
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd09124: PLDc_like_TrmB_middle 
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Middle phospholipase D-like domain of the transcriptional regulator TrmB and similar proteins
Middle phospholipase D (PLD)-like domain of the transcriptional regulator TrmB and similar proteins. TrmB acts as a bifunctional sugar-sensing transcriptional regulator which controls two operons encoding maltose/trehalose and maltodextrin ABC transporters of Pyrococcus fruiosus. It functions as a dimer. Full length TrmB includes an N-terminal DNA-binding domain, a C-terminal sugar-binding domain and middle region that has been named as a PLD-like domain. The middle domain displays homology to PLD enzymes, which contain one or two HKD motifs (H-x-K-x(4)-D, where x represents any amino acid residue) per chain. The HKD motif characterizes the PLD superfamily. Due to the lack of key residues related to PLD activity in the PLD-like domain, members of this subfamily are unlikely to carry PLD activity.
PSSM-Id: 197223
Aligned: 68 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 58.8768
Created: 24-Nov-2009
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
sugar bindingC-terminal
Conserved site includes 3 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:sugar binding site [chemical binding site]
  • Comment:The sugar binding site is located near the interface of the middle PLDc-like domain and the C-terminal sugar binding domain. Most residues involved in sugar binding are located at the C-terminal domain.
  • Structure:2F5T_X; Thermococcus litoralis Trmb binds maltose; contacts at 4A.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                                                                        
2F5T_X         1 AIWRSRSfDEAIEMFRESLysAKNEVIVVTPsEFFETIREDLiktlERGVTVSLYIDkipdls-----efkgkgNFFVRQ 75  Thermococcus li...
Q5V3X2         6 GLEIHRTqSAVIDAIQSLIdsAEESLTVAVPkSSLPEFVPQLsaaiERDVLVLLLVHgdatapt----payediATAVRT 81  Haloarcula mari...
YP_001541005 115 LLWVTRGiDNVIYNSASLIqeANSELYVSAPpVLLSRLLKYMss-iDPKVKAYILVYpslndell-nelkgiksVVEVKV 192 Caldivirga maqu...
Q5V3L3       111 AVSLVKSrPTILRYLEDIIetAEYELTLSLTpALLERFEDRLasrrQSGIAIEILISpgvdapdp-arfdyesiATTVKA 189 Haloarcula mari...
Q5UZY0       108 QFDVIKSrVTVIKRLTEYIrnAEREIMLSVPqQYLPEISEELgaavDRGVLVMLVVSsadnlrs----ddasglASVVRS 183 Haloarcula mari...
Q4J9M1       113 MMWMTKStENVLNNCISVItsAKNELYVEIPnNYLQKLISYIikvaESGVKTYLNIYpnvdeflv--nklleskVMEVKV 190 Sulfolobus acid...
O58509       111 YISYVRSlEGVLASAIETInsAEVEIRAELPyQIYKELSPYFvsalRRGINLYLLVYpttksfi---eladfknQIKVKT 187 Pyrococcus hori...
Q5V3K4       110 EVSIVKRfETVVSRARELIeaAENQIQVGVDpEQFYAVREELiaahDRGVNIKLSICtgagedvp-plsdiegtCTEARN 188 Haloarcula mari...
Q5V5G4       114 TFEVVKSrPTIVKRLEQHIeaADCEVILQIPaRRLPDIRDPLrrarERGILVLLTLSsydratm---eldlkeiANAVRI 190 Haloarcula mari...
Q9HKB6       119 ALINAKNiRSVINNSIDLIneTEKTLEIETTqELFAYIREPIlrkiREGCRVEILFFgtdvdlekvqnqftdldVDVRYV 198 Thermoplasma ac...
Feature 1                                                                     ##  #  
2F5T_X        76 Fy-kLNHLIGMTDgKEVVTIQNatf-------dsIGPPSFKSTYP----------EIIFSQYSLIIEI 125 Thermococcus litoralis
Q5V3X2        82 IesnITPLLVTADtQRGLTGHSgmlt-----dsiAEYQATKFDNK----------NLAHDQFTMFLGS 134 Haloarcula marismortui
YP_001541005 193 Nr--LGPFYFISPnAESCVFASsrvs----llrePETYGYVFRDR----------TMTLQFIHGFFDT 244 Caldivirga maquilingensis I...
Q5V3L3       190 RrgiTTPVVAVADgNYSMYATResv------rgdTDRYGVIFNRSe--------lGFLVSGFLNTVLW 243 Haloarcula marismortui
Q5UZY0       184 Wd-qPMPIMLTVDaQFGLVSPA------------EMVTRTNSDQRaiafvqqqlvPVLSGSFLGNYWL 238 Haloarcula marismortui
Q4J9M1       191 Hs-lGHFFLVSADaEESVFMPRvmsl-----stnPNIYSYVFRDSt--------mSLFFIHYYFEGWR 244 Sulfolobus acidocaldarius
O58509       188 Se-lGNFLLIISDlHRAVYSKRrfftihklpiseNEVYGYIIHEKd--------lLLRLLNIHNNLWV 246 Pyrococcus horikoshii
Q5V3K4       189 Re-iPAPFFVLVDrTWTCFAPHhd---------sVNEYGVLVKDRth-------tYVFHWFFLTCLWE 239 Haloarcula marismortui
Q5V5G4       191 Gl-dGAPSLLATDqQRGFVSPStmls-----wdhDETNAITFTQEav-------aAVLVGSYLGNYWP 245 Haloarcula marismortui
Q9HKB6       199 Sp--GQFFTVISDeKNSVFMPRsvam-----ntdIERYGYVIRDKdm-------sWFITHNFFVGWYR 252 Thermoplasma acidophilum

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