Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd14448: CuRO_2_BOD_CotA_like 
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Cupredoxin domain 2 of Bilirubin oxidase (BOD), the bacterial endospore coat component CotA, and similar proteins
Bilirubin oxidase (BOD) catalyzes the oxidation of bilirubin to biliverdin and the four-electron reduction of molecular oxygen to water. CotA protein is an abundant component of the outer coat layer in bacterial endospore coat and is required for spore resistance against hydrogen peroxide and UV light. Also included in this subfamily are phenoxazinone synthase (PHS), which catalyzes the oxidative coupling of substituted o-aminophenols to produce phenoxazinones, and FtsP (also named SufI), which is a component of the cell division apparatus. These proteins are laccase-like multicopper oxidases (MCOs) that are able to couple oxidation of substrates with reduction of dioxygen to water. MCOs are capable of oxidizing a vast range of substrates, varying from aromatic compounds to inorganic compounds such as metals. Although the members of this family have diverse functions, majority of them have three cupredoxin domain repeats. The copper ions are bound in several sites: Type 1, Type 2, and/or Type 3. The ensemble of types 2 and 3 copper is called a trinuclear cluster. MCOs oxidize their substrate by accepting electrons at a mononuclear copper center and transferring them to the active site trinuclear copper center. The cupredoxin domain 2 of 3-domain MCOs has lost the ability to bind copper.
PSSM-Id: 259990
Aligned: 16 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 164.014
Created: 17-Jul-2013
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Domain 3Domain 1
Conserved site includes 20 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:Domain 3 interface [polypeptide binding site]
  • Structure:3ABG; Myrothecium verrucaria Bilirubin Oxidase cupredoxin domains 2 and 3 interface, contacts at 4A.
  • Structure:2UXT: Escherichia coli SufI cupredoxin domains 2 and 3 interface; contacts at 4A.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                                                                    # # 
3AW5_A       139 DLPLVISDRRFiggapvyn----------------ptpmemiaGFLGNAVLVNGVKDAVFKLSggSYRLRLVNGSnARLY 202  Pyrobaculum ae...
2UXT_A       154 DFPVIIQDKRLdnfgtpe------------------ynepgsgGFVGDTLLVNGVQSPYVEVSrgWVRLRLLNASnSRRY 215  Escherichia coli
3ABG_A       173 DIPMILTSKQYtangnlv------------------ttngelnSFWGDVIHVNGQPWPFKNVEprKYRFRFLDAAvSRSF 234  Myrothecium ve...
1PF3_A       152 DVPVIVQDKKFsadgqidyq---------------ldvmtaavGWFGDTLLTNGAIYPQHAAPrgWLRLRLLNGCnARSL 216  Escherichia coli
1GSK_A       190 DVPLLITDRTInedgslfypsape------npspslpnpsivpAFCGETILVNGKVWPYLEVEprKYRFRVINASnTRTY 263  Bacillus subtilis
3GYR_A       208 EIPLLIADRNLdtdedgrlngrllhktvivqqsnpetgkpvsiPFFGPYTTVNGRIWPYADVDdgWYRLRLVNASnARIY 287  Streptomyces a...
EGZ23865     213 DIPLVLTDRLInttgellysdd----------ncnagatewvpESFGNVNLVNGVIMPYVEVPpaQVRFRLINVAnARHY 282  Phytophthora s...
CCA25323     230 DYPLMLADRILdesgkllysqyq---------ceptantkwvpESFGTVNTVNGKVMPFLEVPprQIRFRFANIAnARHY 300  Albugo laibach...
CBA29868     214 DLPLVIQDKQFnaqgqlryq---------------pngqeammGWLGDVILANLTPNAALKVLprTYRLRILNGSnARIY 278  Curvibacter pu...
YP_005376689 247 DLPLLLADRLIgrdgslyypv------------sddpsapwvpECHGHAILCNGMLYPYLEVEpgAYRLRLGNVAnTSFF 314  Frateuria aura...
Feature 1                         ## #####  ### #         # ######                               
3AW5_A       203 MLSIVkkng--dvvPMRLIAVDQGFLaRPIEVRa------LFLAPAERAEVVVELg-----eGVYLLKNTpfdpmhlemg 269  Pyrobaculum ae...
2UXT_A       216 QLQMNdg------rPLHVISGDQGFLpAPVSVKq------LSLAPGERREILVDMsn----gDEVSITCGeaasivdrir 279  Escherichia coli
3ABG_A       235 GLYFAdtdaidtrlPFKVIASDSGLLeHPADTSl------LYISMAERYEVVFDFsdy--agKTIELRNLggsiggigt- 305  Myrothecium ve...
1PF3_A       217 NFATSdn------rPLYVIASDGGLLpEPVKVSe------LPVLMGERFEVLVEVnd----nKPFDLVTLpvsqmgma-- 278  Escherichia coli
1GSK_A       264 NLSLDng------gDFIQIGSDGGLLpRSVKLNs------FSLAPAERYDIIIDFtay--egESIILANSagcggdv--- 326  Bacillus subtilis
3GYR_A       288 NLVLIdeddrpvpgVVHQIGSDGGLLpRPVPVDfddtlpvLSAAPAERFDLLVDFral--ggRRLRLVDKgpgapagtp- 364  Streptomyces a...
EGZ23865     283 NITVPfe------dKCQIVATDSGFVhKPESFSd-----yLVLFPFERIEFVCDFtnd-tngTTYKLIDNetadqp---- 346  Phytophthora s...
CCA25323     301 NLSIPfy------kYCETIATDSGYVeNVLAMKa-----nLVLYPFERLEVVCDFtqitqeeVVYEVVDHqtavqd---- 365  Albugo laibach...
CBA29868     279 RLAFVkdk---erlGFTVIGTDGGLIeSPQSATe------AFVAPGERLDILFDAgqa-qagEEVFLKSLsfdpmenegd 348  Curvibacter pu...
YP_005376689 315 NLSLShg------lDMQQIGSDQGLLaAPLASRq------IELYPAERADVVIDFsal--agQAVELRHQg--------- 371  Frateuria aura...
Feature 1                                   
3AW5_A       270 hg-------mqealpegseyTIATFLV 289  Pyrobaculum aerophilum str. IM2
2UXT_A       280 g--------ffepssilvstLVLTLRP 298  Escherichia coli
3ABG_A       306 ------------dtdydntdKVMRFVV 320  Myrothecium verrucaria
1PF3_A       279 ------------iapfdkphPVMRIQP 293  Escherichia coli
1GSK_A       327 --------------npetdaNIMQFRV 339  Bacillus subtilis
3GYR_A       365 -----------dplggvrypEVMEFRV 380  Streptomyces antibioticus
EGZ23865     347 ---------------taydeRIMQIRV 358  Phytophthora sojae
CCA25323     366 ---------------thydsRAFQLRV 377  Albugo laibachii Nc14
CBA29868     349 agsmpgmgsstsrleigadfNILKLTV 375  Curvibacter putative symbiont of Hydra magnipapillata
YP_005376689 372 -------------------qAIMQFRV 379  Frateuria aurantia DSM 6220

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