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Taxonomy browser (Komagataeibacter xylinus)

Komagataeibacter xylinus

Taxonomy ID: 28448 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid28448)
current name
Komagataeibacter xylinus (Brown 1886) Yamada et al. 2013 in [Validation List No. 149 (2013)]
type strain of Komagataeibacter xylinus: CIP:103107, DSM:6513, NCIMB:11664, BCCM/LMG:1515, NBRC:15237, JCM:7644, IFO:15237
homotypic synonym:
"Bacterium xylinum" Brown 1886, effective name 1)
"Bacillus xylinus" (Brown 1886) Trevisan 1889, effective name 2)
"Acetobacterium xylinum" (Brown 1886) Ludwig 1898, effective name 3)
"Acetobacter xylinum" (sic) (Brown 1886) Bergey et al. 1925, effective name 4)
"Gluconobacter xylinus" Yamanaka et al. 2000, effective name 5)
"Komagatabacter xylinus" (Brown 1886) Yamada et al. 2012, effective name 6)
Acetobacter aceti subsp. xylinus corrig. (Brown 1886) De Ley and Frateur 1974 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Gillis et al. 1983, nom. approb. 7)
Acetobacter aceti subsp. xylinus corrig. (Brown 1886) De Ley and Frateur 1974 (Approved Lists 1980) emend. Judicial Commission 1985, nom. approb. 8)
Acetobacter xylinus corrig. (Brown 1886) Yamada 1984 in [Validation List No. 64 (1998)]
Gluconacetobacter xylinus (Brown 1886) Yamada et al. 1998 in [Validation List No. 64 (1998)]
Acetobacter aceti subsp. xylinum
Acetobacter aceti xylinum
Acetobacter xylinus subsp. xylinus corrig. (Brown 1886) Yamada 1984
Gluconacetobacter sp. DSM 46604
Gluconacetobacter sp. De Ley 2
Gluconacetobacter sp. LMG 25
Gluconacetobacter xylinus subsp. sucrofermentans
Gluconacetobacter xylinus subsp. xylinus
NCBI BLAST name: a-proteobacteria
Rank: species
Genetic code: Translation table 11 (Bacterial, Archaeal and Plant Plastid)
Other names:
heterotypic synonym
Sorbose bacterium
heterotypic synonym
"Bacterium acidi oxalici" Banning 1902, effective name 9)
heterotypic synonym
"Bacterium xylinoides" Henneberg 1906, effective name 10)
heterotypic synonym
"Bacillus xylinoides" (Henneberg 1906) Mace 1913, effective name 11)
heterotypic synonym
"Acetobacter xylinoides" (Henneberg 1906) Shimwell 1948, effective name 12)
heterotypic synonym
"Acetobacter xylinum var. maltovorans" (sic) Frateur 1950, effective name 13)
heterotypic synonym
"Acetobacter xylinum var. xylinoides" (sic) (Henneberg 1906) Frateur 1950, effective name 14)
heterotypic synonym
"Acetobacter bordeaux" (sic) Janke 1957, effective name 15)
heterotypic synonym
"Acetobacter xylinum var. africanum" (sic) Kulka et al. 1958, effective name 16)
Lineage( full )
cellular organisms; Bacteria; Pseudomonadati; Pseudomonadota; Alphaproteobacteria; Acetobacterales; Acetobacteraceae; Komagataeibacter
   Entrez records   
Database name Subtree links Direct links Links from type
Nucleotide 3,413 1,512 1,871
Protein 45,734 34,980 -
Structure 5 5 -
GEO Datasets 29 29 -
PubMed Central 1,516 1,516 -
Gene 14,989 7,516 -
SRA Experiments 46 46 -
Protein Clusters 14 14 -
Identical Protein Groups 27,927 23,683 -
BioProject 23 19 -
BioSample 71 66 4
Datasets Genome 12 8 -
Taxonomy 4 1 -


Comments and References:

