Clinical Description
SMA is characterized by muscle weakness and atrophy resulting from progressive degeneration and irreversible loss of the anterior horn cells in the spinal cord (i.e., lower motor neurons) and the brain stem nuclei. The onset of weakness ranges from before birth to adulthood. The weakness is symmetric, proximal greater than distal, and progressive.
Before the advent of molecular diagnosis, attempts were made to classify SMA into discrete subtypes; however, it is now apparent that the phenotype of SMA associated with SMN1 pathogenic variants spans a broad continuum without clear delineation of subtypes. Newly approved treatment options (see Management, Treatment of Manifestations, Table 7) are changing the natural history of SMA phenotypes and blurring the boundaries even further [Tizzano & Finkel 2017]. Nonetheless, the existing classification system (Table 2) based on age of onset and maximum function attained with supportive care only is useful for prognosis and management.
Table 2.
Spectrum of SMA Phenotypes at Presentation
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Phenotype | Age of Onset | Life Span 1 | Motor Milestones 1 | Other Findings 1 |
| Prenatal | A few weeks, <6 mos | None achieved |
| <6 mos | Median survival 8-10 mos | Some head control, sit w/support only |
| 6-18 mos | 70% alive at age 25 yrs | Independent sitting when placed | Developmental delay w/loss of motor skills ↓ or absent deep tendon reflexes Proximal muscle weakness Postural tremor of fingers
| >18 mos | Normal | Independent ambulation | Proximal muscle weakness (i.e., difficulty w/stairs, running) Loss of motor skills Fatigue Postural tremor of fingers Loss of patellar reflexes
| Adulthood | Normal | Normal | Fatigue Proximal muscle weakness
- 1.
With supportive care only
SMA 0 presents with severe weakness, hypotonia, and respiratory distress at birth. There may be a history of decreased in utero movements, joint contractures, and atrial septal defects. Infants with SMA type 0 have severe respiratory compromise/failure and, with supportive care only, rarely survive past age six months [Dubowitz 1999, MacLeod et al 1999]. There have not been any published reports of infants with SMA 0 who have been treated with nusinersen or gene therapy (see Table 7).
SMA I manifests as marked weakness and developmental motor regression before age six months. The mean age of symptom onset is 2.5 months [Lin et al 2015]. Infants may acquire head control and ability to roll, but quickly lose these abilities. With supportive care only, affected children do not achieve the ability to sit independently. Proximal, symmetric muscle weakness, lack of motor development with regression of motor function, reduced or absent deep tendon reflexes, and poor muscle tone are the major clinical manifestations. Mild contractures are often noted at the knees and, rarely, at the elbows.
With supportive care only, fasciculation of the tongue is seen in most but not all infants. While the muscles of the face are relatively spared at initial presentation, bulbar weakness is present in the neonatal period or during the first few months, and infants frequently have problems sucking or swallowing, leading to growth failure and recurrent aspiration. Weakness of the intercostal respiratory muscles with relative preservation of diaphragm musculature leads to characteristic "bell-shaped" chest and paradoxic respiration (abdominal breathing). The diaphragm is not involved until late in the course of disease. Cognitive function is normal. Severe symptomatic bradycardia has been noted in a study of the long-term survival of ventilator-dependent individuals with SMA I [Bach 2007].
With supportive care only, prospective studies of children with SMA I have shown median survival of 24 months [Oskoui et al 2007]; however, more recent studies have shown a median time to either death or >16 hours/day of ventilation of 8-13.5 months [Finkel et al 2014, Kolb et al 2017]. With proactive respiratory and nutritional supportive care, survival is improving [Grychtol et al 2018]. Promising new treatments are changing the natural history of SMA I, particularly when treatment is initiated before onset of symptoms (see Table 7).
SMA II usually manifests between ages six and 12 months; the mean age of symptom onset is 8.3 months [Lin et al 2015]. Although poor muscle tone may be evident at birth or within the first few months of life, individuals with SMA II may gain motor milestones slowly until about age five years. With supportive care only, the maximum motor milestone attained is the ability to sit independently when placed. Affected individuals then have a slow decline in motor function and on average lose the ability to sit independently by the mid-teens [Mercuri et al 2016]. Hand tremor is common. Deep tendon reflexes are decreased to absent. Scoliosis is common with progression of disease. Cognition is normal. Cardiac abnormalities are unlikely to develop [Finkel et al 2018]. Progressive respiratory muscle weakness leads to restrictive lung disease that is associated with morbidity and mortality in these individuals.
