
Conserved Protein Domain Family

pfam00571: CBS (484445 is an unknown moldel)
CBS domain
CBS domains are small intracellular modules that pair together to form a stable globular domain. This family represents a single CBS domain. Pairs of these domains have been termed a Bateman domain. CBS domains have been shown to bind ligands with an adenosyl group such as AMP, ATP and S-AdoMet. CBS domains are found attached to a wide range of other protein domains suggesting that CBS domains may play a regulatory role making proteins sensitive to adenosyl carrying ligands. The region containing the CBS domains in Cystathionine-beta synthase is involved in regulation by S-AdoMet. CBS domain pairs from AMPK bind AMP or ATP. The CBS domains from IMPDH and the chloride channel CLC2 bind ATP.
PSSM-Id: 484445
Aligned: 838 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 26.0261
Created: 21-Aug-2024
Updated: 4-Dec-2024
Aligned Rows:
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Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
1PBJ_A        67 VW-EVxerdlVTISPRAT-IKEAAEKxV--KNvvW-RL--LVe--EDD-E-II-GVISATDILRAKXA 122 Methanothermobacter thermau...
Q92YN7        72 VG-EImnrtvATCSTEDF-LPFVMSI-MteRR--TrHVl-VM----DG-NdAV-GVVSIGDVVKHRLE 127 Sinorhizobium meliloti
Q7VWX7       275 AAhAVnp-prLTLTMRSR-PAHALDR-MqaLS--YeYAp-VL----DGkR-LA-GVLMAAAAQQAVDE 330 Bordetella pertussis
P46920       281 AG-HImkr-aeTVRIDKG-PRVALTL-M--KNlgIsSIyaVd---KQK-K-LL-GVIYASDAKKAAES 336 Bacillus subtilis subsp. su...
Q8DU84       275 AQ-NImik-plTTAVETDgPQVALTR-M--HNeeV-SM--LMatnRRR-Q-LM-GSLSAEAAIEARRK 331 Streptococcus mutans
Q92D08       275 AS-NVmir-peIVNFEKDgPRVALKR-M--REagTsSVf-VVk--RNR-E-LV-GIVHAAEVSKLVKE 331 Listeria innocua
Q8A6X4       275 AS-SVmvdkpIVARLKKEgPEVLIRK-MreRN--L-TVlpVVd--SNN---LLvGEVRLNDLLKLRKE 332 Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
Q729Q1       275 AG-SVmkrseAVAVLGIDgPRTALRK-M--RRnaIaTLf-VLd--ERH-R-LV-GLITADDAARLAAE 332 Desulfovibrio vulgaris str....
Q8EMB3       276 AS-HImtkpnALVSMKDG-LNVAVRE-MkeNG--IsSVf-VV---ERGrH-IK-GIVTIDDAIKGIKE 332 Oceanobacillus iheyensis
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