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National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (UK). Self-Harm: Longer-Term Management. Leicester (UK): British Psychological Society (UK); 2012. (NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 133.)

  • This guidance has been updated and replaced by NICE guideline NG225.

This guidance has been updated and replaced by NICE guideline NG225.

Cover of Self-Harm: Longer-Term Management

Self-Harm: Longer-Term Management.

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Appendix 12Search strategies for the identification of health economic evidence

The search strategies should be referred to in conjunction with information set out in Chapter 3, Section 3.6.1. Each search was constructed using the groups of terms as set out in the table below. The full set of terms for each search in MEDLINE are documented below.

Summary of systematic search strategies

Chapter 5: training
Review areaSearch typeSearch construction (applicable to each review area)Study designDatabases / date range
Staff trainingNew[(Self-harm terms) AND (Staff training terms) AND (HE/QoL filter)]Economic evidence (including full and partial economic evaluations) and health technology assessment reportsCINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, NHS EED, HTA, EconLit [1 January 1995 up to 25 January 2011]
Chapter 6: psychosocial assessment
Review areaSearch typeSearch construction (applicable to each review area)Study designDatabases / date range
Risk and protective factorsNew[(Self-harm terms) AND (Risk and protective factor terms) AND (HE/QoL filter)]Economic evidence (including full and partial economic evaluations) and health technology assessment reportsCINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, NHS EED, HTA, EconLit [1 January 1995 up to 25 January 2011]
Risk assessment, needs assessment and psychosocial assessmentNew[(Self-harm terms) AND (Risk assessment, needs assessment, psychosocial assessment terms) AND (HE/QoL filter)]Economic evidence (including full and partial economic evaluations) and health technology assessment reportsCINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, NHS EED, HTA, EconLit [1 January 1995 up to 25 January 2011]
Chapter 7: psychological and psychosocial interventions
Review areaSearch typeSearch construction (applicable to each review area)Study designDatabases / date range
Self-management and/or harm reduction strategiesNew[(Self-harm terms) and (Self management and/or harm reduction strategy terms) AND (HE/QoL filter)]Economic evidence (including full and partial economic evaluations) and health technology assessment reportsCINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, NHS EED, HTA, EconLit [1 January 1995 up to 25 January 2011]
Psychological and psychosocial interventionsNew[(Self-harm terms) and (Psychosocial intervention terms) AND (HE/QoL filter)]Economic evidence (including full and partial economic evaluations) and health technology assessment reportsCINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, NHS EED, HTA, EconLit [1 January 1995 up to 25 January 2011]
Chapter 8: pharmacological interventions
Review areaSearch typeSearch construction (applicable to each review area)Study designDatabases / date range
Pharmacological interventionsNew[(Self harm terms) AND (Pharmacological intervention terms) AND (HE/QoL filter)]Economic evidence (including full and partial economic evaluations) and health technology assessment reportsCINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, NHS EED, HTA, EconLit [1 January 1995 up to 25 January 2011]
Safer prescribingNew[(Self harm terms) AND (Safer prescribing terms) AND (HE/QoL filter)]Economic evidence (including full and partial economic evaluations) and health technology assessment reportsCINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, NHS EED, HTA, EconLit [1 January 1995 up to 25 January 2011]

Population search terms

a. Self-harm – population search terms

MEDLINE – Ovid SP interface

  1. overdose/ or self-injurious behavior/ or self mutilation/ or suicidal ideation/ or suicide/ or suicide, attempted/
  2. (autoaggress$ or auto aggress$ or automutilat$ or auto mutilat$ or cutt$ or overdose$ or (self adj2 cut$) or selfdestruct$ or self destruct$ or selfharm$ or self harm$ or selfimmolat$ or self immolat$ or selfinflict$ or self inflict$ or selfinjur$ or self injur$ or selfmutilat$ or self mutilat$ or selfpoison$ or self poison$ or suicid$).ti,ab.
  3. or/1-2

Question specific search strategies

a. Staff training

MEDLINE – Ovid SP interface

Does the provision of staff training (knowledge, skills based) improve outcomes?

  1. educational, premedical/ or exp education, professional/ or faculty/ or faculty, medical/ or faculty, nursing/ or exp inservice training/ or exp professional competence/ or exp schools, health occupations/
  2. accreditation/ or certification/ or competency based education/ or credentialing/ or exp curriculum/ or education/ or knowledge/ or learning/ or mentors/ or teaching/ or ed.fs.
  3. (competen$ or course$1 or cpd$1 or curricul$ or educat$ or information or instruct$ or knowledge or learn$ or module$ or posttrain$ or pretrain$ or ((clinical or professional) adj2 (develop$ or improv$ or practice)) or skill$ or teach$ or train$ or workshop$ or work shop$).ti,ab.
  4. “attitude of health personnel”/ or exp health personnel/ or exp professional role/ or specialization/ or exp medicine/ or exp nursing/ or exp pharmacy/ or exp psychology/ or exp physicians/ or exp psychiatry/
  5. (analyst$ or clinician$ or consultant$1 or counsel?or$ or cpe or doctor$ or employee or gp$1 or health visitor$ or medical expert$ or nurs$ or personnel or pharmacist$ or physician$ or practitioner$ or professional$ or psychiatrist$ or psychoanalyst$ or psychologist$ or psychotherapist$ or specialist$ or staff$ or therapist$ or worker$1).ti,ab.
  6. (or/2-3 and or/4-5)
  7. exp health personnel/ed
  8. or/1,6,

b. Risk and protective factors

MEDLINE – Ovid SP interface

What are the risk and protective factors (internal and external) amongst people who self-harm that predict outcomes?

  1. risk factors/
  2. (risk$ adj2 relative).ti,ab.
  3. ((predict$ or protect$ or risk$) adj2 (associat$ or attribute$ or correlate$ or determinant$ or factor$ or variable$)).ti,ab.
  4. or/1-3
  5. ((predict$ or risk$) adj2 (ongoing or recur$ or re cur$ or reattempt$ or re attempt$ or recur$ or repeat$ or repetit$)).ti,ab.
  6. prospective repetit$.ti,ab.
  7. ((associat$ or attribute$ or correlate$ or determinant$ or factor$ or variable$) adj8 (ongoing or recur$ or re cur$ or reattempt$ or re attempt$ or recur$ or repeat$ or repetit$) adj8 (autoaggress$ or aggress$ or automutilat$ or cutt$ or destruct$ or dsh or episode$ or harm$ or immolat$ or inflict$ or injur$ or mutilat$ or overdose$ or (self adj2 cut$) or poison$ or selfdestruct$ or selfharm$ or selfimmolat$ or selfinflict$ or selfinjur$ or selfmutilat$ or selfpoison$ or sh or suicid$)).ti,ab.
  8. or/5-7
  9. resilience, psychological/
  10. (buffer$ or cope$ or recovery or resilien$).ti,ab.
  11. or/9-10
  12. or/4,8,11

c. Risk assessment, needs assessment and psychosocial assessment

MEDLINE – Ovid SP interface

For people who self-harm, does formal risk assessment, needs assessment and psychosocial assessment improve outcomes?

  1. (checklist/ or geriatric assessment/ or interview/ or interview, psychological/ or mass screening/ or nursing assessment/ or “outcome and process assessment (health care)”/ or “outcome assessment (health care)”/ or exp personality assessment/ or exp psychiatric status rating scales/ or exp psychological tests/ or questionnaires/)
  2. (form$1 or checklist$ or check list$ or index$ or indices or interview$ or instrument$ or inventor$ or item$1 or measure$ or psychometric$ or psycho metric$ or question$ or scale$ or score$ or scoring or self report$ or subscale$ or test$ or tool$).ti,ab.
  3. 1 or 2
  4. “predictive value of tests”/ or recurrence/ or risk$.hw.
  5. (predict$ or ongoing or recur$ or re cur$ or reattempt$ or re attempt$ or recur$ or repeat$ or repetit$ or risk$).ti,ab.
  6. 4 or 5
  7. area under curve/ or exp sensitivity and specificity/
  8. ((area under adj2 curve) or auc or (diagnostic adj2 odds ratio$) or ((false or true) adj negative) or ((false or true) adj positive) or (likelihood adj3 ratio$) or ((pretest or pre test or posttest or post test) adj2 probabilit$) or (predict$ adj3 value$) or receiver operating characteristic or (roc adj2 (analy$ or curv$ or plot$)) or sensititiv$ or specificit$).tw.
  9. 7 or 8
  10. and/3,6,9
  11. needs assessment/ or risk assessment/
  12. ((client$ or clinical$ or consumer$ or need$ or patient$ or psychiatric or psychological or psychosocial or psycho social or risk or service user$ or therapeutic) adj2 (assess$ or evaluat$)).ti,ab.
  13. (((assess$ or predict$ or risk$) adj2 (form$1 or checklist$ or check list$ or index$ or indices or interview$ or instrument$ or inventor$ or item$1 or measure$ or psychometric$ or question$ or scale$ or score$ or scoring or self report$ or subscale$ or test$ or tool$)) or (comprehensive adj (assessment$ or evaluation$))).ti,ab.
  14. (adult suicidal ideation questionnaire or asiq or (beck depression inventory or bdi) or (beck hopelessness scale or bhs) or ((beck scale adj2 suicide ideation) or bsi) or ((brief reasons adj2 living inventory) or brfl) or (brief symptom inventory or bsi) or ((college student reasons adj2 living inventory) or csrli or csr li) or ((edinburgh risk adj2 repetition scale) or errs) or (firestone assessment adj2 self-destructive thoughts) or ((global clinical assessment) or gca) or ((hamilton depression rating scale) or hdrs) or ((hamilton rating scale adj2 depression) or hamd or ham d or hrsd or hrs d) or ((intersept scale adj2 suicidal thinking) or isst) or lethality scale$ or (life satisfaction scale or ls scale) or lifetime parasuicide count or ((linehan reasons adj2 living inventory) or lrfl) or ((manchester self harm rule) or mshr) or ((modified scale adj2 suicide ideation) or mssi) or (parasuicide history interview or phi) or ((quiz adj2 depression adj2 suicide adj2 later life) or qdsll) or (reasons adj2 living inventory) or ((reasons adj2 living scale adj2 older adult questionnaire) or rfloa or rfl oa) or ((reasons adj2 living scale adj2 younger adult questionnaire) or rflya or rfl ya) or risk rescue rating or ((scale adj2 suicide ideation) or ssi) or (self-inflicted injury severity form or siisf or sii sf) or (self-monitoring suicide ideation scale or smsis of sms is) or (suicidal behaviors interview or sbi) or (suicidal ideation questionnaire or siq) or (suicidal ideation screening questionnaire or sisq or sis q) or (suicidal intent scale or sis) or ((suicide assessment scale) or suas) or (suicide behaviors questionnaire or sbq) or (suicide intervention response inventory or siri) or (suicide opinion questionnaire or soq) or (suicide potential rating scale or suicide lethality scale or spls or spl s) or (suicide probability scale or sps) or (suicide status form or ssf) or ((symptom driven diagnostic system adj2 primary care) or sddspc or sdds pc) or ((positive adj2 negative suicide ideation inventory) or pansi)).ti,ab.
  15. or/11-14
  16. or/10,15

d. Self-management and/or harm minimisation

MEDLINE – Ovid SP interface

For people who self-harm, does the provision of self-management and/or harm minimisation strategies, compared with no treatment or treatment as usual, improve outcomes?

