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Accession: PRJNA232649 ID: 232649

Danio rerio (zebrafish)

Identification of small ORFs in vertebrates using ribosome footprinting and evolutionary conservation

See Genome Information for Danio rerio
Identification of the coding elements in the genome is a fundamental step to understanding the building blocks of living systems. Short peptides (< 100 aa) have emerged as important regulators of development and physiology, but their identification has been limited by their size. We have leveraged the periodicity of ribosome movement on the mRNA to define actively translated ORFs by ribosome footprinting. This approach identifies several hundred translated small ORFs in zebrafish and human. Computational prediction of small ORFs from codon conservation patterns corroborates and extends these findings and identifies conserved sequences in zebrafish and human, suggesting functional peptide products (micropeptides). These results identify micropeptideā€encoding genes in vertebrates, providing an entry point to define their function in vivo. Overall design: Ribosome profiling experiments at five timepoints across zebrafish development in WT embryos
AccessionPRJNA232649; GEO: GSE53693
Data TypeTranscriptome or Gene expression
OrganismDanio rerio[Taxonomy ID: 7955]
Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Ostariophysi; Cypriniformes; Danionidae; Danioninae; Danio; Danio rerio
  • Johnstone TG et al., "Upstream ORFs are prevalent translational repressors in vertebrates.", EMBO J, 2016 Apr 1;35(7):706-23
  • Bazzini AA et al., "Identification of small ORFs in vertebrates using ribosome footprinting and evolutionary conservation.", EMBO J, 2014 May 2;33(9):981-93
SubmissionRegistration date: 27-Dec-2013
Giraldez Lab, Genetics, Yale University
RelevanceModel Organism
Project Data:
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Sequence data
SRA Experiments30
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GEO DataSets1
GEO Data Details
Data volume, Supplementary Mbytes26
SRA Data Details
Data volume, Gbases182
Data volume, Tbytes0.12

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  • Danio rerio
    Danio rerio
    Identification of small ORFs in vertebrates using ribosome footprinting and evolutionary conservation

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