
Conserved Protein Domain Family

cd06093: PX_domain 
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The Phox Homology domain, a phosphoinositide binding module
The PX domain is a phosphoinositide (PI) binding module involved in targeting proteins to membranes. Proteins containing PX domains interact with PIs and have been implicated in highly diverse functions such as cell signaling, vesicular trafficking, protein sorting, lipid modification, cell polarity and division, activation of T and B cells, and cell survival. Many members of this superfamily bind phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate (PI3P) but in some cases, other PIs such as PI4P or PI(3,4)P2, among others, are the preferred substrates. In addition to protein-lipid interaction, the PX domain may also be involved in protein-protein interaction, as in the cases of p40phox, p47phox, and some sorting nexins (SNXs). The PX domain is conserved from yeast to humans and is found in more than 100 proteins. The majority of PX domain-containing proteins are SNXs, which play important roles in endosomal sorting.
PSSM-Id: 132768
Aligned: 206 rows
Threshold Bit Score: 35.4111
Created: 25-Apr-2007
Updated: 2-Oct-2020
Aligned Rows:
Conserved site includes 6 residues -Click on image for an interactive view with Cn3D
Feature 1:phosphoinositide binding site [chemical binding site]
  • Comment:A majority of PX domain containing proteins binds phosphatidylinositol-3-phosphate (PI3P) at this site. In some cases, other phosphoinositides, such as PI4P or PI(3,4)P2, are the preferred substrates.
  • Structure:1H6H_A; Human P40(phox) PX domain binds Phosphatidylinositol 3-Phosphate; defined at 3.5A contacts.
  • Structure:1OCU_A; Saccharomyces cerevisiae SNX3 PX domain binds Phosphatidylinositol-3-Phosphate; defined at 3.5A contacts.
  • Comment:Two basic residues are key in binding with phosphoinositides: one forms hydrogen bonds with the 3-phosphate of PI(3)P and another forms hydrogen bonds with the 4-and 5-hydroxyl groups of PI(3)P.

Sequence Alignment
Format: Row Display: Color Bits: Type Selection:
Feature 1                                                      ###                             ## 
1XTN_A          9 SVSIPSSDehre------kkkRFTVYKVLVSvgr----seWFVFRRYAEFDKLYNSLKKqfp-------amALKIPAKRi 71   house mouse
XP_002151610  912 SLFVEDATvrfilksgaqassDTTSVNGTTYa-------iTTCRRSFADFEHLAKCLAVehp------asyIPSISEARs 978  Penicillium m...
XP_446455     138 IINIEPIEngge------sgiDNIQFKIILHsgl---ttkSTVIRKLSDFYVLYRQLQSnnwgviipppplLCQLPDKVk 208  Candida glabr...
P32913        107 TLLAKVTGlerfgsatgkkenPTIIFDCSTNlptfrkqqyKNVKKSYEEFHQLFKYLNVaiq------esfVPTLPSAYt 180  baker's yeast
XP_504111     695 YCEILRSVia----------dGELCFVIKTRqdg----klSAVRRPYSDFVFLQKWLAHeqp------lswFPALMTPTn 754  Yarrowia lipo...
XP_765237       7 SVSVKKGKs------------HRFQYEINIAynd----wsWSRYRTFAEFEELQRDLEQnf--------cdVPSLPDIEf 62   Theileria par...
XP_001014297  923 DLKVVSFEqsek------fdkRTVVFNISFFdsk---gesMIIQRSYREFNDLYKYLSSkyr------qykFANFPKKQn 987  Tetrahymena t...
XP_001453967   77 TSTVVGYEkvqkg----ifmsTYVYFKIETKpi------nWVVRRTYEEFIALKNMLNKhy---------nVPNIPNQRk 137  Paramecium te...
XP_002139951    7 DVNVFDYYks----------gHSVVFKIKITdinr--kesWYISKSYKEFVQVDDFFRLr-----------YPSIPELPy 63   Cryptosporidi...
XP_001710120  581 YVRYLDYRkvfdr----fthtQVLMFIFAVSsqe---rklKCISKTYEDFHVLHKELVGafg------ysaVPGLPSFRs 647  Giardia lambl...
Feature 1                        #                             
1XTN_A         72 fgdn---fdpdFIKQRRAGLNEFIQNLVRYpelynhpdVRAFLQM 113  house mouse
XP_002151610  979 pfqihskpsraILHDMQGRLDQFLRILLTHptfathemLWEFFLM 1023 Penicillium marneffei ATCC 18224
XP_446455     209 p---------sITDTCRNQMQMMLEHILNNeylrndidFKCFLNS 244  Candida glabrata CBS 138
P32913        181 tfgi---nseeDRMKVTRNFQLWFNRLSQDpliirneeVAFFIES 222  baker's yeast
XP_504111     755 pfaiphrpsreILHAMHLRLNLFLRTLLLHptfsnhelLWEWLLV 799  Yarrowia lipolytica CLIB122
XP_765237      63 aagl---galeHLHNAVDYLDTFLKELFNRpdtrcsqhLLEFVDL 104  Theileria parva strain Muguga
XP_001014297  988 kaq----lssqELVDRTNQFNIYLQSVVTLikee-vnvINHFLSK 1027 Tetrahymena thermophila SB210
XP_001453967  138 sp------vefTYIKQLRHLQMFLNFVLLDqeirslpvIQDFLSL 176  Paramecium tetraurelia strain d4-2
XP_002139951   64 egwww-qhndqFYKYQLEELQAYMDSILKNdpgienmvLKYFLDL 107  Cryptosporidium muris RN66
XP_001710120  648 mnmg--ggrheVIHDTQKRLTKYLTEINNVqalrtsaiYRSFLKH 690  Giardia lamblia ATCC 50803

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