  1. self care/
  2. ((self adj (care or instruct$ or manag$ or monitor$ or regulat$ or reinforc$ or re inforc$)) or selfcare or selfinstruct$ or selfmanag$ or selfmonitor$ or selfregulat$ or (minimal adj (contact or guidance)) or (mutual adj (help or aid or support$))).ti,ab.
  3. harm reduction/ or risk management/ or risk reduction behavior/
  4. ((autoaggress$ or auto aggress$ or automutilat$ or mutilat$ or cutt$ or overdose$ or (self adj2 cut$) or selfdestruct$ or destruct$ or selfharm$ or harm$ or selfimmolat$ or immolat$ or selfinflict$ or inflict$ or selfinjur$ or injur$ or selfmutilat$ or mutilat$ or selfpoison$ or poison$ or suicid$) adj2 (minimi$ or reduc$)).ti,ab.
  5. ((autoaggress$ or auto aggress$ or automutilat$ or mutilat$ or cutt$ or overdose$ or (self adj2 cut$) or selfdestruct$ or destruct$ or selfharm$ or harm$ or selfimmolat$ or immolat$ or selfinflict$ or inflict$ or selfinjur$ or injur$ or selfmutilat$ or mutilat$ or selfpoison$ or poison$ or suicid$) adj4 (((decreas$ or diminish$ or fall$ or fell or less$ or limit$ or low or lower$) adj2 risk$) or minimi$ or reduc$) adj8 (approach$ or communicat$ or counsel$ or educat$ or instruct$ or interven$ or learn$ or manag$ or module$ or network$ or program$ or psychoanaly$ or psychotherap$ or rehab$ or skill$ or strateg$ or support$ or taught or teach$ or technique$ or therap$ or train$ or treat$ or workshop$ or work shop$)).ti,ab.
  6. ((advice$ or advis$ or deal$ or instruct$ or educat$ or learn$ or taught or teach$) adj8 (injur$ or scar$ or wound$)).ti,ab.
  7. (((advice$ or instruct$ or educat$ or learn$ or taught$ or teach$) adj3 risk$)) or ((advice$ or advis$ or discuss$ or educat$ or learn$ or taught$ or teach$) adj8 risk$ adj8 (autoaggress$ or auto aggress$ or automutilat$ or mutilat$ or cutt$ or overdose$ or (self adj2 cut$) or selfdestruct$ or destruct$ or selfharm$ or harm$ or selfimmolat$ or immolat$ or selfinflict$ or inflict$ or selfinjur$ or injur$ or selfmutilat$ or mutilat$ or selfpoison$ or poison$ or suicid$))).ti,ab.
  8. hotlines.sh.
  9. (call in or callline$ or call line$ or help line$ or helpline$ or hotline$ or hot line$ or phone in or phonein or (caller$1 adj3 (interven$ or program$ or therap$ or treat$)) or (talk$ adj2 friend$) or ((phone$ or telephone$) adj2 support$)).ti,ab.
  10. relaxation/ or relaxation therapy/
  11. (relaxation or ((autogen$ or relax$) adj5 (apply or applied or approach$ or assist$ or coach$ or educat$ or help$ or imagery or instruct$ or interven$ or learn$ or manag$ or modif$ or program$ or seminar$ or strateg$ or support$ or teach$ or technique$ or therap$ or train$ or treat$ or workshop$ or work shop$)) or relaxed state or ((breath$ or movement or respirat$ or relax$) adj2 (exercis$ or interven$ or physiotherap$ or technique$ or therap$ or train$)) or ((control?ed or deep) adj breathing)).ti,ab.
  12. ((replacement$ or substitut$) adj3 (approach$ or educat$ or instruct$ or interven$ or learn$ or manag$ or network$ or program$ or promot$ or rehab$ or strateg$ or taught or teach$ or technique$ or therap$ or train$ or treat$ or workshop$ or work shop$)).ti,ab.
  13. (giggl$ or humo?r or laugh or laughter).ti,ab.
  14. ((positive$ adj2 (emotion$ or therap$ or think$ or psycho$)) or (emotion$ adj2 (cope or coping or psychotherap$ or therap$))).ti,ab.
  15. (damag$ adj2 limit$).ti,ab.
  16. (manag$ risk$ or (positive$ adj2 risk$ adj2 tak$) or (relation$ adj2 secur$)).ti,ab.
  17. (comforts or distractions or (((divert adj2 attention) or distract$) adj5 (automutilat$ or mutilat$ or cutt$ or overdose$ or (self adj2 cut$) or selfdestruct$ or destruct$ or selfharm$ or harm$ or selfimmolat$ or immolat$ or selfinflict$ or inflict$ or selfinjur$ or injur$ or selfmutilat$ or mutilat$ or selfpoison$ or poison$ or suicid$))).ti,ab.
  18. (ice or icecube$ or marker pen$ or pillow$1 or pinch or pinching or ((elastic or rubber) adj band$) or toothbrush$ or tooth brush$ or (tak$ adj2 (bath$ or shower$)) or ((clean or sterile) adj2 (cutt$ or instrument))).ti,ab.
  19. (goal$ adj2 set$).ti,ab.
  20. (diary or diaries).ti,ab.
  21. therapeutic contract.ti,ab.
  22. ((cope$ or coping) adj3 (approach$ or assist$ or coach$ or educat$ or help$ or imagery or instruct$ or interven$ or learn$ or manag$ or modif$ or program$ or seminar$ or strateg$ or support$ or teach$ or technique$ or therap$ or train$ or treat$ or workshop$ or work shop$)).ti,ab.
  23. (risk$ adj2 (minimi$ or reduc$)).ti,ab.
  24. creativeness/ or exercise/ or exp recreation/
  25. (active living or bicycling or (cycling not rapid cycling) or gardening or ((a?robic$ or physical$) adj (activit$ or agil$ or educat$ or fitness$)) or hobby or hobbies or kinesiotherap$ or kinesitherap$ or recreation$ or running or sport$ or swimming or tidying or walking or yoga).ti,ab.
  26. community networks/ or friends/ or group processes/ or peer group/ or self help groups/
  27. ((support$ adj (based or cent$ or focus?ed)) or (support$ adj2 (approach$ or educat$ or friend$ or family or instruct$ or interven$ or learn$ or module$ or network$ or peer$1 or program$ or strateg$ or technique$ or therap$ or train$ or treat$ or workshop$ or work shop$)) or ((community or emotion$ or network$ or organi?ation$ or peer$) adj2 support$) or (network$ adj2 (discuss$ or exchang$ or interact$ or meeting$))).ti,ab.
  28. exp consumer health information/ or “patient education as topic”/
  29. ((health adj2 (educat$ or informat$ or promot$)) or ((adult$ or client$ or consumer$ or inpatient$ or outpatient$ or participant$ or patient$ or people or user$) adj4 (educat$ or knowledge or information$ or promot$))).ti,ab.
  30. or/1-29

e. Psychological and psychosocial interventions

For people who self-harm, do psychological and psychosocial interventions (compared with no treatment or other interventions) improve outcomes? What are the associated adverse effects?

General psychotherapy terms

  1. psychotherapy/ or adaption, psychological/ or psychotherapy, brief/
  2. (psychotherap$ or psycho therap$ or psychotherapeutic or ((humanistic or opportunistic or psychologic$) adj3 (approach$ or assist$ or coach$ or educat$ or instruct$ or interven$ or manag$ or module$ or program$ or rehab$ or strateg$ or support$ or technique$ or therap$ or train$ or treat$ or workshop$ or work shop$)) or ((integrated or multimodal or multi modal) adj2 therap$) or ((brief or short term or shortterm or timelimited or time limited) adj2 (intervention$ or program$ or solution$ or therap$ or treat$))).tw.

Interpersonal therapy


interpersonal relations/ and (th.fs. or (psychotherap$ or therap$ or treatment).hw.)


(((interpersonal$ or inter personal$ or interrelation$ or inter relation$) adj5 (analy$ or approach$ or assist$ or coach$ or communicat$ or counsel$ or educat$ or help$ or instruct$ or interven$ or learn$ or manag$ or module$ or network$ or program$ or psychoanaly$ or psychotherap$ or rehab$ or skill$ or strateg$ or support$ or teach$ or technique$ or therap$ or train$ or treat$ or workshop$ or work shop$)) or ((interpersonal$ or inter personal$ or interrelation$ or inter relation$) adj5 (deficit$ or difficult$ or instab$ or issue$ or problem$ or unstab$) adj5 (analy$ or approach$ or assist$ or coach$ or communicat$ or counsel$ or educat$ or help$ or instruct$ or interven$ or learn$ or manag$ or module$ or network$ or program$ or psychoanaly$ or psychotherap$ or rehab$ or skill$ or strateg$ or support$ or teach$ or technique$ or therap$ or train$ or treat$ or workshop$ or work shop$)) or ipsst or ipsrt or (ipt not ipth) or (intermittent preventive adj (therap$ or treatment$)) or ((interpersonal$ or inter personal$) adj2 social rhythm$)).ti,ab.



problem solving/


(problem$ adj3 (collaborat$ or cope or coping or counsel$ or help$ or manag$ or program$ or re mediat$ or remediat$ or resolution$ or resolv$ or skill$ or solv$ or solution$ or support$ or technique$ or therap$ or treat$)).ti,ab.

Behaviour therapy/CBT


behavior therapy/ or psychotherapy, rational emotive/ or (self care/ and (cognit$ or behavio?r$ or metacognit$ or recover$).tw,hw.)


(((cognit$ or behavio?r$ or metacognit$) adj3 (analy$ or interven$ or modif$ or program$ or psychotherap$ or restructur$ or retrain$ or technique$ or therap$ or train$ or treat$)) or behavio?r$ activat$ or cbt or selfinstruct$ or selfmanag$ or selfattribut$ or (self$ adj (instruct$ or manag$ or attribution$)) or (rational$ adj3 emotiv$) or (rational adj (living or psychotherap$ or therap$)) or (ret adj (psychotherap$ or therap$)) or rebt or (active directive adj (psychotherap$ or therap$))).tw.

Psychodynamic interventions


exp psychoanalytic therapy/ or psychoanalysis/


(free association or psychoanal$ or psycho anal$ or psychodynamic$ or psycho dynamic$ or transference or ((analytic or dynamic$) adj3 (approach$ or assist$ or coach$ or communicat$ or counsel$ or educat$ or instruct$ or interven$ or learn$ or manag$ or modif$ or module$ or network$ or program$ or psychotherap$ or rehab$ or short term or skill$ or strateg$ or support$ or teach$ or technique$ or therap$ or time limited or train$ or treat$ or workshop$ or work shop$)) or ((dream or psychologic or self transactional) adj anal$) or b app$1).tw.

Multi-systematic therapy


((multisystemic or systemic) adj2 (interven$ or therap$ or treat$)).ti,ab.

Crisis management


community health nursing/ or community health services/ or community mental health services/ or community-institutional relations/ or exp community psychiatry/ or crisis intervention/ or emergency medical services/ or emergency services, psychiatric/ or exp emergency service, hospital/ or mobile health units/ or exp preventive health service/


((time adj5 limit$) or (hospital$ adj5 (diversion or alternative$)) or ((acute or cris$ or emergenc$ or intensive$ or mobile) adj5 (care$ or manag$ or interven$ or treat$ or therap$ or management$ or model$ or program$ or team$ or service$ or base$1))).tw.



exp counseling/


(counsel$ or ((((client$ or person) adj2 (centred or centered or focus?ed)) or non directive$ or nondirective$ or rogerian) adj5 (approach$ or assist$ or coach$ or communicat$ or counsel$ or educat$ or help$ or instruct$ or interven$ or learn$ or manag$ or module$ or network$ or program$ or psychotherap$ or rehab$ or skill$ or strateg$ or support$ or teach$ or technique$ or therap$ or train$ or treat$ or workshop$ or work shop$)) or pastoral care or ((individual or personal or talk$) adj (psycho$ or therap$))).ti,ab.






postal service/


(postcard$ or post card$ or (contact$ adj3 post$)).ti,ab.

Emergency cards


(emergenc$ adj2 card$).ti,ab.

