3EE4: R2-like ligand binding Mn/Fe oxidase from M. tuberculosis

PDB ID: 3EE4Download
MMDB ID: 70680
PDB Deposition Date: 2008/9/4
Updated in MMDB: 2024/11
Experimental Method:
x-ray diffraction
Resolution: 1.9  Å
Source Organism:
Similar Structures:
Biological Unit for 3EE4: dimeric; determined by author and by software (PISA)
Molecular Components in 3EE4
Label Count Molecule
Proteins (2 molecules)
Probable Ribonucleoside-diphosphate Reductase
Molecule annotation
Chemicals and Non-standard biopolymers (6 molecules)
MYRISTIC ACID (Link to PubChem not yet available)MYRISTIC ACID
MANGANESE (III) ION (Link to PubChem not yet available)MANGANESE (III) ION
FE (III) ION (Link to PubChem not yet available)FE (III) ION
* Click molecule labels to explore molecular sequence information.

Citing MMDB