Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd00880: Era_like 
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E. coli Ras-like protein (Era)-like GTPase
The Era (E. coli Ras-like protein)-like family includes several distinct subfamilies (TrmE/ThdF, FeoB, YihA (EngB), Era, and EngA/YfgK) that generally show sequence conservation in the region between the Walker A and B motifs (G1 and G3 box motifs), to the exclusion of other GTPases. TrmE is ubiquitous in bacteria and is a widespread mitochondrial protein in eukaryotes, but is absent from archaea. The yeast member of TrmE family, MSS1, is involved in mitochondrial translation; bacterial members are often present in translation-related operons. FeoB represents an unusual adaptation of GTPases for high-affinity iron (II) transport. YihA (EngB) family of GTPases is typified by the E. coli YihA, which is an essential protein involved in cell division control. Era is characterized by a distinct derivative of the KH domain (the pseudo-KH domain) which is located C-terminal to the GTPase domain. EngA and its orthologs are composed of two GTPase domains and, since the sequences of the two domains are more similar to each other than to other GTPases, it is likely that an ancient gene duplication, rather than a fusion of evolutionarily distinct GTPases, gave rise to this family.
PSSM-Id: 206646
Aligned: 68 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 102.709
Created: 7-Oct-2002
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
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Conserved site includes 11 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:GTP/Mg2+ binding site [chemical binding site]
  • Structure:1LNZ: Bacillus subtilis Obg binds guanosine-5',3'-tetraphosphate, a GTP analog and Mg2+, defined using 3.5 A contacts

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1             ######                                                                    
1LNZ_B      162 GLVGFPSVGKSTLLSVVssakpk-iadyhfTTLVPNLGXVEtdd--grSFVXADLPGLiegahqgvgl-----ghqflrh 233 Bacillus subtilis
NP_853175     8 VITGLASVGKSTLINKIanskvaiiskydqTTRNVIAHKIVhd---kiDYLLLDTPGFhksfnklslf----lnseikqa 80  Mycoplasma galli...
CAJ04710    156 AFLGPQNAGKTSLVNSMalsnvgavsnrygSTKDWTKAVATvh---etQLLLLDTPGIvprdtqrvrrkfasgtakayda 232 Leishmania major
2QTF_A      183 GIVGYTNSGKTSLFNSLtgltqk-vdtklfTTMSPKRYAIPin---nrKIMLVDTVGFirgippqivd----affvtlse 254 Sulfolobus solfa...
XP_820531    94 ALLGPQNSGKTSLLNALslshigavsnrsgSTKDWIKGVATvh---ntQLVLLDTPGVviinsdkdrrrhaapsarawda 170 Trypanosoma cruzi
NP_893561    52 GIYGKAGVGKSSILNLIlnknvfktgiingTTKNIEREEWNfkhqslrTIELIDAPGFdfcdikdp--------enifsq 123 Prochlorococcus ...
XP_828140    96 VIVGTQNSGKTSLLNALslshigavsnrsgVTREWTRGVATvh---ntQLVLLDTPGIvicngekdrrrhaapvartwda 172 Trypanosoma brucei
ZP_00515399 134 VIFGTGSAGKTSLVNALfgdivgdveatmgTTKIGETYSLKlkg-isrEILITDTPGIleagiegser-----etlarql 207 Crocosphaera wat...
NP_442850   133 VVFGTGSAGKTSLVNALlgqiqgevaptmgTTIAGEKYYLYldg-vsrDLEITDTPGIleagvrgter-----etaarql 206 Synechocystis sp...
YP_400726   130 VIFGTGSAGKTSLINALlgrivgkveatmgSTEEGQTYRLGlrg-vgrDILITDTPGIleagvagrlr-----eklarql 203 Synechococcus el...
Feature 1                                                       ## #                            
1LNZ_B      234 ieRTRVIVHVIDXsglegrdpyddyltinqelseynlrlterPQIIVANKXDxpeaaenlea-------fkekltddyPV 306 Bacillus subtilis
NP_853175    81 ykHAHACILIVDStkkptddfinl--------lkimksyemnDLIVIYSKIDliknedhinea----qqlinelfkvvKM 148 Mycoplasma galli...
CAJ04710    233 lfVSDLVVLALPVgvgfvekehkvva----tevvrraagrelPVVIAMTMMDkvqtpwhrelyfamrtdleslglptaAT 308 Leishmania major
2QTF_A      255 akYSDALILVIDStfsenllietlqs---sfeilreigvsgkPILVTLNKIDkingdlykkldlv-eklskelyspifDV 330 Sulfolobus solfa...
XP_820531   171 lmVTELVLLTIPAglgfvepeqkava----revvhraslrkmPVVLVITMMDkvqtpkhrel------yfsmrtdfesMC 240 Trypanosoma cruzi
NP_893561   124 inSSELILFTITGdinrnevsq-----------insfikngkKIILVFNKIDmweghdlkeilk--nirlklpqyikiPI 190 Prochlorococcus ...
XP_828140   173 ftVTDLVMLTLPAglgfvepeqktva----revvhraslrkmPVVLVITMMDrvqtprhrelyf---amrtdleslclPI 245 Trypanosoma brucei
ZP_00515399 208 atEADLLLFVVDNdlrqseynp-----------leilvnlgkRSLLIFNKIDlyteeeenqileq-lkervksiiaekDV 275 Crocosphaera wat...
NP_442850   207 atEADLLLFVVDNdlrqseyep-----------lqalakigkRSLLILNKTDlyppdevevllqt-lrqrvkafippeDV 274 Synechocystis sp...
YP_400726   204 avEADLLLFVVDNdlrrselep-----------cldlarigkRSLLIFNKADlyedrdreailar-lrerlkglippsDI 271 Synechococcus el...
Feature 1          ##                              
1LNZ_B      307 FPISAVtre-------------glRELLFEVANQL 328 Bacillus subtilis
NP_853175   149 IKANLLsdh-------------lnDQIDEGLEQLL 170 Mycoplasma gallisepticum R
CAJ04710    309 HEVSVKggs-------------glVELKDCLCQYA 330 Leishmania major
2QTF_A      331 IPISALkrt-------------nlELLRDKIYQLA 352 Sulfolobus solfataricus P2
XP_820531   241 LPIAAVhetsvk-------gcsglLELKDFLCRYA 268 Trypanosoma cruzi
NP_893561   191 IINSKNnirn-----------qlsELINNYGESLL 214 Prochlorococcus marinus subsp. pastoris str. CCMP1986
XP_828140   246 ACVSETsvkg----------gnglVELKDLLCRYA 270 Trypanosoma brucei
ZP_00515399 276 ISLSAKpqsitsqngkkvqplpniTPLIKRLAAIL 310 Crocosphaera watsonii WH 8501
NP_442850   275 LAIAARpqdvaiqpgllmrpepeiEPLVKRLVSVL 309 Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
YP_400726   272 LTAIASpqpvrlpdgsflqpepevTTLLKRMAAVL 306 Synechococcus elongatus PCC 7942

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