Group therapy/peer-support groups


community networks/ or friends/ or group processes/ or peer group/ or exp psychotherapy, group/ or social support/


(((group$1 or support$) adj (based or cent$ or focus?ed)) or (group$1 adj3 (advocacy or approach$ or coach$ or educat$ or instruct$ or learn$ or module$ or network$ or participat$ or program$ or psychoanaly$ or psychotherap$ or skill$ or strateg$ or support$ or teach$ or train$ or workshop$ or work shop$)) or (support$ adj3 (approach$ or educat$ or instruct$ or interven$ or learn$ or module$ or network$ or program$ or psychoanaly$ or psychotherap$ or strateg$ or technique$ or therap$ or train$ or treat$ or workshop$ or work shop$)) or (groupwork or (group adj2 work)) or ((emotion$ or network$ or organi?ation$ or peer$) adj2 support$) or ((group$ or network$ or peer$1) adj2 (discuss$ or exchang$ or interact$ or meeting$))).ti,ab.

Family interventions


couples therapy/ or family therapy/ or marital therapy/


(conjoint therap$ or family responsive or family relation$ or ((couples or family or guardian$ or marital or marriage$ or mother$ or father$ or parent$) adj (based or cent$ or focus?ed or intervention$ or therap$ or treatment$)) or ((couples or family or guardian$ or marital or marriage$ or mother$ or father$ or parent$) adj3 (advocacy or approach$ or assist$ or coach$ or communicat$ or counsel$ or educat$ or help$ or instruct$ or learn$ or module$ or network$ or participat$ or program$ or psychotherap$ or rehab$ or skill$ or strateg$ or support$ or teach$ or train$ or workshop$ or work shop$)) or ((couples or family or guardian$ or marital or marriage$ or mother$ or father$ or parent$) adj (discuss$ or exchang$ or interact$ or meeting$))).tw.



self administration/ or self care/ or self help/ or self help groups/


((self adj (administer$ or care or change or directed or help$ or instruct$ or manag$ or monitor$ or regulat$ or reinforc$ or re inforc$)) or selfhelp$ or smart recover$ or (minimal adj (contact or guidance)) or helpseek$ or (help$ adj2 seek$) or (mutual adj (help or aid or support$))).ti,ab.

Computer-based interventions


telemedicine/ or therapy, computer assisted/


attitude to computers/ or audiovisual aids/ or computer literacy/ or computer user training/ or computer-assisted instruction/ or computing methodologies/ or decision support systems, clinical/ or hotlines/ or information systems/ or medical informatics computing/ or medical informatics/ or multimedia/ or telemedicine/ or exp audiovisual aids/ or exp computer systems/ or exp decision making, computer assisted/ or exp optical storage devices/ or exp software/ or exp telecommunications/ or comput$.hw.


(etherap$ or e therap$ or telehealth or tele health).ti,ab.


((selfharm or self harm) adj3 (package$ or program$)).ti,ab.


(e communication$ or ecommunication$ or e consult$ or econsult$ or e visit$ or evisit$ or e therap$ or etherap$ or telehealth or tele health).ti,ab.


((audio$ or cd$1 or cd rom or cdrom or computer$ or cyber$ or digital assistant$ or dvd or electronic$ or floppy or handheld or hand held or information or interactiv$ or internet or mobile or multimedia or multi media or online or palmtop or palm top or pc$1 or pda or pdas or personal digital or phone$ or sms$1 or telephone$ or text or texts or texting or video$ or virtual or web$ or www) adj5 (advocacy or approach$ or coach$ or discussion or educat$ or exchang$ or guide$1 or help$ or instruct$ or interact$ or interven$ or learn$ or manag$ or meeting$ or module$ or network$ or online or participat$ or program$


or psychoanaly$ or psychotherap$ or rehab$ or retrain$ or re train$ or self guide$ or self help or selfguide$ or selfhelp or skill$ or strateg$ or support$ or teach$ or technique$ or telephone$ or therap$ or train$ or treat$ or work shop$ or workshop$)).ti,ab.


((audio$ or cd$1 or cd rom or cdrom or computer$ or cyber$ or digital assistant$ or dvd or electronic$ or floppy or handheld or hand held or information or interactiv$ or internet or mobile or multimedia or multi media or online or palmtop or palm top or pc$1 or pda or pdas or personal digital or phone$ or sms$1 or telephone$ or text or texts or texting or video$ or virtual or web$ or www) adj2 (assist$ or based)).ti,ab.


((audio$ or cd$1 or cd rom or cdrom or computer$ or cyber$ or digital assistant$ or dvd or electronic$ or floppy or handheld or hand held or interactiv$ or internet or mobile or multimedia or multi media or online or palmtop or palm top or pc$1 or pda or pdas or personal digital or phone$ or sms$1 or telephone$ or text or texts or texting or video$ or virtual or web$ or www) adj5 (aid or aided or appointment$ or booking$ or communicat$ or consult$ or deliver$ or feedback or forum or guided or input$ or interactiv$ or letter$ or messag$ or referral$ or remind$ or send$ or transfer$ or transmi$ or visit$)).ti,ab.


((audio$ or cd$1 or cd rom or cdrom or computer$ or cyber$ or digital assistant$ or dvd or electronic$ or floppy or handheld or hand held or information or interactiv$ or internet or mobile or multimedia or multi media or online or palmtop or palm top or pc$1 or pda or pdas or personal digital or phone$ or sms$1 or telephone$ or text or texts or


texting or video$ or virtual or web$ or www) adj5 group$).ti,ab.


((client$ or consumer$ or inpatient$ or outpatient$ or patient$) adj5 (audio$ or cd$1 or cd rom or cdrom or computer$ or cyber$ or digital assistant$ or dvd or electronic$ or floppy or handheld or hand held or interactiv$ or internet or mobile or multimedia or multi media or online or palmtop or palm top or pc$1 or pda or pdas or personal digital or phone$ or sms$1 or telephone$ or text or texts or texting or video$ or virtual or web$ or www)).ti,ab.


((client$ or consumer$ or inpatient$ or outpatient$ or patient$ or health or information or web or internet) adj3 portal$).ti,ab.

Case management/assertive outreach


(((case or care) adj5 management) or (care adj5 program$ adj5 approach$) or (assertive adj5 community adj5 treatment) or (training adj5 community adj5 living) or (madison adj5 model$)).ti,ab,hw. or (cpa or pact or tcl).tw.

Respite care


respite care/


(daycare or day care or respite$ or ((alleviat$ or decreas$ or less$ or limit$ or lower$ or prevent$ or reduce$ or relief or relieve) adj5 burden$ adj5 (carer$1 or caregiver$ or care giv$ or custodian$ or guardian$ or father$ or mother$ or parent$ or stepparent$)) or ((carer$ or care giver$ or care giv$) adj2 (assist$ or help$ or intervention$ or network$ or program$ or rehab$ or support$ or therap$))).ti,ab.



f. Pharmacological interventions

For people who self-harm, do pharmacological interventions improve outcomes? What are the associated adverse effects?


