L.1.4.2 Gowns and aprons

Ref IdReason for exclusion
Bischoff 200440Lab study investigating whether they are contaminated when wearing different outfits. The outfits do not include either gowns or aprons
Chiang 200871Focus on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and use of PPE (not only aprons and gowns, but also masks and gloves)
Huntley 1998200Previous guideline ref. Does not answer our review question. Microbiological sampling of long sleeved scrub jackets worn during routine dental hygiene procedures.
Ishihama 2008205No control. Aim was to evaluate incidence of blood exposure during oral surgery, when HCW wore gown and visor.
Morgan 2010309Does not answer our review question. Focus on colonisation of PPE with multi drug resistant organisms. Samples gloves/gowns hands for contamination. No comparison of with/without gowns/aprons.
Orji 2003340Just looks at whether gowns became infected with microorganisms during work rather than whether gowns had a protective effect. No comparison
Perry 2001360Previous guideline ref. Does not answer our review question. Microbiological sampling of uniforms before and after duty.
Safdar 2006417MRSA outbreaks. Intervention is enhanced pre- emptive barrier precautions (microbiological surveillance and full barrier precautions; gowns and gloves). Mixed intervention
Wilson 2007506Does not answer our review question. Focus on laundering uniforms and HCAI adherence to different types of fabric.

From: Appendix L, Excluded studies

Cover of Infection: Prevention and Control of Healthcare-Associated Infections in Primary and Community Care
Infection: Prevention and Control of Healthcare-Associated Infections in Primary and Community Care: Partial Update of NICE Clinical Guideline 2.
NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 139.
National Clinical Guideline Centre (UK).
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