Validation List No. 149 (2013)
Validation List No. 149: "List of new names and new combinations previously effectively, but not validly, published." Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. (2013) 63(1):1-5.
Validation List No. 64 (1998)
VALIDATION LIST No. 64. Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. (1998) 48(1):327-328.
Bergey DH et al. (1925)
Bergey, D.H., Harrison, F.C., Breed, R.S., Hammer B.W., and Huntoon, F.M. Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, 2nd ed. (1925) The Williams and Wilkins Co., Baltimore, pp. 1-462. [No PubMed record available.]
Brown AJ (1886)
Brown, A.J. "On an acetic ferment which forms cellulose." J. Chem. Soc. (London) (1886) 49:432-439. [No PubMed record available.]
De Ley J & Frateur J (1974)
De Ley, J., and Frateur, J. "Genus Acetobacter Beijerinck 1898, 215." In: R.E. Buchanan and N.E. Gibbons (eds.), Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology, eighth edition, The Williams & Wilkins Co., Baltimore (1974), pp. 276-278. [No PubMed record available.]
Euzeby JP (1997)
Euzeby, J.P. "Corrigenda to the Approved Lists of Bacterial Names and to the amended edition of the Approved Lists of Bacterial Names." Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. (1997) 47:1271-1272. [No PubMed record available.]
Euzeby JP (1997b) (reference relating to orthographic change)
Euzeby, J.P. "Revised nomenclature of specific or subspecific epithets that do not agree in gender with generic names that end in -bacter." Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. (1997) 47:585. [No PubMed record available.]
Euzeby JP & Kudo T (2001)
Euzeby, J.P., and Kudo, T. "Corrigenda to the Validation Lists." Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. (2001) 51(5):1933-1938.
Frateur J (1950)
Frateur, J. "Essai sur la systematique des acetobacters." Cellule (1950) 53:287-392. [No PubMed record available.]
Gillis M et al. (1983)
Gillis, M., Kersters, K., Gossele, F., Swings, J., De Ley, J., MacKenzi, A.R., and Bousfield, I.J. "Rediscovery of Bertrand's sorbose bacterium (Acetobacter aceti subsp. xylinum): proposal to designate NCIB 11664 in place of NCIB 4112 (ATCC 23767) as thetype strain of Acetobacter aceti subsp. xylinum. Request for an opinion." Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. (1983) 33:122-124. [No PubMed record available.]
Henneberg W (1906)
Henneberg, W. "Zur Kenntniss der Schnellessig und Weinessigbakterien." Deutsche Essigindustrie (1906) 10:106-108. [No PubMed record available.]
JUDICIAL OPINION 59: "Designation of NCIB 11664 in place of ATCC 23767 (NCIB 4112) as the type strain of Acetobacter aceti subsp. xylinum (Brown 1886) De Ley and Frateur 1974." Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. (1985) 35:539. [No PubMed record available.]
Skerman VBD et al. (1980) (Acetobacter aceti subsp. xylinus)
Skerman, V.B.D., McGowan, V., and Sneath, P.H.A. (editors): "Approved lists of bacterial names." Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. (1980) 30:225-420.
Tanaka M et al. (2000)
Tanaka, M., Murakami, S., Shinke, R., and Aoki, K."Genetic characteristics of cellulose-forming acetic acid bacteria identified phenotypically as Gluconacetobacter xylinus." Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. (2000) 64:757-760. (Note: Strains of Gluconacetobacter xylinus are shown to be genetically homogenous, in disagreement with the proposal of Gluconacetobacter subspp. by Toyosaki et al. (1995).)
Trevisan V (1889)
Trevisan, V. I generie e le specie della Batteriacee. (1889) Zanaboni and Gabuzzi, Milan, pp. 1-35. [No PubMed record available.]
Wayne LG (1986)
Wayne, L.G. "Actions of the Judicial Commission of the International Committee on Systematic Bacteriology on requests for opinions published in1983 and 1984." Int. J. Syst. Bacteriol. (1986) 36:357-358. [No PubMed record available.]
Yamada Y (1983)
Yamada, Y. "Acetobacter xylinus sp. nov., nom. rev., for the cellulose-forming and cellulose-less acetate-oxidising acetic acid bacteria with the Q-10 system." J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol. (1983) 29:417-420. [No PubMed record available.]
Yamada Y et al. (1997)
Yamada, Y., Hoshino, K., and Ishikawa, T. "The phylogeny of acetic acid bacteria based on the partial sequences of 16S ribosomal RNA: the elevation of the subgenus Gluconoacetobacter to the generic level." Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. (1997) 61(8):1244-1251.
Yamada Y et al. (2012)
Yamada, Y., Yukphan, P., Vu, H.T L., Muramatsu, Y., Ochaikul, D., and Nakagawa, Y. "Subdivision of the genus Gluconacetobacter Yamada, Hoshino and Ishikawa 1998: The proposal of Komagatabacter gen. nov., for strains accommodated to the Gluconacetobacter xylinus group in the [alpha]-Proteobacteria." Ann. Microbiol. (2012) 62:849-859. [No PubMed record available.]
Yamada Y et al. (2012b)
Yamada, Y., Yukphan, P., Lan Vu, H.T., Muramatsu, Y., Ochaikul, D., Tanasupawat, S., and Nakagawa, Y. "Description of Komagataeibacter gen. nov., with proposals of new combinations (Acetobacteraceae)." J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol. (2012) 58:397-404. [No abstract available.]
Yamanaka S et al. (2000)
Yamanaka, S., Ishihara, M., and Sugiyama, J. "Structural modification of bacterial cellulose." Cellulose (2000) 7:213-225. [No PubMed record available.]

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Gluconacetobacter xylinus corrig. (Brown 1886) Yamada et al. 1998 taxonomy/phylogenetic Encyclopedia of life
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Gluconacetobacter xylinus culture/stock collections Global Catalogue of Microorganisms
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Disclaimer: The NCBI taxonomy database is not an authoritative source for nomenclature or classification - please consult the relevant scientific literature for the most reliable information.

Reference: How to cite this resource - Schoch CL, et al. NCBI Taxonomy: a comprehensive update on curation, resources and tools. Database (Oxford). 2020: baaa062. PubMed: 32761142 PMC: PMC7408187.

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