  1. exp analgesics/or exp salicylic acids/ or (ana?lges$ or salicyl$).ti,ab.
  2. (acetylsalicylic acid or 2 acetoxybenzoate or acenterine or acesal or acetan or acetard or aceticyl or acetilum or acetonyl or acetophen or acetosal or acetosalicylic acid or acetosalin or acetosalum or acetyl salicylate or acetyl salicylic acid or acetylic salicylic acid or acetylin or acetylo or acetylon or acetylosalicylic acid or acetylsal or acetylsalicyclic acid or acetylsalicyl or acetylsalicylate or acetylsalicylate strontium or acetylsalicylic acid or acetylsalycic acid or acetylsalycylic acid or acetysal or acidulatum or acidum acetyl salicylicum or acidum acetylosalicylicum or acidum acetylsalicylicum or acylpyrin or acylpyrine or acytosal or adiro or alabukun or alasil or alka seltzer or alkaspirin or aloxiprimum or anopyrin or arthralgyl or asaflow or asaphen or aspergum or aspirgran or aspirin or aspirina or aspirine or aspirinine or aspisol or aspro or asrivo or asteric or astrix or bebesan or biprin or boxazin or breoprin or bufferin or cafenol or catalgine or catalgix or cemerit or cemirit or claradin or claragine or colfarit or colfarit or contrheuma or contrheuma retard or daga or darosal or depot aspirin or dispirin or dispril or dolean or easprin or ecotrin or egalgic or emocin or empirin or encaprin or endosprin or endosprin or entericin or enterosarine or enterospirine or entrophen or euthermine or extren or genasprin or godamed or gotosan or helicon or infatabs a or istopirin or istopyrine or ivepirine or juvepirine or kilios or kinderaspirin or magnecyl or measurin or mejoral or micristin or micristin or micropyrin or mikristin or miniasal or mycristin or nu seal or nuseals or ortho acetoxybenzoate or ortho acetoxybenzoic acid or ortho acetyloxybenzoate or ortho acetyloxybenzoic acid or ostoprin or pancemol or para acetylsalicylic acid or paracin or paynocil or pengo or polopirin or polopiryna or polopiryna or premaspin or primaspan or pyronoval or reumyl or rhodine or rhonal or salacetin or salacetogen or saletin or sargepirine or slow release aspirin or sodium acetylsalicylate or sodium bicarbonate acetyl salicylate or sodium bicarbonate acetylsalicylate or soldral or solprin or solpyron or solucetyl or solupsa or solupsan or super tru or tapal or temagin or treupahlin or treuphalin or turivital or verin or vitalink or xaxa or zorprin).ti,ab.
  3. alfentanil/or (alfentanil or alfenta or alfentanil or alfentanil hydrochloride or alfentanyl or alfentanyl or fanaxal or limifen or rapifen).ti,ab.
  4. (almotriptan or almogran or almotriptan malate or axert).ti,ab.
  5. (buprenorphin$ or buprenex or buprex or finibron or lepetan or prefin or suboxone or subutex or temgesic or transtec).ti,ab.
  6. caffeine/or caffeine$.ti,ab.
  7. cannabis/or (cannabis or cannabi or cannabis or ganja or ganjas or hemp or hemps or marihuana or marihuanas or marijuana or marijuanas or opiate).ti,ab.
  8. (cocodamol or acetaminophen plus codeine phosphate or empracet or hypertussin or lindilane or nedolon or panadeine or paracodal or percogesic with codeine or talvosilen or treuphadol plus).ti,ab.
  9. (codeine phosphate or ardinex or codein phosphate or codeine or codeine phosphate or codicompren retard or colrex compound or galcodine or isocodeine or kodein or n methylmorphine or tricodein or tussipect).ti,ab.
  10. (codydramol or codidramol).ti,ab.
  11. cyclizine/or (cyclizine or collox or cyclizine or marazine or marezine or marzine or neo devomit or valoid).ti,ab.
  12. dextromoramide/or (dextromoramide or d moramide or dextro moramide or dextromoramide or dextromoramine or dimorlin or d-moramide or jetrium or moramide or palfium or palfium or palphium or pyrrolamidol or pyrrolamidole or pyrroloamidol).ti,ab.
  13. dextropropoxyphene/or (co proxamol or coproxamol or cosalgesic or d propoxyphene or darvon or dextropropoxyphene or diantalvic or distalgesic or d-propoxyphene or dystalgesic or paradex or propoxyphene).ti,ab.
  14. (dihydrocodeine or cis dihydrocodeine or codhydrin or codhydrine or codicontin or cohydrin or dehacodin or dh codeine or didrate or dihydrin or dihydroneopine or drocode or hydrocodeine or hydrocodin or nadein or nadeine or napacodin or novicodin or paracodein or paracodin or paramol or parzone or rapacodin or remedacen or tiamon mono or trans dihydrocodeine).ti,ab.
  15. (dipipanone or pipadone or piperidyl amidone).ti,ab.
  16. eletriptan.ti,ab.
  17. ergotamine/ or (ergate or ergomar or ergostat or ergotamine tartrate or ergotaminetartras or exmigra or femergin or gynergen or lingraine or medihaler ergotamine or relpax or virdex or wigrettes).ti,ab.
  18. fentanyl/or (fentanyl$ or duragesic or duragesic or durogesic or fentamyl or fentanest or fentanil or fentora or fetnanyl or ionsys or leptanal or phentanyl or sublimaze or transfenta).ti,ab.
  19. (frovatriptan allegro or frova or migard or miguard).ti,ab.
  20. (heroin$1 or acetomorphine or diacephine or diacetyl morphine or diacetylmorphine or diagesil or diamorf or diamorphine or diaphorin or morphacetin).ti,ab.
  21. (hydromorphone or biomorphyl or cofalaudid or dihydromorphinone or dihydromorphone or dilaudid or dimorphone or hydromorphinone hydrochloride hydromorphon or hydromorphone or hymorphan or laudacon or laudaconum or novolaudon or palladon or palladone or palladone or semcox or sophidone).ti,ab.
  22. isometheptene mucate.ti,ab.
  23. ketorolac$.sh. or (droal or isometheptenemucate or isometheptine mucate or ketocol or ketorolac or midrin or taradyl or toradol or toratex).ti,ab.
  24. meptazinol/ or (meptazinol or meptazinol or meptid).ti,ab.
  25. exp methadone/ or (methadone$ or adanon or adanon hydrochloride or algidon or algolysin or algoxale or althose or amidon or amidone or amidosan or anadon or biodone or butalgin or deamin or depridol or diaminon or dianone or dolafin or dolamid or dolesone or dolophine or dolophine hydrochloride or dorex or dorexol or fenadon or heptadon or heptanon or ketalgin or mecodin or mepecton or mephenon or metadol or metasedin or methaddict or methadose or methex or miadone or moheptan or phenadon$1 or phymet or physepton or physeptone or pinadone or polamidon or polamivet or polamivit or sinalgin or symoron).ti,ab.
  26. methysergide/or (methysergide$ or deseril or desernil sandoz or desril or dimethylergometrin or dimethylergometrine or dimethylergonovine or methisergid or methisergide or methyl sergide or methylmethylergonovine or methylsergide or methysergid or methysergide or sansert).ti,ab.
  27. exp morphine/ or morphinans/or (morphine or astramorph or avinza or depodur or depomorphine or dolcontin or duramorph or duramorple or kadian or kapanol or moraxen or morphia or morphinesulfate or moscontin or ms contin or mst continus or mst mundipharma or noceptin or oblioser or oramorph or roxanol or sevredol or skenan lp).ti,ab.
  28. exp naloxone/or (naloxone or maloxone or nalaxone or nalone or nalonee or narcan or narcanti or narcon or narvcam).ti,ab.
  29. (naratriptan or amerge or naramig).ti,ab.
  30. nefopam/ or (nefopam or acupan or ajan or fenazoxine or lenipan or nocipan).ti,ab.
  31. opiate alkaloids/or opium/ or (opiate$ or opioid$ or opium).ti,ab.
  32. (oxycodone or bionine or bionone or bolodorm or broncodal or bucodal or cafacodal or cardanon or codenon or dihydrohydroxydodeinone or dihydrone or dinarkon or endone or eubine or eucodal or eucodale or eudin or eukdin or eukodal or eumorphal or eurodamine or eutagen or hydrocodal or hydroxycodeinoma or hydroxycodeinon or ludonal or medicodal or narcobasina or narcobasine or narcosin or nargenol or narodal or nucodan or opton or ossicodone or oxanest or oxicone or oxiconum or oxikon or oxycodeinon or oxycodeinonhydrochloride or oxycodone or oxycodonhydrochlorid or oxycodyl or oxycone or oxycontin or oxygesic or oxykon or oxynorm or pancodine or pavinal or pronarcin or remoxy or roxicodone or roxycodone or sinthiodal or stupenal or tebodal or tekodin or thecodin or theocodin).ti,ab.
  33. acetaminophen/or (paracetamol or acetaminophen or acamol or acephen or acetaco or acetamidophenol or acetominophen or algotropyl or anacin 3 or anacin3 or apap or datril or hydroxyacetanilide or p-acetamidophenol or panadol or tylenol).ti,ab.
  34. pentazocine/or (pentazocine or dolapent or fortal or fortalgesic or fortral or fortraline or fortwin or lexir or liticon or peltazon or pentacozine or pentafen or pentagin or pentalgina or pentazocin or pentozocine or perutagin or sosegon or sosigon or talioin or talwin).ti,ab.
  35. exp meperidine/ or (pethidine or algil or alodan or centralgin or centralgine or demerol or dispadol or dolanquifa or dolantal or dolantin or dolantine or dolargan or dolcontral or dolenal or dolestin or dolin or dolocontral or doloneurin or doloneurotrat or dolor or dolosa or dolosal or dolosan or dolsin or dolvanol or endolate or isonipecain or isonipecaine or l pethidine or lidol or lydol or mefedina or mepadin or meperiden or meperidin or meperidine or mephedine or mepiridine or mialgin or pantalgin or petadin or petantin or petantina or pethanol or pethedine or pethidin or pethidine or petidin or phetidine or piridosal or sauteralgyl or simesalgina or supplosal or synlaudine).ti,ab.
  36. (pizotifen or mosegor or sanmigran or sanomigran).ti,ab.
  37. (rizatriptan or maxalt).ti,ab.
  38. sumatriptan/ or (sumatriptan succinate or imigran or imiject or imitrex or sumadol or sumigrene).ti,ab.
  39. (tolfenamic acid or clotam or clotan or rociclyne or tolfedine or tolfenamate).ti,ab.
  40. tramadol/or (tramadol or adolonta or amadol or biodalgic or biokanol or contramal or dolzam or jutadol or kontram xl or melanate or mtwtramadol or nobligan or prontofort or ranitidin 1a pharma or takadol or theradol or tiral or topalgic or tradol or tradolpuren or tradonal or tralgiol or trama abz or trama dorsch or trama kd or tramabeta or tramadin or tramadoc or tramadoldolgit or tramadolhameln or tramadolium chloride or tramadolor or tramadolratiopharm or tramadorsch or tramadura or tramagetic or tramagit or tramake or tramal or tramex or tramundin or trasedal or trodon or trondon or ultram or xymel 50 or zamudol or zumalgic or zydol or zytram).ti,ab.
  41. (zolmitriptan or ascotop or zomig or zomigon).ti,ab.
  42. (zopiclone or amoban or imovance or imovane or ximovan or zimovane or zoplicon).ti,ab.



exp antidepressive agents, tricyclic/


(tricyclic$ or tca$1).ti,ab.


amitriptyline.sh. or (amitriptyl$1 or amitryptil$1 or amitryptin$1 or amitryptylin$1 or amytriptil$1 or amytriptyl$1 or amytryptil$1 or adepress or adepril$1 or ambivalon$1 or amineurin$1 or amitid$1 or amitril$1 or amitrip or amitrol$1 or anapsique or antitriptylin$1 or apoamitriptylin$1 or damilen$1 or damylen$1 or domical$1 or elatrol$1 or elavil$1 or endep or enovil$1 or etafon$1 or etafron$1 or euplit$1 or lantron$1 or laroxal$1 or laroxyl$1 or lentizol$1 or novoprotect or proheptadien$1 or redomex or sarboten retard or saroten$1 or sarotex or stelminal$1 or sylvemid$1 or syneudon$1 or teperin$1 or terepin$1 or triptafen$1 or triptanol$1 or triptizol$1 or triptyl or triptylin$1 or tryptanol$1 or tryptin$1 or tryptizol$1).ti,ab.


chlomipramine.sh. or (chlomipramin$1 or chlorimipramin$1 or chloroimipramin$1 or clomipramin$1 or anafranil$1 or anafranilin$1 or anafranyl or domipramin$1 or hydiphen$1 or monochlor imipramin$1 or monochlorimipramin$1 or monochloroimipramin$1).ti,ab.


dothiepin.sh. or (dothiepin$1 or dosulepin$1 or altapin$1 or depresym$1 or dopress or dothep or idom or prothiaden$1 or prothiadien$1 or prothiadin$1 or protiaden$1 or thaden).ti,ab.


doxepin.sh. or (doxepin$1 or adapin$1 or apodoxepin$1 or aponal$1 or co dox or curatin$1 or deptran$1 or desidox or doneurin$1 or doxepia or espadox or mareen or prudoxin$1 or quitaxon$1 or silenor or sinepin or sinequan$1 or sinquan$1 or xepin$1 or zonalon$1).ti,ab.


imipramine.sh. or (imipramin$1 or antideprin$1 or berkomin$1 or chrytemin$1 or deprimin or deprinol$1 or depsonil or dynaprin or eupramin or ia pram or imavate or imidobenzyl$1 or imidol$1 or imipramid$1 or imipramil or imiprex or imiprin$1 or imizin$1 or irmin or janimin$1 or melipramin$1 or norchlorimipramin$1 or norpramin$1 or novopramin$1 or presamin$1 or pryleugan$1 or psychoforin$1 or psychoforin$1 or servipramin$1 or sk pramin$1 or surplix or tofranil$1 or trofanil$1).ti,ab.


lofepramine.sh. or (lofepramin$1 or lopramin$1 or amplit$1 or deftan$1 or feprapax or gamanil$1 or gamonil$1 or lomont or lopramin$1 or tymelyt).ti,ab.


mianserin.sh. or (mianserin$1 or athymil$1 or bolvidon$1 or investig or lantanon$1 or lanthanon$1 or lerivon$1 or miaxan$1 or norval or serelan$1 or tetramid$1 or tolvin$1 or tolvon$1).ti,ab.


nortriptyline.sh. or (nortriptylin$1 or acetexa or allegron$1 or altilev or atilev or avantyl or aventyl or desitriptylin$1 or desmethylamitriptylin$1 or martimil$1 or noramitriptylin$1 or norfenazin$1 or noritren$1 or norpress or nortrilen$1 or nortryptilin$1 or nortryptylin$1 or pamelor or paxtibi or propylamin$1 or psychostyl or sens?val).ti,ab.


opipramol.sh. or (opipramol$1 or dinsidon$1 or ensidon$1 or eusidon$1 or insidon$1 or nisidan$1 or oprimol or pramolan$1).ti,ab.


trazodone.sh. or (trazodon$1 or beneficat or deprax or desirel or desyrel$1 or molipaxin$1 or pesyrel$1 or rpragazon$1 or pragmarel$1 or pragmazon$1 or thombran$1 or thrombin$1 or thrombran$1 or tombran$1 or trasodon$1 or trazolan$1 or trazorel or trazon$1 or trialodine or trittico).ti,ab.


trimepramine.sh. or (trimepramin$1 or trimeprimin$1 or trimepropimin$1 or trimidura or trimineurin$1 maleate or trimipramin$1 or trimoprimin$1 or eldoral$1 or herphonal$1 or trimineurin$1 or novo tripramin$1 or novotripramin$1 or nutrimipramin$1 or rhotrimin$1 or stangyl or surmontil$1 or apo trimip or apotrimip or herphonal$1 or stangyl or surmontil$1).ti,ab.


exp serotonin uptake inhibitors/


(ssri$ or ((serotonin or 5 ht or 5 hydroxytryptamine) adj (uptake or reuptake or re uptake) adj inhibit$)).ti,ab.


citalopram.sh. or (citalopram or celexa or cipramil$1 or cytalopram or elopram or escitalopram or lexapro or nitalapram or sepram or seropram).ti,ab.


(escitalopram or cipralex or lexapro or seroplex).ti,ab.


fluoxetine.sh. or (fluoxetin$1 or fluctin$1 or flunirin$1 or fluoxifar or prosac or prozac or prozamin or sarafem or symbyax).ti,ab.


fluvoxamine.sh. or (fluvoxamin$1 or depromel$1 or desiflu or dumirox or faverin$1 or fevarin$1 or floxyfral$1 or fluoxamin$1 or fluroxamin$1 or fluvoxadura or luvox).ti,ab.


(nefazadon$1 or dutonin or nefadar or reseril$1 or serzon$1).ti,ab.


paroxetine.sh. or (paroxetin$1 or aropax or deroxat or motivan$1 or paxil or pexeva or seroxat or tagonis).ti,ab.


sertraline.sh. or (sertralin$1 or altrulin$1 or aremis or besitran$1 or gladem or lustral$1 or naphthylamin$1 or sealdin$1 or serad or serlain$1 or tresleen or zoloft).ti,ab.


exp antidepressive agents/ or exp monoamine oxidase inhibitors/


(antidepress$ or anti depress$ or maoi$1 or ((adrenaline or amine or mao or mono amin$ or monoamin$ or tyramin$) adj2 inhibit$)).ti,ab.