With supportive care only, the life expectancy of persons with SMA II is not known with certainty. A review of life expectancy of 240 individuals with SMA II from Germany and Poland found that 68% of individuals with SMA II were alive at age 25 years [Zerres et al 1997]. The ability to stand is directly correlated with better pulmonary function and long-term survival. This natural history, however, will likely be improved by newer treatments (see Table 7).
SMA III typically manifests after age 18 months with a mean age of onset of 39 months ± 32.6 months [Lin et al 2015]. The legs are more severely affected than the arms. With supportive care only, individuals walk independently but proximal muscle weakness may lead to more frequent falls or trouble walking up and down stairs. Fatigue can adversely affect quality of life and function significantly.
Most children with SMA III treated only with supportive care make gains in their motor function until about age six years and then experience a slow decline in function until about puberty. Puberty (until age ~20) may be associated with a more rapid decline in function for adolescents with SMA III.
With supportive care only, adulthood is then associated with another, much slower decline in function [Montes et al 2018]. Although individuals with SMA III develop the ability to walk, the vast majority will lose that ability with time. If symptom onset is before age three years, loss of ambulation typically occurs in the second decade. However, if symptom onset is between ages three and 12 years, loss of ambulation may occur in the fourth decade [Wadman et al 2017]. Individuals with SMA III have little to no respiratory muscle weakness. Cardiac and cognitive functions are normal. In a retrospective study of individuals with SMA, the life expectancy of 329 individuals with SMA III from Germany and Poland treated only with supportive care was not different from that of the general population [Zerres et al 1997]. This natural history, however, will likely be improved by newer treatments (see Table 7).
SMA IV typically presents with muscle weakness in the second or third decade of life. There is a specific pattern of muscle involvement, with weakness disproportionately affecting the deltoids, triceps, and quadriceps. There may be a loss of patellar reflexes, with sparing of the deep tendon reflexes in the upper extremities and Achilles. Individuals may have a hand tremor. Cardiac and cognitive functioning is normal. With supportive care only, findings are similar to but less severe than those described for SMA III, and if loss of ambulation occurs, it may be after the fifth decade [Brahe et al 1995, Clermont et al 1995, Zerres et al 1997, Wadman et al 2017]. Life expectancy is normal. SMA IV is the least common form of SMA and affects fewer than 5% of individuals with SMA [Kolb et al 2017].
Potential Complications of SMA
Poor weight gain with growth failure, restrictive lung disease, scoliosis, joint contractures, and sleep difficulties are common complications of SMA in those who receive supportive care only. At this time, it is unknown what long-term complications may arise in individuals who receive early and/or presymptomatic targeted treatment.
Bulbar dysfunction is universal in individuals with SMA I; the bulbar dysfunction eventually becomes a serious problem for persons with SMA II and only very late in the course of disease for those with SMA III.
Gastrointestinal issues may include constipation, delayed gastric emptying, and potentially life-threatening gastroesophageal reflux with aspiration.
Growth failure can be addressed with gastrostomy tube placement as needed (see
Nonambulatory individuals with SMA II and III are at risk of developing obesity [
Mercuri et al 2018].
Respiratory. Children with SMA I and II (and more rarely, type III) who are treated with supportive care only have progressive decline in pulmonary function due to a combination of weak respiratory muscles, reduced chest wall and lung compliance, and a reduction in alveolar multiplication [Chng et al 2003].
Respiratory failure is the most common cause of death in SMA I and II.
Decreased respiratory function leads to impaired cough with inadequate clearance of lower airway secretions, hypoventilation during sleep, and recurrent pneumonia.
Noninvasive ventilation, such as BiPAP, and airway clearance techniques are commonly used to improve respiratory insufficiency in those with SMA (see
Orthopedic. Scoliosis, hip dislocation, and joint contractures are common complications in individuals with SMA. Scoliosis is a major problem in most persons with SMA II and in half of those with SMA III. With supportive care only:
Use of the vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib is a possible treatment for severe scoliosis (see Management).
Metabolic. An unexplained potential complication of SMA is severe metabolic acidosis with dicarboxylic aciduria and low serum carnitine concentrations during periods of intercurrent illness or prolonged fasting [Kelley & Sladky 1986].
The availability of new targeted treatment options (see Table 7) will likely change the natural history of this condition. Furthermore, diagnosis prior to symptom onset through newborn screening programs, coupled with targeted therapies, will likely decrease the morbidity and mortality regardless of treatment strategy.