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Accession: PRJEB49951 ID: 1018058

Cylindrotheca closterium, reference genome sequencing

Genomics data produced to generate a first reference draft of the Cylindrotheca closterium diatom species.

A reference genome for the meroplanktonic diatom Cylindrotheca closterium. Data was generated using both Illumina short reads (MiSeq, 250bp PE) as Nanopore long read (MinION) sequencing. Genome was assembled using a combination of canu and Spades.
Data TypeGenome sequencing and assembly
PublicationsAudoor S et al., "Transcriptional chronology reveals conserved genes involved in pennate diatom sexual reproduction.", Mol Ecol, 2024 Apr;33(8):e17320
SubmissionRegistration date: 16-Sep-2023
Universiteit Gent
Locus Tag PrefixCYCCA115
Project Data:
Resource NameNumber
of Links
Sequence data
Nucleotide (total)2181
WGS master1
SRA Experiments4
Protein Sequences24585
Other datasets
SRA Data Details
Data volume, Gbases24
Data volume, Mbytes16685

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