(agomelatin$1 or melitor or thymanax or valdoxan$1).ti,ab.


chlorprothixene.sh. or (chlorprothixen$1 or aminasin$1 or aminasin$1 or aminazin$1 or aminazin$1 or ampliactil$1 or amplictil$1 or ancholactil$1 or chlopromazin$1 or chlor pz or chlorbromasin$1 or chlordelazin$1 or chlorderazin$1 or chloropromazin$1 or chlorpromanyl or chlorpromazin$1 or chlorprotixen$1 or clordelazin$1 or clorpromazin$1 or cloxan or contomin$1 or elmarin$1 or fenactil$1 or hibanil$1 or hibernal$1 or hibernol$1 or klorpromex or largactil$1 or largactyl or megaphen$1 or neurazin$1 or novomazin$1 or phenathyl$1 or plegomazin$1 or plegomazin$1 or proma or promacid$1 or promactil$1 or promapar or promazil$1 or propaphen$1 or propaphenin$1 or prozil$1 or psychozin$1 or sanopron$1 or solidon$1 or sonazin$1 or taractan$1 or taroctil$1 or thor prom or thorazen$1 or thorazin$1 or torazina or truxal or vegetamin a or vegetamin b or wintamin$1 or wintermin$1 or zuledin$1).ti,ab.


desvenlafaxine.sh. or (desvenlafaxin$1 or o desmethylvenlafaxin$1 or o norvenlafaxin$1 or pristiq).ti,ab.


(duloxetin$1 or ariclaim or cymbalta or xeristar or yentreve).ti,ab.




(isocarboxacid$1 or bmih or enerzer or isocarboazid$1 or isocarboxazid$1 or marplan$1 or marplon).ti,ab.


(mirtazapin$1 or avanza or 6 azamianserin$1 or lerivon$1 or remergil$1 or remergon$1 or remeron$1 or tolvon$1 or zispin).ti,ab.


moclobemide.sh. or (moclobemid$1 or arima or aurorex or aurorix or deprenorm or feraken$1 or manerix or moclamin$1 or moclix or moclobamid$1 or moclobeta or moclodura or moclonorm or novomoclobemid$1 or numoclobemid$1 or rimoc).ti,ab.


phenelzine.sh. or (phenelzin$1 or 2 phenethylhydrazin$1 or 2 phenylethylhydrazin$1 or benzylmethylhydrazin$1 or beta phenethylhydrazin$1 or beta phenylethylhydrazine or fenelzin or fenizin$1 or mao rem or nardelzin$1 or nardil$1 or phenalzin$1 or phenethylhydrazin$1 or phenylethylhydrazin$1 or stinerval$1).ti,ab.


(reboxetin$1 or davedax or edronax or norebox or prolift or solvex or vestra).ti,ab.


tranylcypromine.sh. or (tranylcypromin$1 or phenylcyclopropylamin$1 or dl trans 2 phenylcyclopropylamin$1 or jatrosom$1 or parmodalin$1 or parnate or parniten$1 or parnitin$1 or trancilpromin$1 or trancylpromin$1 or trancylprominesulfate or tranilacipromin$1 or trans 2 phenylcyclopropylamin$1 or transamin$1 or tylciprin$1).ti,ab.


(venlafaxin$1 or efexor or effexor or foraven or tifaxin or trevilor or venaxx or venlalic or winfex).sh,tw.


exp serotonin uptake inhibitors/


(snri$ or ssnri$ or ((noradrenalin or norepinephrine) adj serotonin adj (uptake or reuptake or re uptake) adj inhibitor$) or (serotonin adj (noradrenalin or norepinephrine) adj (uptake or reuptake or re uptake) adj inhibitor$)).ti,ab.





exp antipsychotic agents/


(antipsychotic$ or anti psychotic$ or (major adj2 (butyrophenon$ or phenothiazin$ or tranquil$)) or neuroleptic$).ti,ab.


(amisulprid$1 or aminosultoprid$1 or amisulpirid$1 or sertol$1 or socian or solian).ti,ab.


(aripiprazol$1 or abilify or abilitat).ti,ab.


(benperidol$1 or anquil or benperidon$1 or benzoperidol$1 or benzperidol$1 or frenactil$1 or frenactyl or glianimon$1 or phenactil$1).ti,ab.


chlorpromazine.sh. or (chlorpromazin$1 or aminazin$1 or chlorazin$1 or chlordelazin$1 or contomin$1 or fenactil$1 or largactil$1 or propaphenin$1 or thorazin$1).ti,ab.


chlorprothixene.sh. or (chlorprothixen$1 or aminasin$1 or aminasin$1 or aminazin$1 or aminazin$1 or ampliactil$1 or amplictil$1 or ancholactil$1 or chlopromazin$1 or chlor pz or chlorbromasin$1 or chlordelazin$1 or chlorderazin$1 or chloropromazin$1 or chlorpromanyl or chlorpromazin$1 or chlorprotixen$1 or clordelazin$1 or clorpromazin$1 or cloxan or contomin$1 or elmarin$1 or fenactil$1 or hibanil$1 or hibernal$1 or hibernol$1 or klorpromex or largactil$1 or largactyl or megaphen$1 or neurazin$1 or novomazin$1 or phenathyl or plegomazin$1 or plegomazin$1 or proma or promacid$1 or promactil$1 or promapar or promazil$1 or propaphen$1 or propaphenin$1 or prozil or psychozin$1 or sanopron$1 or solidon$1 or sonazin$1 or taractan$1 or taroctil$1 or thor prom or thorazen$1 or thorazin$1 or torazin$1 or truxal or vegetamin a or vegetamin b or wintamin$1 or wintermin$1 or zuledin$1).ti,ab.


clozapine.sh. or (clozapin$1 or alemoxan$1 or azaleptin$1 or clopine or clozaril$1 or denzapin$1 or dorval or dozapin$1 or fazaclo or froidir or klozapol or lapenax or leponex or wander compound or zaponex).ti,ab.


flupenthixol.sh. or (flupentixol$1 or flupenthixol$1 or depixol$1 or emergil$1 or fluanxol$1 or flupentixol$1 or emergil$1 or fluanxol$1 or piperazineethanol$1 or viscoleo).ti,ab.


fluspirilene.sh. or (fluspirilen$1 or fluspi or imap or kivat or redeptin$1 or spirodiflamin$1).ti,ab.


haloperidol.sh. or (haloperidol$1 or aloperidin$1 or bioperidolo or brotopon or celenase or cerenace or dozic or duraperidol or einalon s or eukystol or fortunan$1 or haldol or halidol or haloneural$1 or haloperitol$1 or halosten or keselan or linton or peluces or serenace or serenase or siegoperidol$1 or sigaperidol$1).ti,ab.


methotrimeprazine.sh. or (levomepromazin$1 or 2 methoxytrimeprazin$1 or hirnamin$1 or levo promazin$1 or levomeprazin$1 or levopromazin$1 or levoprom$1 or mepromazin$1 or methotrimeprazin$1 or methotrimperazin$1 or milezin$1 or minozinan$1 or neozin$1 or neuractil$1 or neurocil$1 or nirvan or nosinan$1 or nozinan$1 or sinogan or tisercin$1 or tizercin$1 or tizertsin$1 or veractil$1).ti,ab.


(olanzapin$1 or lanzac or midax or olansek or olzapin or rexapin or zalasta or zolafren or zydis or zypadhera or zyprex$1).ti,ab.


(paliperidon$1 or 9 hydroxyrisperidon$1 or invega).ti,ab.


paroxetine.sh. or (paroxetin$1 or aropax or deroxat or motivan or paxil$1 or pexeva or seroxat or tagonis).ti,ab.


(pericyazin$1 or aolept or neulactil$1 or neuleptil$1 or periciazin$1 or properciazin$1 or propericiazin$1).ti,ab.


perphenazine.sh. or (perphenazin$1 or chlorperphenazin$1 or chlorpiprazin$1 or chlorpiprozin$1 or decentan$1 or etaperazin$1 or ethaperazin$1 or etrafon or fentazin$1 or perfenazin$1 or perfenazin$1 or perferazin$1 or perphenan$1 or perphenezin$1 or thilatazin$1 or tranquisan$1 or triavail or trifalon$1 or trilafan$1 or trilafon$1 or trilifan$1 or triliphan$1).ti,ab.


pimozide.sh. or (pimozid$1 or antalon$1 or opiran$1 or orap or pimocid$1 or pimorid$1 or pinozid$1).ti,ab.


prochlorperazine.sh. or (prochlorperazin$1 or buccastem or capazin$1 or chlormeprazin$1 or chlorpeazin$1 or chlorperazin$1 or compazin$1 or dicopal$1 or emelent or kronocin$1 or meterazin$1 or metherazin$1 or nipodal$1 or phenotil or prochlor perazin$1 or prochlorpemazin$1 or prochlorperacin$1 or prochlorperzin$1 or prochlorpromazin$1 or proclorperazin$1 or stemetil or stemzine or tementil$1 or temetil$1).ti,ab.


promazine.sh. or (promazin$1 or alofen$1 or alophen$1 or ampazin$1 or amprazim$1 or centractyl or delazin$1 or esparin$1 or lete or liranol$1 or neo hibernex or neuroplegil$1 or piarin$1 or prazin$1 or pro tan or promantin$1 or promanyl$1 or promilen$1 or promwill or protactil$1 or protactyl$1 or romthiazin$1 or romtiazin$1 or sediston$1 or sinophenin$1 or sparin$1 or tomil or varophen$1 or verophen$1).ti,ab.


(quetiapin$1 or ketipinor or quepin or seroquel or tienapin$1).ti,ab.


risperidone.sh. or (risperidon$1 or belivon$1 or ridal or riscalin or risolept or rispen or risperdal$1 or sizodon).ti,ab.


(sertindol$1 or indole or serdolect or serlect).ti,ab.


sulpiride.sh. or (sulpirid$1 or abilit or aiglonyl$1 or arminol$1 or bosnyl or deponerton$1 or desisulpid$1 or digton or dobren or dogmatil$1 or dogmatyl or dolmatil$1 or eglonyl or ekilid or equilid or guastil$1 or isnamid$1 or leboprid$1 or levopraid or levosulpirid$1 or meresa or miradol$1 or modal or neogama or pontirid$1 or psicocen$1 or sulfirid$1 or sulp$1 or sulperid$1 or sulpitil$1 or sulpivert or sulpor or sulpyride or synedil$1 or tepavil$1 or vertigo meresa or vertigo neogama or vipral).sh,tw.


trifluoperazine.sh. or (trifluoperazin$1 or apotrifluoperazine$1 or calmazin$1 or dihydrochlorid$1 or eskazin$1 or eskazin$1 or eskazinyl or fluoperazin$1 or flupazin$1 or jatroneural$1 or modalina or stelazin$1 or terfluzin$1 or terfluzin$1 or trifluoperazid$1 or trifluoperazin$1 or trifluoperzin$1 or trifluoroperazin$1 or trifluorperacin$1 or trifluperazin$1 or triflurin$1 or triftazin$1 or triftazinum or triphtazin$1 or triphthasin$1 or triphthazin$1).ti,ab.


