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Model Maker

Virus Reference

Release of the
1,000th Virus
Reference Genome

New MapViewer

Other Genomic

Mouse Genome

New Genomes
in GenBank



Trace Archive


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Barbara Rapp
Leaves NCBI


MapViewer Displays New Maps and
Annotation Tracks

Other Genomic MapViews

Several large eukaryotic genomes now have their own MapViewer displays. These include displays for the rat genome, which debuts with three linked maps: two genetic and one radiation-hybrid map. Also available are MapViewers for Arabidopsis, rice, yeast, zebra fish, fruit fly, and mouse. Access these from the Genomic Biology page, via the NCBI home page, or through Entrez Genomes.

The Human Genome MapViewer has been enhanced with new displays and color-schemes that show additional data used by NCBI in annotating its latest build of the human genome. Some existing maps have also been revised. Several of the principal maps are described below.

The “Components” map shows the GenBank sequences that were used to construct NCBI’s human genomic contigs, while the “GenBank” map shows alignments of other human genomic sequences from GenBank that were not used in the construction of the assembly. Gene Models predicted within the assembly using GenomeScan show up on the “GenomeScan” track. Dark brown models are those with BLAST hits to known vertebrate proteins; the remainder of the GenomeScan models are drawn in light brown. The Gene_Sequence map shows gene models that are color-coded by type of supporting evidence. Blue models are based on mRNA alignments to the genomic contigs with possible EST support, and are termed “Confirmed” models. Green models are based only on EST alignments. Dark brown lines indicate EST-supported GenomeScan models, while light brown lines indicate GenomeScan models lacking EST support. Orange-colored lines flag models in which a conflict exists between the model and an aligned mRNA.

When the Gene_Sequence map is made the master, two new links appear next to the familiar links to the SequenceViewer (sv), the EvidenceViewer (ev), and the Human/Mouse Homology Map (hm); these are the “seq” link and the “mm” link. The “seq” link is used to download the complete sequence for a gene model including a vari-able amount of 5' and 3' flanking sequence. The “mm” link invokes
the Model Maker, a new tool for the construction of model transcripts. An article on the Model Maker appears on page 1 of this issue.

Transcript models produced by alignments of mRNA to the human genome are shown on the “Transcript” map while the “UniGene_ Human” and “UniGene_mouse” maps show the alignment of mRNA and EST sequences from UniGene clusters to the human genome assembly. SAGE tag mappings are shown on a new “SAGE_tag” track.


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