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Guideline: Sodium Intake for Adults and Children. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2012.

Cover of Guideline: Sodium Intake for Adults and Children

Guideline: Sodium Intake for Adults and Children.

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Annex 2Examples of sodium content in various foods and food groups

Approximate amount of sodium content in various food groups

Food groupSodium content mg/100 g
Table salt, baking soda, baking powder38,000
Bouillon cubes, powdered broths, soups, gravies20,000
Soy sauce7,000
Snack foods (e.g. pretzels, cheese puffs, popcorn)1,500
Sauces and spreads1,200
Cheese, hard800
Processed vegetables600
Cheese, soft400
Processed fish400
Cereals and cereal products
(e.g. bread, breakfast cereals, biscuits, cakes, pastries)
Fish, raw or frozen100
Milk and cream50
Vegetables, fresh or frozen10
Fruits, fresh or frozen5

1000 mg = 43.5 mmol

Note: The information in this table is based on approximate calculations of an average mg of sodium per 100 g food from diverse, iconic foods taken from food composition databases from around the globe. The sodium content varies substantially within the food groups and the table provides a relative comparison of average levels of sodium only. The information provided can be used only for approximate comparisons of food groups, and should not be used to estimate daily intake.

Sources: (23, 59-62)

Comparison of the sodium content of an example of foods in unprocessed (i.e. “natural”) and processed states

Food itemDescriptionSodium content
(mg/100 g)
BeefTopside, roast, lean and fat48
Corned beef, canned950
BranBran, wheat28
Bran flakes1,000
CheeseHard cheese, average620
Chick-peasDried, broiled in unsalted water5
Canned, re-heated, drained220
CodCod, in batter, fried in blended oil100
Fish fingers, fried in blended oil350
New potatoesRaw, boiled in unsalted water9
Canned, re-heated, drained250
Dry roasted790
Roasted and salted400
PeasRaw, boiled in unsalted waterTrace
Canned, re-heated, drained250
Potato chipsHomemade, fried in blended oil12
(French fries) Over chips, frozen, baked53
SalmonRaw, steamed110
Sweet cornOn-the-cob, whole, boiled in unsalted water1
Kernels, canned, re-heated, drained270
Canned in oil, drained290
Canned in brine, drained320

1000 mg = 43.5 mmol

Source: (6)

Copyright © 2012, World Health Organization.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK133307


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