(zotepin$1 or lodopin$1 or losizopilon or nipolept or setous or zoleptil).ti,ab.


clopenthixol.sh. or (zuclopenthixol$1 or acuphase or clopenthixol$1 or clopixol or cisordinol$1 or sedanxol$1).ti,ab.



lithium$.sh. or (lithium$1 or camcolit or candamid$1 or carbolith or carbolitium or cibalith s or contemnol$1 or dilithium or eskalith or hypnorex or li salt or limas or linthane or liskonium or liskonum or litarex or lithane or lithiofor or lithionit or lithiophor or lithobid or lithocarb or lithonate or lithotabs or maniprex or mesin or micalith or neurolepsin or neurolithium or plenur or priadel or quilinormretard or quilonorm or quilonum or teralithe or theralite or theralithe).ti,ab.



exp benzodiazepines/


(benzo$1 or benzodiazepin$).ti,ab.


alprazolam.sh. or (alprazolam or alprox or apo alpraz or apoalpraz or aprazolam$1 or cassadan$1 or esparon$1 or helex or kalma or novo alprazol$1 or novoalprazol$1 or nu alpraz or nualpraz or ralozam or solanax or tafil$1 or trankimazin$1 or valeans or xanax or xanor).ti,ab.


bromazepam.sh. or (bromazepam or anxyrex or bartul or bromalich or bromaz 1a pharma or bromazanil$1 or bromazep von ct or durazanil$1 or lectopam$1 or lexamil$1 or lexatin$1 or lexaurin$1 or lexilium or lexomil$1 or lexotan$1 or lexotanil$1 or lexotanil$1 or normoc or sintrogel$1).ti,ab.


chlordiazepoxide.sh. or (chlordiazepoxid$1 or methaminodiazepoxid$1 or elenium$1 or librium$1 or chlozepid$1 or ansiacal$1 or benzodiapin$1 or cebrum$1 or chlordiazepoxyd$1 or chlorodiazepoxid$1 or clopoxid$1 or contol$1 or decacil$1 or defobin$1 or disarim$1 or dizepin$1 or dopoxid$1 or droxol$1 or eden psich or elenium$1 or elenum$1 or equibral$1 or kalmocaps or labican$1 or librelease or libritabs or librium or lipoxide or mesural$1 or metaminodiazepoxid$1 or methaminodiazepoxid$1 or mildmen$1 or mitran$1 or multum$1 or murcil$1 or napoton$1 or napoton$1 or novosed$1 or psichial$1 or psicosan$1 or psicoterin$1 or radepur or reliberan$1 or reposans 10 or risolid or seren vita or servium or silibrin$1 or sk lygen or sonimen$1 or timosin$1 or viansin$1 or viopsicol$1).ti,ab.


(clobazam or chlorepin$1 or clobazepam or clorepin$1 or frisium or noiafren$1 or urbadan$1 or urbanil$1 or urbanyl).ti,ab.


clonazepam.sh. or (clonazepam or antelepsin$1 or clonopin$1 or iktorivil$1 or klonazepam or klonopin$1 or landsen$1 or rivotril$1).ti,ab.


clorazepate dipotassium.sh. or (clorazepat$1 or carboxylic acid or chlorazepat$1 or chloroazepat$1 or clorazepic acid or tranxen$1 or tranxilium).ti,ab.


(delorazepam or briantum$1 or chlordemethyldiazepam or chlordesmethyldiazepam or chloro n demethyldiazepam or chlorodemethyldiazepam or chlorodesmethyldiazepam or chloronordiazepam).ti,ab.


diazepam.sh. or (diazepam or alupram or ansiolin$1 or antenex or apaurin$1 or apaurin$1 or apozepam or assival$1 or audium$1 or bialzepam or bialzepan$1 or calmpos$1 or cercin$1 or cersin$1 or chlordiazepam or dialar or diastat or diazelium or diazemuls or diazidem or ducen$1 or duxen$1 or eridan or eurosan$1 or evacalm$1 or fanstan$1 or faustan$1 or gewacalm$1 or lamra or lembrol$1 or lipodiazepam or lorinon$1 or methyldiazepinon$1 or methyldiazepinon$1 or morosan$1 or neocalm$1 or neurolytril$1 or noan or novazam or paceum or plidan or psychopax or relanium or rimapam or sedapam or seduxen$1 or serendin$1 or setonil$1 or sibazon$1 or sonacon$1 or stesolid$1 or stesolin$1 or tanquo tablinen$1 or tensium or tranimul$1 or tranquo puren or umbrium$1 or valaxon$1 or valclair or valiquid$1 or valium or valpam or valreleas$1 or vatran$1 or vival$1 or vivol4 or zetran$1).ti,ab.


flunitrazepam.sh. or (flunitrazepam or flurazepam or fluridrazepam or darken$1 or fluni 1a pharma or flunibeta or flunimerck or fluninoc or flunipam or flunita or flunitrax or flunizep von ct or hypnodorm$1 or hypnosedon$1 or inervon$1 or narcozep or parnox or rohipnol$1 or rohypnol$1 or roipnol$1 or silece or valsera).ti,ab.


flurazepam.sh. or (flurazepam or benozil$1 or dalmadorm$1 or dalman$1 or dalmate or dormodor$1 or lunipax or staurodorm$1 or dalman$1 or dormodor$1 or dalmadorm$1).ti,ab.


(flutoprazepam or restas).ti,ab.


loprazolam .ti,ab.


lorazepam.sh. or (lorazepam or almazin$1 or alzapam or apolorazepam or ativan or bonatranquan$1 or donix or duralozam or durazolam or idalprem or kendol$1 or laubeel or lorabenz or loranas$1 or loranaz$1 or lorans or lorax or lorazep von ct or loridem$1 or lorivan$1 or mesmerin$1 or novo lorazem$1 or novolorazem$1 or novo lorazem$1 or nu loraz or nuloraz or orfidal or orifadal$1 or pro dorm or quait or securit or sedicepan$1 or sinestron$1 or somagerol$1 or tavor or temesta or tolid or wypax).ti,ab.


(lormetazepam or loramet or (lorazepam adj2 methyl) or methyllorazepam or minians or minias or noctamid$1 or pronoctan$1).ti,ab.


(mexazolam or melex or sedoxil$1).ti,ab.


midazolam.sh. or (midazolam or dormicum or dormonid$1 or hypnoval$1 or hypnovel$1 or hypnoyvel$1 or versed).ti,ab.


nitrazepam.sh. or (nitrazepam or alodorm or atempol$1 or benzalin$1 or dormalon$1 or dormo puren or dumolid or eatan or eunoctin$1 or hypnotex or imadorm or imeson$1 or insomin$1 or mogadan$1 or mogadon$1 or nelbon$1 or nirven$1 or nitra zepam or nitrados or nitravet or nitrazadon$1 or nitrazep or nitrodiazepam or novanox or pacisyn or radedorm$1 or remnos or restorem$1 or sedamon$1 or serenade or somnased$1 or somnibel$1 n or somnit$1).ti,ab.


oxazepam.sh. or (oxazepam or abboxapam or adumbran$1 or alopam or anxiolit$1 or azutranquil$1 or durazepam or expidet$1 or hilong or isodin$1 or linbial$1 or noctazepam or oxapuren$1 or oxepam or praxiten$1 or serax or serenid$1 or serepax or seresta or serpax or sigacalm$1 or sobril$1 or tazepam$1 or uskan).ti,ab.


prazepam.sh. or (prazepam or centrax or demetrin$1 or lysanxia or mono demetrin$1 or monodemetrin$1 or reapam or sedapran$1 or verstran).ti,ab.


temazepam.sh. or (temazepam or apo temazepam or dasuen or euhypnos or hydroxydiazepam or levanxol$1 or methyloxazepam or nocturne$1 or norkotral tema or normison$1 or normitab or nortem or oxydiazepam or planum or pronervon t or remestan$1 or restoril$1 or signopam or temaz$1 or temazep von ct or temazepax or temtabs or tenox or texapam).ti,ab.



g. Safer prescribing

MEDLINE – Ovid SP interface

For people who self-harm, what are the key principles underlying safer prescribing?

