View in own window
System/Concern | Evaluation | Comment |
| Exam by ophthalmologist & oculoplastic surgeon | Assess for size of palpebral apertures, lacrimal duct abnormality, & eyelid elevation. |
| Assess for visual acuity, refractive error, extraocular movement, & amblyopia. |
| Eval by pediatrician or endocrinologist/ gynecologist |
| By genetics professionals 1 | To inform affected persons & their families re nature, MOI, & implications of BPES to facilitate medical & personal decision making In females w/BPES, family history can indicate type of BPES (type I inferred by assoc w/subfertility or infertility).
- 1.
Medical geneticist, certified genetic counselor, certified advanced genetic nurse
Treatment of Manifestations
Management requires the input of a multidisciplinary team with specialists including a clinical geneticist, genetic counselor, pediatric ophthalmologist, oculoplastic surgeon, (pediatric or adult) endocrinologist, reproductive endocrinologist, and gynecologist.
Table 3.
Treatment of Manifestations in Individuals with BPES
View in own window
Manifestation/Concern | Treatment | Considerations/Other |
Eyelid malformation
| Surgery | Traditionally performed in 2 stages:
Age 3-5 yrs: medial canthoplasty for correction of blepharophimosis, epicanthus inversus, & telecanthus ~1 yr later: ptosis correction, usually requiring brow suspension procedure
| Standard mgmt for POI (not specific to BPES) 1 | Typically consisting of:
Hormone replacement therapy Monitoring & optimizing bone health Eval of options for parenthood (adoption, foster parenthood, embryo donation, egg donation, ovary cryopreservation)
Psychological support is important. |
POI = primary ovarian insufficiency
- 1.
Table 4.
Recommended Surveillance for Individuals with BPES
View in own window
System/Concern | Evaluation | Frequency |
| Ophthalmic follow up | Based on person's age, past procedures, & results of visual acuity testing |
| Individualized, but at least annually |
POI = primary ovarian insufficiency
Evaluation of Relatives at Risk
It is appropriate to clarify the status of older and younger at-risk relatives of an affected individual in order to identify as early as possible those who would benefit from ophthalmic surveillance and, in female relatives, endocrinologic surveillance to monitor ovarian status (see Surveillance). Evaluations can include:
Molecular genetic testing if a
FOXL2 pathogenic variant has been identified in an affected family member;
Clinical examination for features of BPES if the
pathogenic variant in the family is not known.
See Genetic Counseling for issues related to testing of at-risk relatives for genetic counseling purposes.
Therapies Under Investigation
Search in the US and EU Clinical Trials Register in Europe for access to information on clinical studies for a wide range of diseases and conditions. Note: There may not be clinical trials for this disorder.
Genetic Counseling
Genetic counseling is the process of providing individuals and families with
information on the nature, mode(s) of inheritance, and implications of genetic disorders to help them
make informed medical and personal decisions. The following section deals with genetic
risk assessment and the use of family history and genetic testing to clarify genetic
status for family members; it is not meant to address all personal, cultural, or
ethical issues that may arise or to substitute for consultation with a genetics
professional. —ED.
Mode of Inheritance
Blepharophimosis, ptosis, and epicanthus inversus syndrome (BPES) is almost always inherited in an autosomal dominant manner.
BPES associated with biallelic FOXL2 pathogenic variants has been reported in one family to date: a consanguineous Indian family in which individuals heterozygous for a short polyalanine expansion are unaffected while individuals homozygous for this expansion have typical BPES [Nallathambi et al 2007].
Risk to Family Members (Autosomal Dominant Inheritance)
Parents of a proband
Sibs of a proband. The risk to the sibs of the proband depends on the clinical/genetic status of the proband's parents:
If the parents are clinically unaffected but their genetic status is unknown, the risk to the sibs of a
proband appears to be low but increased over that of the general population because of the possibility of parental
germline mosaicism.
If a parent has a balanced structural
chromosome rearrangement involving the 3q23 region, the risk to sibs is increased. The estimated risk depends on the specific chromosome rearrangement.
Offspring of a proband. Each child of an individual with BPES has a 50% chance of inheriting the causative pathogenic variant.
Other family members. The risk to other family members depends on the genetic status of the proband's parents: if a parent has the BPES-causing pathogenic variant, his or her family members are at risk.
