Table 62Acetic acid vs. saline washout (twice a week) – Clinical study characteristics

OutcomeNumber of studiesDesignLimitationsInconsistencyIndirectnessImprecision
Symptomatic UTI2691RCTSerious limitations(a, b)No serious inconsistencyNo serious indirectnessSerious imprecision(c)
Adverse effects2691RCTSerious limitations (a, b)No serious inconsistencyNo serious indirectnessSerious imprecision(c)
Encrustations and blockages0RCT
Patient preference and comfort0RCT
Encrustations and blockages0RCT

Randomised non-controlled trial. Sequence generation not clear and allocation concealment not reported.


Blinding not clear.


Wide confidence intervals crossing MID. This makes it difficult to know the true effect size for this outcome.

From: 10, Long term urinary catheters

Cover of Infection: Prevention and Control of Healthcare-Associated Infections in Primary and Community Care
Infection: Prevention and Control of Healthcare-Associated Infections in Primary and Community Care: Partial Update of NICE Clinical Guideline 2.
NICE Clinical Guidelines, No. 139.
National Clinical Guideline Centre (UK).
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