  1. exp analgesics/or exp salicylic acids/ or (ana?lges$ or salicyl$).ti,ab.
  2. (acetylsalicylic acid or 2 acetoxybenzoate or acenterine or acesal or acetan or acetard or aceticyl or acetilum or acetonyl or acetophen or acetosal or acetosalicylic acid or acetosalin or acetosalum or acetyl salicylate or acetyl salicylic acid or acetylic salicylic acid or acetylin or acetylo or acetylon or acetylosalicylic acid or acetylsal or acetylsalicyclic acid or acetylsalicyl or acetylsalicylate or acetylsalicylate strontium or acetylsalicylic acid or acetylsalycic acid or acetylsalycylic acid or acetysal or acidulatum or acidum acetyl salicylicum or acidum acetylosalicylicum or acidum acetylsalicylicum or acylpyrin or acylpyrine or acytosal or adiro or alabukun or alasil or alka seltzer or alkaspirin or aloxiprimum or anopyrin or arthralgyl or asaflow or asaphen or aspergum or aspirgran or aspirin or aspirina or aspirine or aspirinine or aspisol or aspro or asrivo or asteric or astrix or bebesan or biprin or boxazin or breoprin or bufferin or cafenol or catalgine or catalgix or cemerit or cemirit or claradin or claragine or colfarit or colfarit or contrheuma or contrheuma retard or daga or darosal or depot aspirin or dispirin or dispril or dolean or easprin or ecotrin or egalgic or emocin or empirin or encaprin or endosprin or endosprin or entericin or enterosarine or enterospirine or entrophen or euthermine or extren or genasprin or godamed or gotosan or helicon or infatabs a or istopirin or istopyrine or ivepirine or juvepirine or kilios or kinderaspirin or magnecyl or measurin or mejoral or micristin or micristin or micropyrin or mikristin or miniasal or mycristin or nu seal or nuseals or ortho acetoxybenzoate or ortho acetoxybenzoic acid or ortho acetyloxybenzoate or ortho acetyloxybenzoic acid or ostoprin or pancemol or para acetylsalicylic acid or paracin or paynocil or pengo or polopirin or polopiryna or polopiryna or premaspin or primaspan or pyronoval or reumyl or rhodine or rhonal or salacetin or salacetogen or saletin or sargepirine or slow release aspirin or sodium acetylsalicylate or sodium bicarbonate acetyl salicylate or sodium bicarbonate acetylsalicylate or soldral or solprin or solpyron or solucetyl or solupsa or solupsan or super tru or tapal or temagin or treupahlin or treuphalin or turivital or verin or vitalink or xaxa or zorprin).ti,ab.
  3. alfentanil/or (alfentanil or alfenta or alfentanil or alfentanil hydrochloride or alfentanyl or alfentanyl or fanaxal or limifen or rapifen).ti,ab.
  4. (almotriptan or almogran or almotriptan malate or axert).ti,ab.
  5. (buprenorphin$ or buprenex or buprex or finibron or lepetan or prefin or suboxone or subutex or temgesic or transtec).ti,ab.
  6. caffeine/or caffeine$.ti,ab.
  7. cannabis/or (cannabis or cannabi or cannabis or ganja or ganjas or hemp or hemps or marihuana or marihuanas or marijuana or marijuanas or opiate).ti,ab.
  8. (cocodamol or acetaminophen plus codeine phosphate or empracet or hypertussin or lindilane or nedolon or panadeine or paracodal or percogesic with codeine or talvosilen or treuphadol plus).ti,ab.
  9. (codeine phosphate or ardinex or codein phosphate or codeine or codeine phosphate or codicompren retard or colrex compound or galcodine or isocodeine or kodein or n methylmorphine or tricodein or tussipect).ti,ab.
  10. (codydramol or codidramol).ti,ab.
  11. cyclizine/or (cyclizine or collox or cyclizine or marazine or marezine or marzine or neo devomit or valoid).ti,ab.
  12. dextromoramide/or (dextromoramide or d moramide or dextro moramide or dextromoramide or dextromoramine or dimorlin or d-moramide or jetrium or moramide or palfium or palfium or palphium or pyrrolamidol or pyrrolamidole or pyrroloamidol).ti,ab.
  13. dextropropoxyphene/or (co proxamol or coproxamol or cosalgesic or d propoxyphene or darvon or dextropropoxyphene or diantalvic or distalgesic or d-propoxyphene or dystalgesic or paradex or propoxyphene).ti,ab.
  14. (dihydrocodeine or cis dihydrocodeine or codhydrin or codhydrine or codicontin or cohydrin or dehacodin or dh codeine or didrate or dihydrin or dihydroneopine or drocode or hydrocodeine or hydrocodin or nadein or nadeine or napacodin or novicodin or paracodein or paracodin or paramol or parzone or rapacodin or remedacen or tiamon mono or trans dihydrocodeine).ti,ab.
  15. (dipipanone or pipadone or piperidyl amidone).ti,ab.
  16. eletriptan.ti,ab.
  17. ergotamine/ or (ergate or ergomar or ergostat or ergotamine tartrate or ergotaminetartras or exmigra or femergin or gynergen or lingraine or medihaler ergotamine or relpax or virdex or wigrettes).ti,ab.
  18. fentanyl/or (fentanyl$ or duragesic or duragesic or durogesic or fentamyl or fentanest or fentanil or fentora or fetnanyl or ionsys or leptanal or phentanyl or sublimaze or transfenta).ti,ab.
  19. (frovatriptan allegro or frova or migard or miguard).ti,ab.
  20. (heroin$1 or acetomorphine or diacephine or diacetyl morphine or diacetylmorphine or diagesil or diamorf or diamorphine or diaphorin or morphacetin).ti,ab.
  21. (hydromorphone or biomorphyl or cofalaudid or dihydromorphinone or dihydromorphone or dilaudid or dimorphone or hydromorphinone hydrochloride hydromorphon or hydromorphone or hymorphan or laudacon or laudaconum or novolaudon or palladon or palladone or palladone or semcox or sophidone).ti,ab.
  22. isometheptene mucate.ti,ab.
  23. ketorolac$.sh. or (droal or isometheptenemucate or isometheptine mucate or ketocol or ketorolac or midrin or taradyl or toradol or toratex).ti,ab.
  24. meptazinol/ or (meptazinol or meptazinol or meptid).ti,ab.
  25. exp methadone/ or (methadone$ or adanon or adanon hydrochloride or algidon or algolysin or algoxale or althose or amidon or amidone or amidosan or anadon or biodone or butalgin or deamin or depridol or diaminon or dianone or dolafin or dolamid or dolesone or dolophine or dolophine hydrochloride or dorex or dorexol or fenadon or heptadon or heptanon or ketalgin or mecodin or mepecton or mephenon or metadol or metasedin or methaddict or methadose or methex or miadone or moheptan or phenadon$1 or phymet or physepton or physeptone or pinadone or polamidon or polamivet or polamivit or sinalgin or symoron).ti,ab.
  26. methysergide/or (methysergide$ or deseril or desernil sandoz or desril or dimethylergometrin or dimethylergometrine or dimethylergonovine or methisergid or methisergide or methyl sergide or methylmethylergonovine or methylsergide or methysergid or methysergide or sansert).ti,ab.
  27. exp morphine/ or morphinans/or (morphine or astramorph or avinza or depodur or depomorphine or dolcontin or duramorph or duramorple or kadian or kapanol or moraxen or morphia or morphinesulfate or moscontin or ms contin or mst continus or mst mundipharma or noceptin or oblioser or oramorph or roxanol or sevredol or skenan lp).ti,ab.
  28. exp naloxone/or (naloxone or maloxone or nalaxone or nalone or nalonee or narcan or narcanti or narcon or narvcam).ti,ab.
  29. (naratriptan or amerge or naramig).ti,ab.
  30. nefopam/ or (nefopam or acupan or ajan or fenazoxine or lenipan or nocipan).ti,ab.
  31. opiate alkaloids/or opium/ or (opiate$ or opioid$ or opium).ti,ab.
  32. (oxycodone or bionine or bionone or bolodorm or broncodal or bucodal or cafacodal or cardanon or codenon or dihydrohydroxydodeinone or dihydrone or dinarkon or endone or eubine or eucodal or eucodale or eudin or eukdin or eukodal or eumorphal or eurodamine or eutagen or hydrocodal or hydroxycodeinoma or hydroxycodeinon or ludonal or medicodal or narcobasina or narcobasine or narcosin or nargenol or narodal or nucodan or opton or ossicodone or oxanest or oxicone or oxiconum or oxikon or oxycodeinon or oxycodeinonhydrochloride or oxycodone or oxycodonhydrochlorid or oxycodyl or oxycone or oxycontin or oxygesic or oxykon or oxynorm or pancodine or pavinal or pronarcin or remoxy or roxicodone or roxycodone or sinthiodal or stupenal or tebodal or tekodin or thecodin or theocodin).ti,ab.
  33. acetaminophen/or (paracetamol or acetaminophen or acamol or acephen or acetaco or acetamidophenol or acetominophen or algotropyl or anacin 3 or anacin3 or apap or datril or hydroxyacetanilide or p-acetamidophenol or panadol or tylenol).ti,ab.
  34. pentazocine/or (pentazocine or dolapent or fortal or fortalgesic or fortral or fortraline or fortwin or lexir or liticon or peltazon or pentacozine or pentafen or pentagin or pentalgina or pentazocin or pentozocine or perutagin or sosegon or sosigon or talioin or talwin).ti,ab.
  35. exp meperidine/ or (pethidine or algil or alodan or centralgin or centralgine or demerol or dispadol or dolanquifa or dolantal or dolantin or dolantine or dolargan or dolcontral or dolenal or dolestin or dolin or dolocontral or doloneurin or doloneurotrat or dolor or dolosa or dolosal or dolosan or dolsin or dolvanol or endolate or isonipecain or isonipecaine or l pethidine or lidol or lydol or mefedina or mepadin or meperiden or meperidin or meperidine or mephedine or mepiridine or mialgin or pantalgin or petadin or petantin or petantina or pethanol or pethedine or pethidin or pethidine or petidin or phetidine or piridosal or sauteralgyl or simesalgina or supplosal or synlaudine).ti,ab.
  36. (pizotifen or mosegor or sanmigran or sanomigran).ti,ab.
  37. (rizatriptan or maxalt).ti,ab.
  38. sumatriptan/ or (sumatriptan succinate or imigran or imiject or imitrex or sumadol or sumigrene).ti,ab.
  39. (tolfenamic acid or clotam or clotan or rociclyne or tolfedine or tolfenamate).ti,ab.
  40. tramadol/or (tramadol or adolonta or amadol or biodalgic or biokanol or contramal or dolzam or jutadol or kontram xl or melanate or mtwtramadol or nobligan or prontofort or ranitidin 1a pharma or takadol or theradol or tiral or topalgic or tradol or tradolpuren or tradonal or tralgiol or trama abz or trama dorsch or trama kd or tramabeta or tramadin or tramadoc or tramadoldolgit or tramadolhameln or tramadolium chloride or tramadolor or tramadolratiopharm or tramadorsch or tramadura or tramagetic or tramagit or tramake or tramal or tramex or tramundin or trasedal or trodon or trondon or ultram or xymel 50 or zamudol or zumalgic or zydol or zytram).ti,ab.
  41. (zolmitriptan or ascotop or zomig or zomigon).ti,ab.
  42. (zopiclone or amoban or imovance or imovane or ximovan or zimovane or zoplicon).ti,ab.
  43. or/1-42
  44. exp benzodiazepines/ or (benzo$1 or benzodiazepin$).ti,ab.
  45. (alprazolam or alprox or apo alpraz or apoalpraz or aprazolam$1 or cassadan$1 or esparon$1 or helex or kalma or novo alprazol$1 or novoalprazol$1 or nu alpraz or nualpraz or ralozam or solanax or tafil$1 or trankimazin$1 or valeans or xanax or xanor).ti,ab.
  46. (bromazepam or anxyrex or bartul or bromalich or bromaz pharma or bromazanil$1 or bromazep von ct or durazanil$ or lectopam$1 or lexamil$1 or lexatin$1 or lexaurin$1 or lexilium or lexomil$1 or lexotan$1 or lexotanil$1 or lexotanil$1 or normoc or sintrogel$1).ti,ab.
  47. (chlordiazepoxid$1 or methaminodiazepoxid$1 or elenium$1 or librium$1 or chlozepid$1 or ansiacal$1 or benzodiapin$1 or cebrum$1 or chlordiazepoxyd$1 or chlorodiazepoxid$1 or clopoxid$1 or contol$1 or decacil$1 or defobin$1 or disarim$1 or dizepin$1 or dopoxid$1 or droxol$1 or eden psich or elenium$1 or elenum$1 or equibral$1 or kalmocaps or labican$1 or librelease or libritabs or librium or lipoxide or mesural$1 or metaminodiazepoxid$1 or methaminodiazepoxid$1 or mildmen$1 or mitran$1 or multum$1 or murcil$1 or napoton$1 or napoton$1 or novosed$1 or psichial$1 or psicosan$1 or psicoterin$1 or radepur or reliberan$1 or reposans or risolid or seren vita or servium or silibrin$1 or sk lygen or sonimen$1 or timosin$1 or viansin$1 or viopsicol$1).ti,ab.
  48. (clobazam or chlorepin$1 or clobazepam or clorepin$1 or frisium or noiafren$1 or urbadan$1 or urbanil$1 or urbanyl).ti,ab.
  49. (clonazepam or antelepsin$1 or clonopin$1 or iktorivil$1 or klonazepam or klonopin$1 or landsen$1 or rivotril$1).ti,ab.
  50. (clorazepat$1 or carboxylic acid or chlorazepat$1 or chloroazepat$1 or clorazepic acid or tranxen$1 or tranxilium).ti,ab.
  51. (delorazepam or briantum$1 or chlordemethyldiazepam or chlordesmethyldiazepam or chloro n demethyldiazepam or chlorodemethyldiazepam or chlorodesmethyldiazepam or chloronordiazepam).ti,ab.
  52. (diazepam or alupram or ansiolin$1 or antenex or apaurin$1 or apaurin$1 or apozepam or assival$1 or audium$1 or bialzepam or bialzepan$1 or calmpos$1 or cercin$1 or cersin$1 or chlordiazepam or dialar or diastat or diazelium or diazemuls or diazidem or ducen$1 or duxen$1 or eridan or eurosan$1 or evacalm$1 or fanstan$1 or faustan$1 or gewacalm$1 or lamra or lembrol$1 or lipodiazepam or lorinon$1 or methyldiazepinon$1 or methyldiazepinon$1 or morosan$1 or neocalm$1 or neurolytril$1 or noan or novazam or paceum or plidan or psychopax or relanium or 1 rimapam or sedapam or seduxen$1 or serendin$1 or setonil$1 or sibazon$1 or sonacon$1 or stesolid$1 or stesolin$1 or tanquo tablinen$ or tensium or tranimul$1 or tranquo puren or umbrium$1 or valaxon$1 or valclair or valiquid$1 or valium or valpam or valreleas$ or vatran$1 or vival$1 or vivol or zetran$1).ti,ab.
  53. (flunitrazepam or flurazepam or fluridrazepam or darken$1 or fluni 1a pharma or flunibeta or flunimerck or fluninoc or flunipam or flunita or flunitrax or flunizep von ct or hypnodorm$1 or hypnosedon$1 or inervon$1 or narcozep or parnox or rohipnol$1 or rohypnol$1 or roipnol$1 or silece or valsera).ti,ab.
  54. (flurazepam or benozil$1 or dalmadorm$1 or dalman$1 or dalmate or dormodor$1 or lunipax or staurodorm$1 or dalman$1 or dormodor$1 or dalmadorm$1).ti,ab.
  55. (flutoprazepam or restas).ti,ab.
  56. loprazolam.ti,ab.
  57. (lorazepam or almazin$1 or alzapam or apolorazepam or ativan or bonatranquan$1 or donix or duralozam or durazolam or idalprem or kendol$1 or laubeel or lorabenz or loranas$1 or loranaz$1 or lorans or lorax or lorazep von ct or loridem$1 or lorivan$1 or mesmerin$1 or novo lorazem$1 or novolorazem$1 or novo lorazem$1 or nu loraz or nuloraz or orfidal or orifadal$1 or pro dorm or quait or securit or sedicepan$1 or sinestron$1 or somagerol$1 or tavor or temesta or tolid or wypax).ti,ab.
  58. (lormetazepam or loramet or (lorazepam adj2 methyl) or methyllorazepam or minians or minias or noctamid$1 or pronoctan$1).ti,ab.
  59. (mexazolam or melex or sedoxil$1).ti,ab.
  60. (midazolam or dormicum or dormonid$1 or hypnoval$1 or hypnovel$1 or hypnoyvel$1 or versed).ti,ab.
  61. (nitrazepam or alodorm or atempol$1 or benzalin$1 or dormalon$1 or dormo puren or dumolid or eatan or eunoctin$1 or hypnotex or imadorm or imeson$1 or insomin$1 or mogadan$1 or mogadon$1 or nelbon$1 or nirven$1 or nitra zepam or nitrados or nitravet or nitrazadon$1 or nitrazep or nitrodiazepam or novanox or pacisyn or radedorm$1 or remnos or restorem$1 or sedamon$1 or serenade or somnased$1 or somnibel$1 n or somnit$1).ti,ab.
  62. (oxazepam or abboxapam or adumbran$1 or alopam or anxiolit$1 or azutranquil$1 or durazepam or expidet$1 or hilong or isodin$1 or linbial$1 or noctazepam or oxapuren$1 or oxepam or praxiten$1 or serax or serenid$1 or serepax or seresta or serpax or sigacalm$1 or sobril$1 or tazepam$1 or uskan).ti,ab.
  63. (prazepam or centrax or demetrin$1 or lysanxia or mono demetrin$1 or monodemetrin$1 or reapam or sedapran$1 or verstran).ti,ab.
  64. (temazepam or apo temazepam or dasuen or euhypnos or hydroxydiazepam or levanxol$1 or methyloxazepam or nocturne$1 or norkotral tema or normison$1 or normitab or nortem or oxydiazepam or planum or pronervon t or remestan$1 or restoril$1 or signopam or temaz$1 or temazep von ct or temazepax or temtabs or tenox or texapam).ti,ab.
  65. or/44-64
  66. exp antidepressive agents, tricyclic/ or (tca$1 or tricyclic$).ti,ab.
  67. (amitriptyl$1 or amitryptil$1 or amitryptin$1 or amitryptylin$1 or amytriptil$1 or amytriptyl$1 or amytryptil$1 or adepress or adepril$1 or ambivalon$1 or amineurin$1 or amitid$1 or amitril$1 or amitrip or amitrol$1 or anapsique or antitriptylin$1 or apoamitriptylin$1 or damilen$1 or damylen$1 or domical$1 or elatrol$1 or elavil$1 or endep or enovil$1 or etafon$1 or etafron$1 or euplit$1 or lantron$1 or laroxal$1 or laroxyl$1 or lentizol$1 or novoprotect or proheptadien$1 or redomex or sarboten retard 75 or saroten$1 or sarotex or stelminal$1 or sylvemid$1 or syneudon$1 or teperin$1 or terepin$1 or triptafen$1 or triptanol$1 or triptizol$1 or triptyl or triptylin$1 or tryptanol$1 or tryptin$1 or tryptizol$1).ti,ab.
  68. (chlomipramin$1 or chlorimipramin$1 or chloroimipramin$1 or clomipramin$1 or anafranil$1 or anafranilin$1 or anafranyl or domipramin$1 or hydiphen$1 or monochlor imipramin$1 or monochlorimipramin$1 or monochloroimipramin$1).ti,ab.
  69. (dothiepin$1 or dosulepin$1 or altapin$1 or depresym$1 or dopress or dothep or idom or prothiaden$1 or prothiadien$1 or prothiadin$1 or protiaden$1 or thaden).ti,ab.
  70. (doxepin$1 or adapin$1 or apodoxepin$1 or aponal$1 or co dox or curatin$1 or deptran$1 or desidox or doneurin$1 or doxepia or espadox or mareen or prudoxin$1 or quitaxon$1 or silenor or sinepin or sinequan$1 or sinquan$1 or xepin$1 or zonalon$1).ti,ab.
  71. (imipramin$1 or antideprin$1 or berkomin$1 or chrytemin$1 or deprimin or deprinol$1 or depsonil or dynaprin or eupramin or ia pram or imavate or imidobenzyl$1 or imidol$1 or imipramid$1 or imipramil or imiprex or imiprin$1 or imizin$1 or irmin or janimin$1 or melipramin$1 or norchlorimipramin$1 or norpramin$1 or novopramin$1 or presamin$1 or pryleugan$1 or psychoforin$1 or psychoforin$1 or servipramin$1 or sk pramin$1 or surplix or tofranil$1 or trofanil$1).ti,ab.
  72. (lofepramin$1 or lopramin$1 or amplit$1 or deftan$1 or feprapax or gamanil$1 or gamonil$1 or lomont or lopramin$1 or tymelyt).ti,ab.
  73. (mianserin$1 or athymil$1 or bolvidon$1 or investig or lantanon$1 or lanthanon$1 or lerivon$1 or miaxan$1 or norval or serelan$1 or tetramid$1 or tolvin$1 or tolvon$1).ti,ab.
  74. (nortriptylin$1 or acetexa or allegron$1 or altilev or atilev or avantyl or aventyl or desitriptylin$1 or desmethylamitriptylin$1 or martimil$1 or noramitriptylin$1 or norfenazin$1 or noritren$1 or norpress or nortrilen$1 or nortryptilin$1 or nortryptylin$1 or pamelor or paxtibi or propylamin$1 or psychostyl or sens?val).ti,ab.
  75. opipramol/or (opipramol$1 or dinsidon$1 or ensidon$1 or eusidon$1 or insidon$1 or nisidan$1 or oprimol or pramolan$1).ti,ab.
  76. (trazodon$1 or beneficat or deprax or desirel or desyrel$1 or molipaxin$1 or pesyrel$1 or rpragazon$1 or pragmarel$1 or pragmazon$1 or thombran$1 or thrombin$1 or thrombran$1 or tombran$1 or trasodon$1 or trazolan$1 or trazorel or trazon$1 or trialodine or trittico).ti,ab.
  77. (trimepramin$1 or trimeprimin$1 or trimepropimin$1 or trimidura or trimineurin$1 maleate or trimipramin$1 or trimoprimin$1 or eldoral$1 or herphonal$1 or trimineurin$1 or novo tripramin$1 or novotripramin$1 or nutrimipramin$1 or rhotrimin$1 or stangyl or surmontil$1 or apo trimip or apotrimip or herphonal$1 or stangyl or surmontil$1).ti,ab.
  78. exp serotonin uptake inhibitors/ or (((serotonin or 5 ht or 5 hydroxytryptamine) adj (uptake or reuptake or re uptake) adj inhibit$) or ssri$).ti,ab.
  79. (citalopram or celexa or cipramil$1 or cytalopram or elopram or escitalopram or lexapro or nitalapram or sepram or seropram).ti,ab.
  80. (escitalopram or cipralex or lexapro or seroplex).ti,ab.
  81. (fluoxetin$1 or fluctin$1 or flunirin$1 or fluoxifar or prosac or prozac or prozamin or sarafem or symbyax).ti,ab.
  82. (fluvoxamin$1 or depromel$1 or desiflu or dumirox or faverin$1 or fevarin$1 or floxyfral$1 or fluoxamin$1 or fluroxamin$1 or fluvoxadura or luvox).ti,ab.
  83. (nefazadon$1 or dutonin or nefadar or reseril$1 or serzon$1).ti,ab.
  84. (paroxetin$1 or aropax or deroxat or motivan$1 or paxil or pexeva or seroxat or tagonis).ti,ab.
  85. (sertralin$1 or altrulin$1 or aremis or besitran$1 or gladem or lustral$1 or naphthylamin$1 or sealdin$1 or serad or serlain$1 or tresleen or zoloft).ti,ab.
  86. or/66-85
  87. or/1-86
  88. (ae or ct or po or to).fs.
  89. exp abnormalities, drug induced/ or exp adverse drug reaction reporting systems/ or exp death/ or exp drug hypersensitivity/ or exp drug-induced liver injury / or drug interactions/ or exp intraoperative complications/ or drug monitoring/ or exp drug tolerance/ or overdose/ or exp poisoning/ or exp postoperative complications/ or exp product surveillance, postmarketing/ or respiration depression/ or risk/ or risk assessment/ or risk factors/ or exp toxemia/
  90. (causa$ or ((adverse or negativ$ or side or undesir$ or unwanted) adj2 (effect$ or event$ or outcome$ or reaction$)) or death$ or discontinuation effect$ or (caution$ or complication$ or contraindicat$ or contra indicat$ or harm$ or hazard$ or interaction$1 or intolerab$ or lethal$ or noxious$ or overdos$ or safety or safe or tolerab$ or toxic$ or warning$) or (treatment emergent or adrs)).ti,ab.
  91. or/88-90
  92. 87 and 91