Prenatal Testing and Preimplantation Genetic Testing
Once the BPES-causing pathogenic variant has been identified in an affected family member, prenatal testing for a pregnancy at increased risk and preimplantation genetic testing for BPES are possible.
Differences in perspective may exist among medical professionals and within families regarding the use of prenatal testing. While most centers would consider use of prenatal testing to be a personal decision, discussion of these issues may be helpful.
GeneReviews staff has selected the following disease-specific and/or umbrella
support organizations and/or registries for the benefit of individuals with this disorder
and their families. GeneReviews is not responsible for the information provided by other
organizations. For information on selection criteria, click here.
Children's Craniofacial Association
Phone: 800-535-3643
Face Equality International
United Kingdom
Molecular Genetics
Information in the Molecular Genetics and OMIM tables may differ from that elsewhere in the GeneReview: tables may contain more recent information. —ED.
Table A.
Blepharophimosis, Ptosis, and Epicanthus Inversus Syndrome: Genes and Databases
View in own window
Data are compiled from the following standard references: gene from
chromosome locus from
protein from UniProt.
For a description of databases (Locus Specific, HGMD, ClinVar) to which links are provided, click
Table B.
OMIM Entries for Blepharophimosis, Ptosis, and Epicanthus Inversus Syndrome (View All in OMIM)
View in own window
Molecular Pathogenesis
The FOXL2 protein of 376 amino acids belongs to the large family of winged-helix/forkhead transcription factors. Forkhead proteins are present in all eukaryotes and have important functions in the establishment of the body axis and the development of tissues from all three layers in animals.
Mechanism of disease causation. Blepharophimosis, ptosis, and epicanthus inversus syndrome (BPES) occurs via a loss-of-function mechanism (haploinsufficiency).
FOXL2-specific laboratory technical considerations
FOXL2 is a small single-
exon gene of 2.7 kb.
Rearrangements outside the
FOXL2 transcription unit are estimated to account for 5% of all molecular defects found in BPES [
Beysen et al 2005] and implicate an effect of long-range
cis-regulatory elements in regulating FOXL2 expression.
FOXL2 contains a polyalanine tract of 14 residues, the role of which has not yet been elucidated. Expansions from 14 to 24 alanine residues in this region represent about 30% of all intragenic
FOXL2 pathogenic variants and lead mainly to BPES type II [
De Baere et al 2003].
Table 5.
Notable FOXL2 Pathogenic Variants
View in own window
Reference Sequences | DNA Nucleotide Change | Predicted Protein Change | Comment [Reference] |
| c.655C>T | p.(Gln219Ter) | Most common FOXL2 pathogenic sequence variants [Beysen et al 2009] |
c.672_701dup | p.(Ala224_Ala234dup) |
c.663_692dup | p.(Ala221_Ala231dup) |
c.664_693dup | p.(Ala222_Ala231) |
c.804dup | p.(Gly269ArgfsTer265) |
c.843_859dup | p.(Pro287ArgfsTer241) |
c.855_871del | p.(Pro287AlafsTer241) |
c.855_871dup | p.(His291ArgfsTer71) |
Variants listed in the table have been provided by the authors. GeneReviews staff have not independently verified the classification of variants.
GeneReviews follows the standard naming conventions of the Human Genome Variation Society ( See Quick Reference for an explanation of nomenclature.
Chapter Notes
Author Notes
Dr Elfride De Baere's research is focused on the molecular pathogenesis of genetically heterogeneous mendelian disorders (such as rare eye diseases) and on noncoding variation of rare eye diseases and transcription factor-associated developmental diseases. Achievements in the field of rare eye disease genomics include identification of novel disease genes for inherited retinal diseases and characterization of new disease mechanisms. For the functional characterization of disease genes, Dr De Baere makes use of integrated omics and cellular and animal models, such as Xenopus tropicalis. She has published 34 papers on FOXL2 and/or BPES:
Author websites: and
Revision History
10 March 2022 (ha) Comprehensive update posted live
5 February 2015 (me) Comprehensive update posted live
12 November 2009 (me) Comprehensive update posted live
12 July 2005 (me) Comprehensive update posted live
8 July 2004 (me) Review posted live
1 March 2004 (edb) Original submission
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