Search filters

a. Health economics and quality of life search filter – an adaptation of a filter designed by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (2007)

MEDLINE – Ovid SP interface

  1. budgets/ or capital expenditures/ or cost allocation/ or cost benefit analysis/ or cost control/ or “cost of illness”/or cost savings/ or cost sharing/ or cost-benefit analysis/ or “costs and cost analysis”/ or “deductibles and coinsurance”/ or direct service costs/ or drug costs/ or economics/ or economics, hospital/ or economics, medical/ or economics, nursing/ or economics, pharmaceutical/ or employer health costs/ or “fees and charges”/ or financial management/ or financial management, hospital/ or health care costs/ or health care rationing/ or health expenditures/ or health priorities/ or health resources/ or “health services needs and demand”/ or hospital costs/ or medical savings accounts/ or models, econometric/or models, economic/ or quality-adjusted life years/ or “quality of life”/ or resource allocation/ or “value of life”/
  2. (budget$ or cost$ or econom$ or expenditure$ or financ$ or fiscal or funding or pharmacoeconomic$ or socioeconomic$ or price or prices or pricing or (value adj3 money) or (burden adj3 (disease$ or illness$))).ti,ab.
  3. (daly or qol or hql or hqol or hrqol or hr ql or hrql or (quality adj2 life) or (adjusted adj2 life) or qaly$ or (health adj2 stat$) or well being or wellbeing or qald$ or qale$ or qtime$ or eq5d or eq 5d or qwb or ((quality or value$) adj3 (life or survival or well$)) or hui$1 or (utilit$ adj1 (health or score$ or weigh$)) or (life adj2 year$) or health year equivalent$ or ((disability or quality) adj adjusted) or utility value$ or (weight$ adj3 preference$) or euroqol or euro qol or visual analog$ or standard gamble or time trade or qtwist or q twist or (valu$ adj2 quality)).tw.
  4. decision trees/
  5. (decision analy$ or monte carlo or markov or simulation model$ or rosser or disutili$ or willingness to pay or tto or hye or hyes or (resource adj (allocat$ or use$ or utilit$))).tw.
  6. (sf36 or sf 36 or short form 36 or shortform 36 or sf thirtysix or sf thirty six or shortform thirtysix or shortform thirty six or short form thirtysix or short form thirty six).tw.
  7. (sf6 or sf 6 or short form 6 or shortform 6 or sf six or sfsix or shortform six or short form six).tw.
  8. (sf12 or sf 12 or short form 12 or shortform 12 or sf twelve or sftwelve or shortform twelve or short form twelve).tw.
  9. (sf16 or sf 16 or short form 16 or shortform 16 or sf sixteen or sfsixteen or shortform sixteen or short form sixteen).tw.
  10. (sf20 or sf 20 or short form 20 or shortform 20 or sf twenty or sftwenty or shortform twenty or short form twenty).tw.
  11. ec.fs. [ANDed with subject heading searches for the main population/topic]
  12. or/1-11
Copyright © 2012, The British Psychological Society & The Royal College of Psychiatrists.

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Bookshelf ID: NBK126783


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